SirBillyBob: These changes have affected one of your CRE files, thus far: BHSHARGR. I've made the corrections to the file in the BPv170/CRE folder for now.
This is the new lineup, for the 2 (3) affected spells:
SPWI426 (Aura Cleansing) ---->SPWI430
SPWI524(Heavy Fog) ---->SPWI528
SPWI724 (Assimilation) ---->SPWI730 (not actually used, but listed in the known's)
UPDATE: Made it through the list; the changes affected BP, TDD, and CtB. I'm downloading NeJ2v30b, and the latest patch, to double-check my work with the most current release.
ANOTHER UPDATE (Much later): I actually have a preliminary .tp2 file written! yay!

Edited by horred the plague, 18 July 2005 - 08:36 PM.