Hurray! A rebuild of my system seems to have fixed this problem. IE was causing it (thank you Bill). Now to see if IETME still corrupts WED files.For some reason, zip files are corrupt when I download them. I have WinRAR 3.30, do I need to upgrade again?Meanwhile I updated this thingie. Sprayed a bug, and added the neccessary .2da files to the package, so ppl don't have to export them manually. If something is wrong with it, e-mail me (
Btw, SirBillyBob, did you check it out? Any comment on it?
PS: I won't be available until next weekend, have fun meanwhile.
And keep up good work Horred!

The New Face of BP
Posted 05 February 2005 - 11:50 AM
Tired of Bhaal? Try some classics mods instead:
Classic Adventures
Official Classic Adventures Website
Posted 05 February 2005 - 12:53 PM
Hurray! A rebuild of my system seems to have fixed this problem. IE was causing it (thank you Bill). Now to see if IETME still corrupts WED files.
*Tosses the lucky voodoo bones for SirBillyBob*
Posted 06 February 2005 - 10:34 AM
Posted 06 February 2005 - 02:43 PM
What are exactly your plans for the upcoming brand new Weidu BP 170?
What are you doing/have you done with older SoS, TDD, and TS string reference numbers?
It's VERY IMPORTANT for me ( for all translators, i presume) to know if your next BP will or will not overwrite the dialog.tlk when the TDD, TS and SoS Weidu versions are already packaged inside. (you know, when you reach last step of BP currently install procedure)
Because of Weidu and .tra's nature, I suppose the answer shall be "will not overwrite anything", but i want to hear it from you.
New versions of SoS, TS and TDD have discarded/removed SOA-TOB duplicated strings? And TS, TDD and TS ones?
Will you include new text in BP 170? how much? If so, BP 170 will be the last in text upgrade/addons terms?
Ah Horred, i'd be very pleased if you could ask The Wizard not to delete old versions of BP when 170 see the daylight. It's just because the spanish translation is almost completed and i have made a .tp2 for BP 161G, so my "spanish translation team" and I want to test the beta early
ps: Isaya, if you don't mind, i want to chat with you again to coordinate efforts
Posted 06 February 2005 - 11:39 PM
Hello Horred, the i'm Big Picture spanish translation coordinator, programmer and principal translator. I have spent a whole year perusing, researching and working into this project and now i feel a little confused with the present and the future of your mod.
What are exactly your plans for the upcoming brand new Weidu BP 170?
What are you doing/have you done with older SoS, TDD, and TS string reference numbers?
It's VERY IMPORTANT for me ( for all translators, i presume) to know if your next BP will or will not overwrite the dialog.tlk when the TDD, TS and SoS Weidu versions are already packaged inside. (you know, when you reach last step of BP currently install procedure)
Because of Weidu and .tra's nature, I suppose the answer shall be "will not overwrite anything", but i want to hear it from you.
New versions of SoS, TS and TDD have discarded/removed SOA-TOB duplicated strings? And TS, TDD and TS ones?
Will you include new text in BP 170? how much? If so, BP 170 will be the last in text upgrade/addons terms?
Ah Horred, i'd be very pleased if you could ask The Wizard not to delete old versions of BP when 170 see the daylight. It's just because the spanish translation is almost completed and i have made a .tp2 for BP 161G, so my "spanish translation team" and I want to test the beta early
ps: Isaya, if you don't mind, i want to chat with you again to coordinate efforts
No problems....BPv170 will be a true weidu, not a cheesy .tlk insert. What you've done on the bpv161G can be used for each respective mod. You probably already know this, but the current bp tlk file goes Soa-ToB-TDD-SoS-TS-BP, in that order.
You'll also find a LOT less overall STRREF's. I got about 10000 less when i put TDD,SoS, and TS (all weidu versions) together. There was THAT MUCH duplication!
So, in a certain way of looking at it--it will be less work overall. And, of course, much better when more than one language is TRA'ed for it.
I didn't use the old "numbers" (STRREF's). I wrote TDD and SoS as proper weidu's--just didn't make a TRA file set for it (used the --text setting).
I hope you know I didn't do this to confuse/mess up the translators, on purpose. I did it for the overall good-of-the-many. It will be infinitely easier to install this, and to fix problems within individual mods this way. Better for all (even you translators, in the long run)

Posted 07 February 2005 - 11:57 AM

Thanks again, Sir BB!
Attached Files
Posted 07 February 2005 - 02:21 PM
What was at a given location in the dialog.tlk should now have to copied by hand to the proper TRA file, when conversion to TRA is made for TDD, SoS, and so on.
There may be a way to avoid that by using the STRING_SET ~english text~ ~translated text~ in a huge TP2 containing all strings from the mods. That should work, but I can't be sure. In any case, creating this TP2 file may not be easy.
By using the compare capability of WeiDU we may end up with a way to identify where in the translated dialog.tlk for BP to get the texts to put in a given tra file. I'm thinking about using this capability and a dedicated program to get all TDD translation (the only one finished in french at the moment) into the tra files for TDD. This should work. I already have such a program that I used to get all texts from SoA duplicated in TS, SoS and BP translated without using the boring copy-paste stufff. I think I could improve the program to update tra files but that remains to be demonstrated.
SirLancelot, don't hesitate to contact me. Prefer PM as I'm not often online these days. We may arrange a meeting on chat then.
Horred, I'm just starting to have a look at TDD WeiDU. I'll probably have questions before I start trying conversion to TRA. I noticed a TRA directory but am surprised about its content (D, DLG and TRA files). I'm also wondering why there is a DLG directory (left over probably) or many script snippet in BCS form (I have a few patches to submit, some of them in one of these, so BAF would be easier).
Is it possible to arrange a multi-archive download, especially to split fixed files (tiz, mos, ...) from more subject to change ones?
I also noticed some files from the ToB patch were in the installation, maybe because they were integrated in a BIF file by TDD. Shouldn't we remove them from TDD now? I can give a hand for all that.
I'll have a more thorough look at the TP2 before asking more (stupid) questions though.
Posted 07 February 2005 - 03:57 PM
Other components (such as my enemy AI) will remain part of the straight install (not optional) There is simply too much work, and overlapping files, to seperate these components. Remember, the added challenge's expressed intent was to balance all of the extra game content (and thus, XP gained).
That AI is wicked. My mage priest hit a monster with a magic missile and that monster started pusuing my poor hapless mage until she died after getting gored by passing attacks...poor mage had no SLOW or haste spells to help and that monster just happened to be one of the strongest in the group

(without a slow spell, you're dead meat).
In unmodded BG1 (maybe in unmodded bg2, too? anyone know?), monsters would simply make a bee-line to the closest party mages almost never died unless I fireballed them myself or they were outflanked at start

Posted 07 February 2005 - 07:26 PM
Other components (such as my enemy AI) will remain part of the straight install (not optional) There is simply too much work, and overlapping files, to seperate these components. Remember, the added challenge's expressed intent was to balance all of the extra game content (and thus, XP gained).
That AI is wicked. My mage priest hit a monster with a magic missile and that monster started pusuing my poor hapless mage until she died after getting gored by passing attacks...poor mage had no SLOW or haste spells to help and that monster just happened to be one of the strongest in the groupinstant reload time :/ And I couldn't pump arrows into the monster because my other party members were stuck in melee
(without a slow spell, you're dead meat).
In unmodded BG1 (maybe in unmodded bg2, too? anyone know?), monsters would simply make a bee-line to the closest party mages almost never died unless I fireballed them myself or they were outflanked at start
If you've ever played in a PnP campaign, you'd remember that one of the first rules of survival was to take spell casters and archers first. If you sit back and let them cast, you're meat. Horrid's AI just modifies the original to more closely reflect the gaming experience.
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born."
W.B. Yeats
May the sun be always in the eyes of your enemies,
and may your feet always find the correct path.
Happy Trails . . .
Posted 08 February 2005 - 06:55 AM
Falkentyne: Mark is right. In my opinion, the Bioware CRE's were acting more like zombies than individuals. My favorite trick was to have one person walk around the party in circles, while everybody else beat them senselessly. It got boring after a while. Thus, I tried to make them think like a true opponent would, within the limitations of the scripting system. And of course, the "puny guys with the pointy hats" become a higher priority, as do those "barb-slingers". Do they not to you, when you attack them? Note that they are not "always" targetted--it is a 'controlled random' targetting system--weighted against certain types. But, as in real life--individuals make many choices, not all of which are the most logical. We call it "being human".
Posted 08 February 2005 - 08:17 AM
< jcompton > Suggested plugs include "Click here so Compton doesn't ban me."
Posted 08 February 2005 - 08:46 AM
I am having problems extracting the archive... WinZIP and WinRAR always say there is an error in it and crash. I'm trying to download again (though the mirror is slow) - has anyone else had this problem, or alternatively managed to extract successfully?
Everything is working ok for me...
(last update: 02-12-2008)
SoS, v1.13
TDD, v1.12
TS-BP, v6.10
CtB, v1.11
RoT, v2.1
BP Animations Scheme
Posted 08 February 2005 - 09:08 AM
Posted 08 February 2005 - 07:43 PM
QUOTE(Andyr @ Feb 8 2005, 07:07 PM)
I am having problems extracting the archive... WinZIP and WinRAR always say there is an error in it and crash. I'm trying to download again (though the mirror is slow) - has anyone else had this problem, or alternatively managed to extract successfully?
Everything is working ok for me...
For me too, and i'm using English WinRar v 3.30, which is not the latest, i presume
Perhaps the issue is not related to WinRar or WinZip older versions, maybe it's just the opposite instead.
ps: Forgive my grammar mistakes, i don't have time to fix them now
Posted 09 February 2005 - 08:48 AM

< jcompton > Suggested plugs include "Click here so Compton doesn't ban me."
Posted 09 February 2005 - 04:54 PM
download what? is smaller than the copy of the same file at blackwyrm's lair, so probably is corrupt.I'm still trying to redownload.
Any faster mirrors than the Intermedia one?
Posted 09 February 2005 - 11:19 PM
download what? is smaller than the copy of the same file at blackwyrm's lair, so probably is corrupt.I'm still trying to redownload.
Any faster mirrors than the Intermedia one?
Strange then, because my download from IEGMC extracted fine with WinRaR 3.4. Can we get a confirmation from Horred on the actual size?
The great wolf Fenrir gapes ever at the dwelling of the gods.
Posted 10 February 2005 - 03:23 AM
Oh, filesize (packaged) for TDD is 106,885,327 bytes. For SoS: 100,509,091 bytes. WinRar extractors, cased in a zip--aka my standard procedure. Extract to your game folder.
Found this in a thread in BP - BGT. :thumb:
"Index of
Up to higher level directory
File: 98154 KB 2/3/2005 6:44:00 AM"
While getright says the one from blackwyrm is 130 Mg. Are we talking about the same files?
Posted 10 February 2005 - 05:06 AM
Oh, filesize (packaged) for TDD is 106,885,327 bytes. For SoS: 100,509,091 bytes. WinRar extractors, cased in a zip--aka my standard procedure. Extract to your game folder.
Found this in a thread in BP - BGT. :thumb:
"Index of
Up to higher level directory
File: 98154 KB 2/3/2005 6:44:00 AM"
While getright says the one from blackwyrm is 130 Mg. Are we talking about the same files?
The first one looks right, because 100,509,091 bytes is about 98154 Kb. One Kb is 1024 bites, so in Kb it's always going to be a little bit lower.
I don't know why the blackwyrn file is so much larger, maybe Horred or The Wizard can explain that one to us?