A TDD-weidu!!!!!

No, I did not mistype anything!
It's still in the final stages, but thing look very very promising! The package size has reduced to about 110MB! It installs about 5000 less strref's, the files were cleaned up during D-BAF conversion and the weidu DEBUG file process :online2long:, so it should be a better TDD than ever. Definitely wide open for somebody to patch now. No more excuses!

This package also comes with an uninstaller bat file, currently untested.
Note that this is not a simple dump version. The scripts, dialogs, and even 2da/ids are 'appended'. Automated files (ARE/CRE/SPL/STO) may overwrite still. Worldmap overwrites as well. NPC's are removed from the .gam file (yay). It meets and exceeds the purpose I needed it for--an improved BP!

Next to follow will be SoS weidu---and finally, BPv170 Weidu!

I also will add an auto-biffing function for TSv600 Weidu.
BP-PLUS will be the new way to install your mega. I plan to offer suport for bgt, nej2, ctb, dsotsc, and possibly sobh and ntotsc ---all from one proggie! It will look for pertinent setup files for any of these programs, and prompt you if you wish to install them. If you flub up, you can perhaps add them in later still (thanks to the convenience of weidu). Note that this is all going to take a while, but you guys have waited for a long time--and the #1 problem with bp+ currently is....installation! This will make it easier and better on all involved, and probably will eliminate a lot of bugs/junk/forum complaints in the process.
I'll send the TDD-weidu to the Wizard, as soon as it's polished up and I find an ftp address for him. Just a novelty for the moment, but in the "Big Picture" --the start of something good! :thumb: