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The New Face of BP

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#241 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 18 July 2005 - 11:51 AM

Slight setback, at least several hours worth...I forgot about realigning all my spells to fit into Vlad's NeJ2 lineup. One slot alone, SPIN486 (my NPC Set Snare spell) requires the editting of well over 200 CRE files (taking the old SPIN486 out, putting the newly-named SPIN483 in). As many of you know, I've had these slots reserved for years now--before NeJ was anything but an idea on the drawing board. Same with all the TDD spell slots. Oh well, it's suxx to be me... :crying:

SirBillyBob: These changes have affected one of your CRE files, thus far: BHSHARGR. I've made the corrections to the file in the BPv170/CRE folder for now.
This is the new lineup, for the 2 (3) affected spells:

SPWI426 (Aura Cleansing) ---->SPWI430
SPWI524(Heavy Fog) ---->SPWI528
SPWI724 (Assimilation) ---->SPWI730 (not actually used, but listed in the known's)

UPDATE: Made it through the list; the changes affected BP, TDD, and CtB. I'm downloading NeJ2v30b, and the latest patch, to double-check my work with the most current release.

ANOTHER UPDATE (Much later): I actually have a preliminary .tp2 file written! yay! :coolthumb: Still waiting to hear back from Yacomo on the new worldmap, and how he'd prefer it added (if added at all). Back to work for a few days, so progress will momentarily halt.

Edited by horred the plague, 18 July 2005 - 08:36 PM.

#242 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 19 July 2005 - 12:09 PM

The installer works! :clap: :coolthumb:

I'm sure there are 1000001 bugs left, but hey--it's a definite step forward.

I made a lot of changes to SoS-weidu. I incorporated my recent changes on top of King Diamond's fixed SoS-Weiduv2.

I also built the "continuous Immy" files directly into BP. When installed over other mods, it should insure they are compatible with the continuous Immy components (at least formerly) of BGT (et. al. mods, unless somebody did something funky). Even the Charming Rogue kit is accounted for, if NeJ2 is present in installation. ;)

I'll keep polishing on things, and start recruiting a beta crew (as big as possible, to check several install-types). I'll be back in touch with those I've already talk to, and give you the password to the Workshop forum. ;)

#243 hlidskialf


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Posted 19 July 2005 - 12:24 PM

I also built the "continuous Immy" files directly into BP. When installed over other mods, it should insure they are compatible with the continuous Immy components (at least formerly) of BGT (et. al. mods, unless somebody did something funky). Even the Charming Rogue kit is accounted for, if NeJ2 is present in installation. ;)

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I hope you used the newer DECOMPILE_BCS_TO_BAF and COMPILE_BAF_TO_BCS for this component this time around. That will make it universally compatible as well as not halting the installation if someone has modded the Newgame.bcs so the block in question doesn't match up with the one marked for replacement. (ie. The "old" way.)

The great wolf Fenrir gapes ever at the dwelling of the gods.

#244 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 19 July 2005 - 02:18 PM

I hope you used the newer DECOMPILE_BCS_TO_BAF and COMPILE_BAF_TO_BCS for this component this time around. That will make it universally compatible as well as not halting the installation if someone has modded the Newgame.bcs so the block in question doesn't match up with the one marked for replacement. (ie. The "old" way.)

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You mean something like this?

COPY_EXISTING ~NEWGAME.BCS~         ~override~
  REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~"Imoen"~  ~"Imoen2"~

I didn't bother with the littler scripts, like library, clonroom, elleroom, and so on. Should I? TELE0700 was a direct EXTEND_TOP, because I set it up to work that way before weidu was ever involved. Same with AR1512 script--I had those extra bad guys I unleash on the crew, and the disappearing rings/amulets/etc scripting as well.

It's been a while, am I forgetting anything? If I did, I'm pretty sure it will surface in the beta sessions. :new_bottom:

#245 hlidskialf


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Posted 19 July 2005 - 03:34 PM

I hope you used the newer DECOMPILE_BCS_TO_BAF and COMPILE_BAF_TO_BCS for this component this time around. That will make it universally compatible as well as not halting the installation if someone has modded the Newgame.bcs so the block in question doesn't match up with the one marked for replacement. (ie. The "old" way.)

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You mean something like this?

COPY_EXISTING ~NEWGAME.BCS~         ~override~
  REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~"Imoen"~  ~"Imoen2"~

I didn't bother with the littler scripts, like library, clonroom, elleroom, and so on. Should I? TELE0700 was a direct EXTEND_TOP, because I set it up to work that way before weidu was ever involved. Same with AR1512 script--I had those extra bad guys I unleash on the crew, and the disappearing rings/amulets/etc scripting as well.

It's been a while, am I forgetting anything? If I did, I'm pretty sure it will surface in the beta sessions. :new_bottom:

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The decompile would also work well for the dialogs involved especially the interjections. The Tele0700.bcs solution works fine, so I wouldn't bother unless you want to be anal about universal compatibility.

The great wolf Fenrir gapes ever at the dwelling of the gods.

#246 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 19 July 2005 - 05:12 PM

decompile would also work well for the dialogs involved especially the interjections. The Tele0700.bcs solution works fine, so I wouldn't bother unless you want to be anal about universal compatibility.

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Got them all added, thanks for the heads up. No, I'm not going anal over universal compatability. Just over my "pretty" IDS files... :lol:

#247 Ananda

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Posted 30 August 2005 - 02:14 AM

I'm just wondering where to get all these files you've been working on?  The weidu versions of these mods.  I can't seem to find TDD though I've got the weidu for SoS and Tortured Souls.


#248 ScuD

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Posted 30 August 2005 - 03:24 AM

TDD-WeiDU is not ready yet.
There will be an announcement ;)