intoxication exactly how does it work in the game?
Posted 19 February 2005 - 11:04 AM
Posted 19 February 2005 - 12:15 PM
If I wanted XYZ to happen only when intoxicated how would you go about scripting it? I was trying to find some examples in the game and then try to figure out how to do it myself. But, alas I haven't been able to find any examples with NI. If it works like the original D&D was suposed to it would be tied into the character's Constitution stat. the higher the constituiton the more it took to get intoxicated. How does the game read it and determine at what point the PC/NCP is intoxicated?
Edited by JDH, 19 February 2005 - 12:15 PM.
#4 -Guest-
Posted 19 February 2005 - 12:27 PM
You would use CheckStat(GT|LT)(Object,IntoxAmount,INTOXICATION) to find out whether a character was drunk. So, for Player1, you could do something like CheckStatGT(Player1,49,INTOXICATION).
Posted 19 February 2005 - 01:05 PM
IntoxCon.2DA lists the modifiers for intoxication. The INTOXICATION_RATE column is how intoxicated a PC is after one drink (based on constitution). IntoxMod.2DA lists the effects for each level of intoxication (from 0-100). The "drunk" cut-off rate is 50 (so, a character with 4 constitution will be drunk after one drink, whereas a character with 15 constitution can have 5 drinks before getting drunk).
You would use CheckStat(GT|LT)(Object,IntoxAmount,INTOXICATION) to find out whether a character was drunk. So, for Player1, you could do something like CheckStatGT(Player1,49,INTOXICATION).
Thanks, I'm assuming it works the same for NPC's. Now that I, think I see how it works I'll have to try and do something with it., prehaps I'll make a NPC that will dog-slap your PC if they get to drunk. I was pidlin' around and saw intxoication as a stat but couldn't find and examples of how it was used.
Edited by JDH, 19 February 2005 - 01:06 PM.