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Chat with Chloe

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#1 Lucythebeast


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Posted 24 July 2002 - 06:00 AM

Ok, the Chat with Chloe will be on Saturday, 3rd Ausust @ 11pm EST (4am GMT Sunday morning) on irc.FunNet.net:6667 in room #ChloeChat

If you cannot make it for whatever reason but you still want to ask a question, post it here and either I or one of the beta-team present will pose the question to Ms. Out of Akadia of the Yr'kai Tribe (long last name, huh?). :D The chat will be logged and posted here after it is finished.

To give a brief overview of what you can expect:

In Character questions, such as: "Chloe, what is it like being the child of a goddess?"

Out of Character questions such as: "Chloe, what was it like working with Imoen?"


OOC: "Chloe, is Edwin as much of a jerk in real life as he is in the game?"

I'll ask that you specify IC or OOC before the question. Like:

OOC: Chloe, did you do your own stunts?
IC: Chloe, how long each day do you practice with the sword?

I will be present, Chloe will be present, and Rachel should also be present, and hopefully a few of the beta-testers as well. Right before or not too long after the chat we will begin beta-testing. Depending on how long it takes for us to be confident that the bugs are gone (at least the ones we can find) we will be releasing Chloe for general downloading and playing some time after that. No real ETA, because it'd be a pure guess on whatever I say.

Anyway, and questions or comments feel free to post. Hopefully there will be a good turnout... right?

If you know you cannot attend the chat, but you would still like to ask a question you can post it here. Throughout the chat I'll pose the questions to Chloe that you all have asked here. The chat will be logged and posted here afterwards.

More on the Chat:

1) The chat will be moderated, as I mentioned before. This means that no one but the ops and those with a voice (shows up as a + sign in front of your name) can talk. This is to keep the channel from being flooded and confuse Chloe. Chatters are welcome to also join the regular room, #ChloeMod, where they can chatter and comment at will. Chloe will not be in that room, but I will.

2) To ask a question, /msg Lucy and say you have a question or comment. I will voice you when it is your turn to ask and devoice you when you're done asking. Please indicate when you have more to say, like:
Bob> Chloe, first I want to say that you're really cool! -more
Chloe> Thank you, Bob.
Bob> and my question... OOC: Can you swordfight in real life or was it just stunt work or whatever?

3) Please don't bug the other ops for voices. Like, don't message Rachel saying "I have a question and Lucy won't voice me! Please, voice me!" You will be voiced in the order in which you /msg'd me in. If you're impatient, then it's too bad. Oh, and an added note, you may want to go ahead and type out your question if it's a long one, that way when you get voiced all you have to do is hit enter and we don't have to wait 2 minutes for you to ask your question and we won't be wondering if you're off having a smoke or something.

4) Please try not to be too crude. I don't mind a little language if it's appropriate, but be as polite as possible. We don't want to upset the bloodthirsty Yr'kai half-goddess, now do we?

5) If you have a followup question after your first one, please indicate it. Like:

Jane> IC: Chloe, do you believe in true evil? - 1 more
Chloe> True evil? No. What most people think of as evil is greed and self-serving. It may not be nice, but it's not really what you could call evil. There are truly malevolent beings out there that want nothing more than to destroy everything, but that has more to do with their destructive urges, or a lack of a moral code. Evil is just a term coined to explain away behavior we don't condone.
Jane> Ok. Now, OOC: Same question, but from the RL Chloe.
Chloe> Heh... ok. I definitely believe in true evil in RL. You see these sociopathic people that kill for fun, or people being cruel to animals for kicks, and I can't see that as anything but truly evil. We humans are capable of such unspeakable evil, but at least we balance it out with those that are capable of self-sacrifice and selflessness. Mother Theresa was a great example of this. So, we definitely have our extremes. I don't think anyone is beyond redemption though, but it takes a lot of hard work and they have to truly want to change. And that is exceedingly rare.
Lucy> Ok, next question is from Klondike-bar-man: [and so on]

Hopefully the chat will be a success. If enough people request it, we might try for another chat sometime later. And if it is a success, we will definitely have another one before the ToB portion of Chloe comes out.

Save a vampire. Give blood.

#2 Dashael


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Posted 24 July 2002 - 06:47 AM

If I've done the maths right then the chat will be 12pm Sunday in Western Australia, and you can count on my presence Lucy :)

#3 Lucythebeast


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Posted 24 July 2002 - 08:16 AM

Yep your math is correct ;) W. Australia is 13 hours ahead of my time

Save a vampire. Give blood.

#4 Gorrister


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Posted 29 July 2002 - 04:46 PM

That would make it ... uuuuuuhhhhhhhhh ....... what now for Eastern US time? :huh:
Ssshh! Quiet! You smell that?

#5 Lucythebeast


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Posted 29 July 2002 - 05:18 PM

Beefie... it's listed in eastern time. ;) You're so silly. heh

Save a vampire. Give blood.

#6 Gorrister


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Posted 29 July 2002 - 05:29 PM

Beefie... it's listed in eastern time. ;) You're so silly. heh

oooooh yeah... uuh huh huh huh. :P I think it's time to shotgun another can of suds.
Ssshh! Quiet! You smell that?

#7 thecursed


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Posted 29 July 2002 - 11:17 PM

damn 5 am in belgium!! its gonna be hard
"Destiny, chance, fate, fortune.... they're all just ways of claiming your successes without claiming your failures"
Gerrard of the Weatherlight

Wisdom: Distinguish the extraordinary from the spectacular

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#8 Midnyte


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Posted 30 July 2002 - 12:06 PM

Aye, same for me, thecursed, but the log will be posted! :D
Beta Tester for <a href=http://forums.spellholdstudios.net/index.php>The Chloe Romance Project!</a>

"Sorry, you're not being vague enough for me. Do you think you could be any less specific?" -- Ryudo, Grandia.

#9 Lucythebeast


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Posted 03 August 2002 - 06:14 PM

Chloe chat is going on right now, in case anyone is interested...

Save a vampire. Give blood.

#10 pace675


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Posted 03 August 2002 - 08:42 PM

Lucky Lucky me

#11 Lucythebeast


    Chloe's bitch

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Posted 03 August 2002 - 11:05 PM

Here's the log of the chat:

Session Start: Sat Aug 03 22:42:24 2002
Session Ident: #chloechat
* Now talking in #chloechat
[Lucy] heya QA
[Chloe] hey look, people!
[Chloe] unless more people show up I don't see any reason to moderate the channel
[Lucy] yep
[Queen_Akasha] Hi Chloe, Lucy, Rika, JC
[Chloe] howdy
[Lucy] heya
[Lucy] I had hoped that at least Rachel would show up... hope nothing is wrong :(
[Queen_Akasha] wanna maybe give her a few minutes?
[Lucy] yeah
[Lucy] JC is the only one online on my contact list too heh geez :( nobody replied with "saturday is a bad night, how about another night" so I had to assume it was a good night.......
[jcompton] It's summer, people aren't real... compliant.
[Lucy] Rachel is on, I *think* she's on her way
[Lucy] while we're waiting, you all might get a chuckle out of this... the topic in #chloemod: 'You have an annoying cleric hitting on you, your father is the dead god of murder, everyone seems to be trying to kill you, and you think your girlfriend might be sweet on your sister. It's just one of those days in Amn.'.
[Queen_Akasha] hehehe
[jcompton] Cute.
[Rika_CatGirl] lol
[Lucy] doh I think her computer just crashed
[Queen_Akasha] :(
[Queen_Akasha] I know what thats ;oke
[Queen_Akasha] *like
[Queen_Akasha] hehe, can anyone tell I don't use home-row?
[Lucy] heya beef :)
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Hey Lucy
[Lucy] ooo and hey Rachel :)
[Rachel] :)
[Queen_Akasha] hi beefy-noy :P hehe
[Rachel] good afternoon everyone :)
[Queen_Akasha] *beefey-boy
[Queen_Akasha] darn typos
[Queen_Akasha] Hi Rachel
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Hey looky looky ..... most of the gang is here
[Chloe] ooo it's the lady that handles my delicate... code :)
[Lucy] behave Chloe
[Chloe] no :P
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] heh
[Lucy] hmm...
[Rachel] hehe
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] actually, half the team ain't here ...
* Sir_Loin_of_Beef is puzzled     10*4¿10*
[Lucy] dunno if any of the others can make it. I know Midnyte can't cuz it's like 4am there... dunno about cow and dash, it's around noon for both of them
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] slackers
[Chloe] they're just lazy
[Lucy] hehe
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] it's 11 here and nuthin' on the boob tube... plus you mentioned something about how I *had* to be here :P~~~
[Lucy] anyway, until/unless more people show up I don't really see a reason to turn the moderation on so if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask :)
[Lucy] I didn't say you *had* to be here, I just said I wanted you here ;)
[Chloe] Really? You told me you were going to string him up and flay him alive if he didn't show
[Lucy] hush! :P
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] I got a question, what if someone else is holding Chloe's weapons... say a rogue with 'use any item' ... when it comes time for an upgrade will the weapon still be improved even Chloe isn't holding her weapons?
[Chloe] I don't think a rogue would have "use any item" at the beginning of ToB when my weapons get upgraded for the last time... am I wrong?
[jcompton] A rogue could get UAI inside SOA.
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] my guy did... way ahead of time
[Rachel] UAI does not let you use Chloe's weapons :)
[Chloe] and btw, if any rogue puts their grimy hands on my damn swords I'll choke them with their own intestines.
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] I dunno, no-one seems to complain when I switching stuff around.
[Lucy] cool :)
[jcompton] Rachel: I presume you could just use HasItem rather than PartyHasItem to govern the upgrade.
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] go switching that is ....
[Rachel] jc: I'll just do a TakePartyItemAll() I think
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] cCc-Bot scripts are available at http://cccbot.tripod.com
[Rachel] not sure yet though
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] oops
* Chloe whacks Sir Beef upside the head
* Rika_CatGirl giggles
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] hmmmmm, my assassin could get some nice bonuses by using Chloe's weapons ...
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Here chloe, you use this rusty dagger
[Rachel] You won't be able to use them, Beefcake ;)
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] not even with UAI?
[Chloe] you want me to hurt you, don't you Beef?
[Rachel] nope
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] damn, that always works
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] :|
[Rachel] UAI doesn't cut the mustard :)
[Lucy] hehe
[Lucy] next question? ;)
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] heh, I just thought it might be odd if someone else was running around with here weapons, that's why I brought it up.
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] here = her
[Queen_Akasha] Chole: What do you find attractive in a possible mate?
[Lucy] it was a good question, Beef. I hadn't even wondered about it. But then I've never had a thief get up to high enough level
[Chloe] IC or OOC?
[Rika_CatGirl] Night.
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] IC
[Chloe] ok IC: strength, compassion, humor, and great bedroom skills ;) Leadership qualities help too
[Chloe] but are not required
* Queen_Akasha doesn't know what IC or OOC mean
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] In Character ... Out Of Character
[Queen_Akasha] In or Out of character?
[Lucy] this chat is both In Character and Out Of Character
[Queen_Akasha] AH
[Queen_Akasha] whoops
[kelsey] What's all this about both of my girlfriends being lesbians?
[Queen_Akasha] You're a faster typer than I
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] hehe
[Lucy] meaning you can ask Chloe the character or Chloe the mod actress a question
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] ah and clones arrive
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] oooooooh
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] I got one now.....
[Chloe] Actually, Kelsey, Imoen swings both ways. ;) She's pretty easy going about the whole love thing
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] What are you gonna do in ToB when the time comes for Imoen to choose Kelsey or Chloe? Will the PC have to make this choice for her?
[Chloe] The romance between Imoen and Chloe would be exclusive at the end of SoA, so Kelsey wouldn't even begin to flirt with her
[Chloe] assuming of course that JC adds a check for the romance variable :)
[jcompton] Well, that's really a Lucy/Jason issue to answer, not a Chloe/Kelsey issue...
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Yeah, they can duke it out later
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] I don't care who answers .... just a question is all
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] probably too early I guess to worry 'bout that
[Rachel] Chloe OOC: Was Anomen any less annoying as a person?
[Rachel] when he was OOC??
[Chloe] Oh, Anomen is actually a real sweetheart in real life. Surprising isn't it? He's got a great sense of humor, but he does get a bit stuffy at times. He's one of those classically trained british actors, you know how they can be at times. :)
[Lucy] Did Anomen pay you to say that, Chloe?
[Chloe] Would I tell you if he had? :)
[Rachel] Chloe OOC: I hear Mazzy is a real wild-child off screen, are many of those rumours about her true?
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] lol
[Chloe] Absolutely. The number of times we had to postpone the scenes because Mazzy was drunk was aggravating. She was always hitting the clubs after the rehearsals and showing up the next day all strung out. Maybe that's why she pulled off the droll dialogue so well, because she was hung over
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Well, that explains alot.
[Rachel] :D
[Queen_Akasha] Chloe IC: What's your position on vampires?
[Chloe] I mean, how often do you meet a halfling that is THAT serious?
[Rachel] she likes to be on top :D
[Queen_Akasha] lol
[Chloe] I hate vampires. Those little bastards can drain the life out of me with just a touch. GRR. I want to kill them all
[Lucy] As you can tell, she doesn't care for vampires :)
[Queen_Akasha] ummm...ahhhh....*considers running from the channel in fear*
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] hehehe
[Chloe] OOC though I think they're kinda neat. There's that whole eroticism that is associated with them. ;) I don't think I'd wanna be made a meal of and dumped into a trash bin though
[Queen_Akasha] Oh, I would never ever do that to you. Or any of the people I would feed on
[Chloe] ;) So what are you doing after this chat? teehee
[Lucy] lol
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] :P~~~~~~~
[Queen_Akasha] WELL, I am going to this great little place uptown, gonna find me some of the scum of humanity to feed on, afterwards, gonna dance my vampiric butt off until the break of dawn
[Queen_Akasha] You are all welcome to come
[Chloe] Sounds fun :)
[Rachel] hehe
* Rachel wants a hot date too
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] you're just gonna feed on the scum right? Rest of us here are safe?
[Queen_Akasha] I only take the evil-doer
[Lucy] Woohoo it's Cow! :)
[MBR_Psi-Cow] Sorry i'm late
[Queen_Akasha] np
[Chloe] Was wondering if you'd show up. Didn't wanna have to have Psi-hamburgers for dinner :)
[MBR_Psi-Cow] lol
[Queen_Akasha] ick. Hamburgers. Blood is much nicer
* MBR_Psi-Cow checks clock
[MBR_Psi-Cow] heeeyyyy i'm right on time....
[Chloe] your clock is 47 minutes slow then ;)
[MBR_Psi-Cow] 4am gmt yes?
[Queen_Akasha] I've got 11:48PM And I'm in Michigan, central time zone
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] same here in PA
[MBR_Psi-Cow] 4am GMT = 2pm GMT +10
[MBR_Psi-Cow] therefore cow = 5 minutes early :)
[Queen_Akasha] Thats about right. But the chat started at 11pm
* Sir_Loin_of_Beef shotguns a beer
[Queen_Akasha] so that would be 3am your time
[Rachel] it was 3am GMT
[Rachel] but 4am Brit time
[Rachel] they are on daylight savings
[Lucy] eh?
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Chloe OOC: I Cernd REALLY that damn boring in person? Good god I can't stand him for more that a few hours of game time.
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] I = is
[Lucy] I thought daylight savings was a worldwide thing?
[Rachel] maybe I'm talking out my arse here :D
[Rachel] anyway, it was always gonna be 1pm here
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] friggin' typos
[Rachel] Lucy: it is, but it happens in the summer
[Chloe] Beef: Yes. He wasn't acting at all. He's not a pro actor though, he's actually a minister. Probably a very boring one at that ;)
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Why does that not surprise me...
[MBR_Psi-Cow] I assume i missed alot then?
[Queen_Akasha] Cow: Actually...no
[Rachel] yeah
[Rachel] it's been pretty quiet
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Chloe IC: You say you're so damn good with your weapons, what if you didn't have them? Think you take on say Balthazar in hand to hand?
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Pimp slap that little punk around a bit?
[Chloe] In hand to hand? I doubt it. He's a monk, isn't he? He'd be a master at hand to hand. My hand to hand combat training is very limited. If there's a sword in the room though, it's more even.
* Chloe snickers at Lucy
[Chloe] Let's party!
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] oh hey what happened, Lucy got bumped... thats gotta blow.
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] dammit chanserv!
[Queen_Akasha] wb Lucy
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] I'm gonna have to boot his ass ..... I wonder if I could.
[Rachel] lol
* Rachel is now known as Rachel-BackInFive
[Rachel-BackInFive] brb :)
[MBR_Psi-Cow] Thefuryofpink asks: IC: Chloe what do you think of this Drizzt fellow?
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Never had chanserv fight back like that before.... odd ... oh well.
[Chloe] Drizzt is a pompous ass, but at least he gets the job done. I wouldn't mind sparring with him
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Chloe IC: Actually, how do you feel about the Drow in general?
* Queen_Akasha is now known as Akasha-getting-tacos-bb-in-5
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] tacos? tacos rule!!
[Chloe] Most act like they have a stick up their bums, so personality is usually a big turn off. Some of them are rather attractive and they're pretty good in a fight
[Chloe] I don't like to judge a whole race though, because they're all individuals.
[MBR_Psi-Cow] Sir_Teddywinkle_Thunderbottoms asks: IC: Chloe why do you get all these cool devine powers and poor little bhaalspawn me is left with cure minor wounds?
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] nice one. Very well put.
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] @ Chloe that is
[Chloe] My mother is an extremely powerful goddess, and I've had training all my life to focus my powers and abilities to the best they could be. You, on the other hand, didn't even know about your powers until recently and your father, although somewhat powerful, wasn't as powerful as Akadia
* Rachel-BackInFive is now known as Rachel
[Chloe] And you didn't focus on training your powers, you used them as they came. That would be my guess, but I'm no expert
[Rachel] Chloe IC: Do you find physical strength important in a potential partner?
[Lucy] btw Cow, where are these questions coming from? You have friends gathered around you? ;)
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] A have a coding question which probably can't be answered yet but here goes.... Do you forsee and problem between Chloe and the Ease of Use Mod. Personally I don't use the mod because of the conflicts mentioned on the webpage but alot of people do.
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] lol @ Lucy
[Rachel] Beef: Yes, there are problems
[Rachel] especially with regards to RIDE
[Rachel] however I'm hoping to get the Ease of Use Mod changed
[MBR_Psi-Cow] I've got my Uni project team at my home ;)
[Rachel] perhaps even to include RIDE if Wes likes it
[Chloe] Rachel: Not really. Physical strength isn't that important to my fighting style, and I don't expect someone I'm interested to be stronger than me. I do like girls that can take care of themselves, but a weak mage can fry her enemies so physical strength means very little to me
[Rachel] so hopefully the answer will be "no" by the time Chloe is in general release
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] well, I guess I'll continue to avoid it then. I mean Ease of Use has it's features but if there will be conflicts I'll just have to not use it.
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] yeah, time will tell I guess.
[Rachel] Chloe IC: What about flexibility? ;)
[Chloe] hehe flexibility... yes, very important :)
[jcompton] What would be wrong with Chloe and Ease?
[Dashael] Hi everyone, especially to Chloe, great to finally meet you in person :)
[Chloe] nice to meet you too Dash
[Rachel] Chloe includes RIDE, for one
[Rachel] Ease installed post-RIDE would kill it off I'm pretty sure
[jcompton] Ah, so it's an Ease/RIDE issue.
[Rachel] as for the rest, I really have to check out Ease properly first
[Rachel] I'll do that when I'm doing compatibility testing
[Dashael] Main thing I use from Ease is the modifications to stackable items
[Rachel] that shouldn't have any effect
[Lucy] I don't want Rachel to have to take out Chloe content just to make it Ease-of-use compliant though, unless it's something minor. RIDE is her baby though so that's her decision to make there ;)
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Yeah, well I like using Tashia too and Ease of use won't mesh with that mod very well. I do like the idea of potion stacking and wearing magic armor and rings at the same time but .... hell ... I can live without it.
[Rachel] RIDE is better (IMO) than the relative Ease of Use components - so I won't be nerfing it for compatibility
[Dashael] Chloe OOC: Did you have to do much research into Y'rkai customs to prepare for the role?
[Rachel] the Sir Kalthorine scripts may be a problem too
[Rachel] relative = relevant
[jcompton] Rachel: Do you patch into the Anomen/Aerie/Viconia/Jaheira scripts?
[Chloe] I did a little but most of it was told to me as it came up. The hardest part was learning to pronounce the Yr'kai words properly
[Rachel] possibly
[Rachel] I'll try to avoid it if I can
[Rachel] but I don't know enough about those happy party thingos to trust 'em
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] feh, happy party patch.... that's no fun.
[Dashael] Chloe OOC: Are you concerned you'll be typecast now? Or can we expect to see you in a very different role in some other game soon? :)
[Lucy] I agree
* Sir_Loin_of_Beef is using 6c10C6c3-14B10o6t6 V10e6®10 5.11 14 by aHa
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Welcome back Cow
[Chloe] No, not really. I'm not sure yet whether I want to pursue roles in other games yet. I wouldn't mind, I mean work is work. But there's no way to prevent being type-casted. If it happens, it happens.
[Chloe] People will either see my range and talent or they won't. I can do little to influence that
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Chloe, to be honest I am tiring of mages and spellcasters. I like the idea of throwing in more fighter type NPCs...
[Dashael] I can certainly understand that, and if you were going to be typecast, it probably couldn't be a better role than this one :)
[Chloe] Glad to be appreciated ;)
[MBR_Psi-Cow] Flanker404 asks: IC: Chloe, do you ever get annoyed/angry at the gods for screwing around with people's lives?
[Chloe] Sometimes. But all the screwing with my life so far has been positive, such as receiving my weapons. I've encountered little in the way of a negative impact on people, other than Bhaal and his hundreds of children. No offense to the PC, of course. :)
[Lucy] OOC Chloe: What was the most difficult part of working on the BG2 Chloe romance mod?
[Chloe] Oh... I'd have to say the PC. We were working with this genderless, featureless humanoid, and we had to account for so many choices throughout the game. It was like dealing with someone with multiple personalities. Very frustrating
[jcompton] Heheh.
[Chloe] And Yoshimo constantly trying to get into my pants didn't help either. He thinks he's the gods' gift to women. Bleh
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] LOL!
[Dashael] hehe
[Dashael] Chloe OOC: Is Anomen as big a pain the keister offscreen as he is on? :)
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Chloe OOC: Did you like the original ending battle that was proposed in BG2 or the rewrite to Ascention?
[Chloe] I answered that already :) Lucy, could you repost my answer please?
[Lucy] you're so lazy Chloe :P one sec
[Lucy] actually I don't have it anymore cuz I crashed. You'll have to repost it
[Chloe] sigh
* Akasha-getting-tacos-bb-in-5 is now known as Queen_Akasha
[Chloe] k here: [Chloe] Oh, Anomen is actually a real sweetheart in real life. Surprising isn't it? He's got a great sense of humor, but he does get a bit stuffy at times. He's one of those classically trained british actors, you know how they can be at times. :)
[MBR_Psi-Cow] PAF asks: OOC: What do you think of Bioware casting an all cleric/druid romance line up?
[Chloe] Beef: I don't know the first thing about ascension. I've only heard it makes the final battle harder. I don't think the final battle was easy to begin with... mainly because it's so long so you have to carefully conserve magic and healing and such to last the whole battle
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Bingo Chloe, that's why you'd be a kick ass addition to any party! Don't have to worry about any silly spells or anything.
* Dashael grabs Beefs pom-poms and joins in with the Chloe cheer :)
[Chloe] Paf: It may have been a wise move to have only the healers seeking romance. It made for less infighting, because most people won't have 3 healers in their party for game balance. But in the long run it is rather annoying. I think Nalia could have easily been included in the original romance lineup, and they needed more males to play with
[Dashael] Choe IC: Where in Faerun would (or did) you go to wind down from your adventure with the PC and group?
[Chloe] I think a good choice would have been: Anomen, Haer'dalis (as originally intended), and Edwin maybe... the evil male choice is rather limited... and I can't see Korgan being interested in anything but a shag
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] pom poms!?!? I just like throwing around streamers and balloons.
[Dashael] hehe
[Chloe] I rather like relaxing in the Den of the Seven Vales. For more fun though, the circus wasn't too bad. Too bad there was no fair like the PC got to go to before he/she met me
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Korgan and Chloe in the same party ... hot damn... toss in Minsc and you got one hell of a bulldozer.
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Chloe OOC: Is Minsc really that crazy?
[Chloe] Actually the real Minsc is even more of an ass then the IC Edwin. His ego is bigger than his body. He is always bragging that he's the real star of the game.
[Dashael] Didn't I see him on an infomercial the other day selling an excercise program? ;)
[Lucy] One of the sample questions OOC, Chloe: "Chloe, what was it like working with Imoen?"
[Chloe] Yep. He's cashing in on his "fame"
[Chloe] Oh... Imoen is the sweetest girl you could ever hope to meet. She's been a real good friend. She does do quite a lot of practical jokes though... so sometimes it's annoying to be doing a serious line than notice that your pants are around your ankles and Imoen is behind you giggling up a storm...
[Lucy] hehe
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] lol Gotta love that Imoen...
[Dashael] rofl
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Chloe ... What is your favorite color?
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] :P~~~~~
[Chloe] Beef, IC or OOC?
[Lucy] OOC: How is Imoen different from her IC role then, Chloe?
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] both
[Chloe] Oh... that's a tough one because I sometimes find myself wondering if she was just staying in character like some people do. I think the real Imoen is serious a lot more than the character. Probably not as booksmart either, but the real Immy is still pretty intelligent. She might not be able to do advanced calculus, but that means little ;)
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Chloe IC: Your romantic intrest is an evil, sadistic, wench who is only worried about herself yet likes having you around. Could you ever find an interest in someone like that?
[Chloe] Ok Beef... IC: Crimson red. OOC: Navy blue
[Chloe] Sure, Beef. I'd either end up dominating her or killing her, though ;)
[MBR_Psi-Cow] Azarelle Blackbane asks: IC: Where did you get your attitude on life from Chloe? And why did Sir loin of Beef steal my next question?
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] lol @ Chloe
[Chloe] Azarelle: Yr'kai philosophy mostly. The rest, I suppose just my own thoughts and reflections. That's a really difficult question to answer because it goes into the nature/nurture issue. And as far as Beef stealing your question... he's just sneaky ;)
[Lucy] lol... not as sneaky as the guy in Mr. Deeds though ;)
[Chloe] Lucy, why can't I teleport around like that guy, btw?
[Lucy] because you're not sneaky
[Chloe] ah..... good point. Next question?
[Dashael] Chloe IC: Do you ride horses, and if so, where you disappointed by the conspicuous absence of them?
[Chloe] Yes, there is extensive Yr'kai training involved in mounted sword maneuvers and combat. The absense of them means you only see a fraction of my combat abilities. It also means we have to walk everywhere, which makes your feet sore. There aren't too many paved roads in Amn yet.
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] ah yeah, I am sneaky like that.... :P~~~~~
[MBR_Psi-Cow] Final question before getting back to work. Burkut-Kat asks: IC: Are all Yr'kai somesort of frontline warrior? Or are there other fields of endeavour?
* MBR_Psi-Cow gets slapped for misspelling Berkut-Kat's name.
[MBR_Psi-Cow] ow
[Lucy] Another sample OOC: Chloe, did you do your own stunts?
[Chloe] Berkut-Kat: All Yr'kai are taught to weild a sword from the time they are young children until they have been taught all they can learn from another. We consider bows as dishonorable so we don't use them. We are also trained to use herbs and such to treat wounds so we have our during battle and after battle usefulness
[Chloe] Lucy: Some of them. The rest were done by Sally Koleson, my stunt double. Mainly some of the in battle stuff. And oh yeah, getting blasted into bits too. She's a lot more resilient than I am.
[Dashael] Chloe OOC: How do you feel about the use of the console cheats in the game?
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Chloe IC: if PC takes you into battle with a dragon would you stay by his/her side?
[Chloe] Dash: I think some are pretty useful. I've used a few myself in my research with the game. ;) But they do tend to belittle the challenge of the game so I think they should be used sparingly. But I have no problems with players using them, but I won't be responsible if they frell up their game because of it. :)
[MBR_Psi-Cow] Berkut-Kat follows up: IC: So Magic, bardic, druidic, hunting/farming, etc skills are nonexistent?
[Chloe] Beef: Sure, I relish the challenge. I hate dragons. They're too high and mighty, and they tend to eat livestock. And they're known for eating people too.
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] that-a-girl. Grab your swords we're gonna make some armor out of ole fire-breath there.
[Chloe] In Yr'kai culture: yes. We do have bards of sorts, that keep a both written and spoken record of the tribe and record valorous acts and warriors, and we're encouraged to learn how to play an instrument for stress relief, but you won't see me or any other Yr'kai try to make a living off of it
[Queen_Akasha] ah, this campire is ready to rejoin the conversation. I have...refuled, and now I would like to know, if you please, what I missed?
[Queen_Akasha] *vampire
[Queen_Akasha] Bah, typos
[Queen_Akasha] Hello again pace
[Pace675] [g]
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Ah, QA you missed alot, also FedEx me a taco will ya? I'm starving.
[Lucy] hi Pace, welcome to the chat
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] :P
[MBR_Psi-Cow] see you later all, back to work for my squad.
[Pace675] thnx, I wuz wondering where everyone wuz
[Dashael] Welcome PAce, welcome back Queen Akasha
[Lucy] QA, hopefully you can scroll up cuz I don't even know how much has been said since you've gone afk ;)
[Queen_Akasha] All I gotta say is: GOD BLESS YOU, TACO BELL
[Queen_Akasha] Open until 3am on Fri and Sat, 1am the rest of the week
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] YES... TACO BELL RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Nacho Bell Grande all the way!
[Pace675] Bean borrito anyone?
[Chloe] Tacos were a favorite on the set of BG2 ;) There was this nice mexican restaurant right next to the studio that often catored for us :) They made awesome quesidillas and their tacos were yummy too
[Queen_Akasha] SantaFey style chalupas man
[Queen_Akasha] they rock my world
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Chalupa's kick ass too. Baja is my fav
[Lucy] You're making me hungry :P
[Pace675] True....
[Dashael] No Taco Bell in Australia :(
[Chloe] Lucy: Didn't you do the dinner/trivia thing?
[Lucy] nope. I woke up at 8:30 and chik-fil-a was waiting for me. The waffle fries were cold and nasty too ;)
[Queen_Akasha] we don't have chik-fil-a here
[Chloe] You're lazy
[Lucy] What's your point?
[Chloe] next question? ;)
[Dashael] Chloe OOC: Did you get injured at all while playing this role?
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Pfeh, I have to fry my own waffle fries if I want 'em .... what is chik-fil-a?
[Pace675] a chicken place for yuppies
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] lol @ pace ... never heard of it before.
[Chloe] Dash: Yes. Mostly just bruises and scratches though. The only serious injury I got was a concussion from Viconia losing her grip on her mace. :( Waking up in the hospital is not fun ;)
[Queen_Akasha] Chole OCC: of all the males on the set, who's...got the biggest, uh, sword?
* Sir_Loin_of_Beef laughs
* kelsey clears his throat
[Chloe] Believe it or not, Korgan ;) Not that I was looking of course. hehe
[Lucy] right... :P
[Queen_Akasha] Chloe OCC: Conversly, who's is the smallest? ;)
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Chloe IC, ever hear of Scarab?
* kelsey kelsey whistles innocuously
[Chloe] Minsc ;) You didn't hear it from me though.
[Chloe] Let's just say he's compensating with all that muscle and that loud booming voice. [snicker]
[Dashael] Looks like kelsey's all upset now :)
[jcompton] No, I needed the room in my taskbar.
[Lucy] Chloe! Let's not drag the chat into the mud... yet. ;)
[Chloe] Scarab? No
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] gee, and I was waiting for the response "Sarevok" Mr. Incarnation of Death and all.
[Chloe] Isn't that a beetle?
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] @ Chloe "Ah, no bother"
[Queen_Akasha] I have it on good authority that Sarevok is a eunoch
* Rachel is now known as Rachel-Food
[Chloe] I haven't worked with Sarevok yet so I couldn't tell you. ;)
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] @ chloe -- just wait, I'm sure it'll be a joy ride.
[Dashael] I suppose you couldn't really tell about such things from Sarevoks wraith in the Hell scene huh? :)
[Lucy] Yeah we won't start reshooting ToB for at least a few weeks. Which is probably a good thing because Sarevok is wrapping up an action game set in some jungle or other.
[Chloe] yeah they just had a stand in for that when we did the reshooting
[Dashael] I swear I heard Sarevok doing some voice acting in Metal Gear Solid 2
[Queen_Akasha] Chloe OOC: Is Jan really as eccentric as he seems?
[Chloe] Possibly Dash
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] @ Dash, I see the voice actor for Sarevok doing voice overs for Nickelodeon's 'Oh yeah Cartoons' show.
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Yeah Nick rules so there! :)
[Queen_Akasha] Imoen is the same as Ginger from "As Told By Ginger"
[Chloe] I'll put it this way... Jan and Imoen were having a running contest at who could come up with the best prank. ;) But other than that he's actually a bit shy
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] @ QA ... no way, I just thought she sounded like the girl from 'Wild Thornberry's' ... Eliza I think the name is.
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] I never imagined she played Ginger.
[Queen_Akasha] I learned this from GospelCat, and he seems to be an authority on Imoen, so... :D
[Lucy] I think the girl in Wild Thornberries is voiced by Lacy Chabert
[Queen_Akasha] Melissa Disney is Imoen
[Queen_Akasha] I think
[jcompton] Yes.
[Lucy] yep... Lacy Chabert voice of Eliza Thornberry
[Lucy] er lacey
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] hehe all these freakin' serious ass shows and controversial content played out on TV and I prefer Nick and and Disney and the Cartoon Network ... (shrug)
[Dashael] I'm with you Beef :)
[Queen_Akasha] My staple channels: Comedy Central, Lifetime, and Nickeolodean
[Lucy] there's a page for Melissa Disney at http://www.sandiegoi.../melissadisney/
[jcompton] She actually just put up melissadisney.com but it was very incomplete last I checked it.
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Eliza and Ginger sound alike so much though.
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Comedy Central is another... forgot that one.
[Lucy] I haven't seen either show so I couldn't comment on that ;)
[Queen_Akasha] They do sound alike
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Chloe OOC: Best CG (computer generated) movie ever!
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] I say Shrek!
[Queen_Akasha] I don't watch *Ginger* but occaisionaly will watch "Wild Thornberries"
[Queen_Akasha] Toy Story and Toy Story 2
[Queen_Akasha] :p
[Rachel-Food] back
[Chloe] hmm... I'm partial to Final Fantasy: The spirits within
[Rachel-Food] Shrek!
[Rachel-Food] ew
[Queen_Akasha] TOY STORY
[Rachel-Food] that movie sucked :P
[Rachel-Food] FF that is
[Rachel-Food] :D
[Queen_Akasha] hehe
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] I like to watch *Ginger* cause her brother Carl is just discustingly evil.
[Lucy] to each their own ;) Shrek was pretty good
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Toy Story was OK, but Shrek I never tire of and FF.... man I wanna see that!
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] OK Toy Story was great!
[Dashael] I'd have to say Shrek, but I don't think they've made the best CG movie ever, yet.
[Chloe] I didn't really care for toy story
[Queen_Akasha] Chole OOC/IC: Whatcha think of that Kelsey chap?
[Lucy] I thought Toy Story was cute :P
[Dashael] Final Fantasy didn't suck
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] But Shrek still rules!!!!!
[jcompton] Monsters, Inc. When the big blue guy landed in the snow, and all of the strands of his fur were blowing around, I gasped as I thought about just how much CPU that required.
[Queen_Akasha] What about Ice Age? Did anyone see that?
[Rachel-Food] jc: yeah
[Rachel-Food] jc: I got that feeling about the trees in the final Warcraft 3 movie
[Chloe] IC: He gets the job done. He whines a lot though, which is annoying. He needs to worry about mastering his abilities instead of crybabying about them all the time. I do wonder if he has divine blood though...
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] oh yeah Monsters Inc... good one jcompton.... I totally forgot, that one will hit video soon and I'll have to rent it. I watched the making of on Tech TV. Wild stuff.
[Chloe] OOC: I think he's a nice guy. I haven't really worked with him yet, but he seems pretty competant.
[Chloe] I haven't seen Monsters Inc. yet so I can't comment on it :(
[Lucy] me either. I haven't seen toy story 2 yet either though. teehee
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Ah Toy Story 2 isn't as good as one, but still a great movie none the less.
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Fiona "You didn't slay the dragon?"
[Lucy] IC: Chloe, how long each day do you practice with the sword?
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Shrek "It's on my 'to do' list!"
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] lol
[Chloe] Lucy: Usually around 3 to 4 hours, when on the road. Anywhere up to around 6 hours when staying at an inn or what not
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Chloe IC: How do you practice sword slinging at an Inn?
[Chloe] Beef: I make sure to get a big room ;) Otherwise I just go to a practice field
[Rachel-Food] !down
[Rachel-Food] neato
[Rachel-Food] !up
[Rachel-Food] lol
[Rachel-Food] less neat-o :D
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] oh sure de-op yourself
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] :P
[Lucy] :P
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] I'm gonna boot chanserv, he just ain't no fun
[Rachel-Food] I don't even know how to ues the op stuff :D
[Rachel-Food] !no
[Rachel-Food] hehe
[Rachel-Food] !go away chanserv
[Chloe] Any more questions? :)
[Queen_Akasha] Chloe OOC: What is your opinion of midget porn?
[Rachel-Food] Chloe IC: Do you ever feel working as a mercenary is against your ethos?
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @ QA!!!!!!!!!
* Sir_Loin_of_Beef can't catch his breath
[Queen_Akasha] (My friend has a video called Midget Mania, in case you're wondering where that came from)
[jcompton] QA: It was probably better left un-explained.
[Dashael] Chloe IC: Same as QA's last OOC question :)
* Sir_Loin_of_Beef laughs
[Queen_Akasha] heh
* Pace675 grinning
[Queen_Akasha] Hey, he's a twisted guy, what can I say?
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] I wasn't wondering... just souded funny as hell... I can't even imagine such a thing.
[Queen_Akasha] It exists, He's always trying to get me to watch it too
[Queen_Akasha] claims its funny
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] pervert.... lol
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] yeah, munchkins doing the bump and grind ..... oh man ....
[Dashael] A friend showed me a wierd video file a friend of his sent him, I don't know that I want to go into detail, but as concepts go it made midget porn pale in comparison
[Queen_Akasha] so. Chloe. The answer is...? ;)
* Sir_Loin_of_Beef snickers
[Queen_Akasha] (no we didn't forget)
[Queen_Akasha] ;)
* Rachel-Food suspects Chloe is off hiding her porn stash
[Chloe] QA: Well, I don't see it as any different than regular porn. It serves it's purpose. ;) BTW, I won't mention that Mazzy may or may not have been in some midget porn...
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] ROFL!
* Queen_Akasha giggles
[Pace675] LOL
[Rachel-Food] haha
* Sir_Loin_of_Beef is about to fall off his chair laughing
[Dashael] Reminds me of a male courtesan I met in Neverwinter, named Erb Jansen :)
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] whoa QA settle down lady... hehehe ...
[Chloe] Rachel: Sort of. I mainly end up working for cowards and having to do things I wouldn't boast about... but in the long run it serves it's purpose. Beats raising cattle ;)
[Queen_Akasha] Ugh, now I can't get that concept outta my head
[Dashael] And if you're going to fight for survival on a daily basis, you might as well get paid, right Chloe? :)
[Chloe] Dash: IC I don't like the little runts, let alone do I want to see them going at it. Bleh
[Chloe] Dash: True
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] lol @ QA
[Queen_Akasha] some one please distract me
[Dashael] Turnips!
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Midget porn
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] oops
[Queen_Akasha] AH, no good. Now I'm just thinking of JAN and midget porn
[Queen_Akasha] eeewwwwwwwwwwww
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Dashael] ROFl
[Queen_Akasha] Chole IC: Will you smite them? PLEASE??
[Pace675] moo-moo bucka-roo
[Queen_Akasha] Chloe
[Queen_Akasha] sorry
[Queen_Akasha] damn fingers
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Can you imagine Jan "You know this reminds me of that time ........"
[Queen_Akasha] Aaaahhhhhhhhhh
[Chloe] Ugh! Don't remind me of turnips! Let's just say that Jan's obsession with turnips was something he added to the character based on his RL obsession. Ever seen Forrest Gump when Bubba names off all those shrimp dishes? Jan could name off at least as many turnip dishes... and I ended up eating half of them. I can never look at another turnip again now.
[Chloe] Smite who? Munchkins? Sure
[Queen_Akasha] nono, Dash and Beefy boy
[Queen_Akasha] for putting that horrid image in my head
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] You did it yourself!
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] don't blame us!
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] :P~~~~
[Chloe] oh... sure. ;) They've been lazy, after all. :)
[Queen_Akasha] Before it was just MIDGET PORN
[Queen_Akasha] that was bad enough\
[Queen_Akasha] but NO'
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] You started it!
[Queen_Akasha] You had to go and get JAN involved
[Dashael] All I said was Turnips :)
[Queen_Akasha] Beef: :P heh, so there
[Lucy] Ok, enough with the argument ;) Take it to tells or #chloemod ;)
[Dashael] OOC: (Changing the subject) So was Boo animitronic?
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Yeah, you should just smite yourself! You brought it up.
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] :)
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] ok enough
* Queen_Akasha smites herself
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] lol
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] I guess Cow ain't coming back... are we too much for him?
* Sir_Loin_of_Beef is using 6c10C6c3-14B10o6t6 V10e6®10 5.11 14 by aHa
[Chloe] Actually Boo really was a miniaturized giant space hamster. He was a friggin genius too. You want to build a space ship that travels at opens up wormholes to travel instantaneously anywhere in the universe? Ask Boo to help you. ;) He's not really much of an actor though, but then he IS a hamster.
[Lucy] Cow had to get back to work
[Queen_Akasha] Chloe IC: What do you think of that Salvanas guy?
[Chloe] Typical sleazeball male
[Lucy] ouch Chloe ;)
[Pace675] Chloe IC: What is your opion on the Harpers guild?
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Chloe OOC: What is Irenicus like off the set?
[Chloe] Pace: Harpers are a bunch of annoying twits with a god complex. The world would be a better place without them.
[Chloe] Beef: He's not that bad. He's extremely stuffy, and he thinks he should have been a Shakespearean play actor. He also tended to hit the brandy a bit and grumble about his career
[Dashael] Chloe IC (Follow up to Paces's Question) Do you include Jaheira in that, or would you say she's an exception that prooves the rule
[Pace675] Chloe IC: Hmmm, the what is working with Jaheria like?
* Dashael apologises to Pace for stealing his question :)
[Pace675] NP
[Chloe] I didn't care for Jaheira one bit. But she acts very little like a typical Harper. Mainly she's just arrogant and controlling, which isn't necessarily a bad thing except she's a bit on the "my opinion is the only one that matters" side
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Chloe IC: I notice PC accepted Valen in the party... how do you feel about that?
[Chloe] I would have no problem if the PC kicks Jaheira to the street, basically.
* Rachel-Food will be off soon
[Rachel-Food] are there any coding questions?
[Rachel-Food] or stuff about RIDE?
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] About RIDE, are you gonna pack it in the beta?
[Chloe] Valen is a monster and deserves to die, and the PC is insane if he/she allows that jar'crith into the party.
[jcompton] How does Chloe know what a typical Harper is?
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] oh, so you will disagree and possibly not accept her company?
[Chloe] JC: Everyone has heard of the Harpers. They're not exactly as low-profile as they think they are.
[Rachel-Food] Beef: Yes
[Pace675] they seem to be like the IRS in everyones buisness
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] @ rachel -- cool, I always wanted to see how it worked.
[Chloe] Beef: I won't prevent the PC from letting her join but I'll kill her the first time she steps out of line, and if the PC has a problem with it then he/she shouldn't have let the bloodsucker join.
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] other then that I'm good Rachel..... no more coding questions.
[Dashael] Rachel: From my understanding, you make a brief in-game appearance with the RIDE mod, what was that like? :)
[Pace675] L8terz
[Lucy] later pace
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] @ JC -- I read a thread somewhere where you made an Imoen fix in ToB and packed it with the ritual mod -- any plans to offer the fix seperately from the Ritual mod?
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] later on pace
[Rachel-Food] Dash: Funfunfun, it's always nice to inflate your own ego
[Rachel-Food] Dash: Lucy and I will have cameos in the Chloe beta too :)
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] no way ... Lucy in Chloe???????
[jcompton] SLoB: Anybody who wants it can have it and put it in whatever. It's also in Weimer's Ease of Use, it'll be in Kelsey-TOB, it'll be in Japheth's Baldurdash WeiDU Remix...
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Yeah that kicks ass
[Lucy] ;)
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Cool JC I wanted the fix, but wanted to hold out on Ritual for a couple more versions to be out before release.
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] non beta
[Dashael] Taht's dead cool, van't wait to see your cameos :)
[jcompton] Just get Weimer Ease and install just that component, if that's all you want.
[Lucy] what does it fix?
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] hmmm I guess I haven't checked the site lately for that one.
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] @ Anybody ... Ease of Use asks what each component you want to install right?
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] fixes and such?
[Lucy] yes
[Dashael] Yup, like all Weidu
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] classic, I'll just pick to install JC's fix.
* Dashael is now known as Dashael-AFK
[jcompton] Let me know if you actually see anything new, I've had zero feedback.
[Dashael-AFK] bacl soon
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] I'll check it, I have a bazillion save games and Imoen never talks to me other than Ascention. I'm sorry I don't like Imporved battles ..... I'm a story person myself.
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] I removed Ascention.
* Dashael-AFK is now known as Dashael
[Dashael] Back
* Sir_Loin_of_Beef is using 6c10C6c3-14B10o6t6 V10e6®10 5.11 14 by aHa
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] (sigh) silly bot stop that!
* Lucy bonks Beef on the head
* Sir_Loin_of_Beef says11,1 wooohooo****¶¶¶ººº13,1 Lucy 11,1****¶¶¶ about time you got here!
[Dashael] I'm with Beef, though I applaud the mod-makers who work so hard on improved battle mods, I prefer mods that add story content
[Lucy] Any last code/ride type questions before Rachel scampers off? :)
[Dashael] I have a non Chloe related code question
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] No Rachel, I'm cool... I been watching RIDE at BIS and I'm glad it's a pack in with Chloe... Thanks
[Lucy] and we might have a non Chloe related code answer ;)
[Dashael] Would it be codeable to have single handed missle weapons that could be dual weilded? like pistols?
[Queen_Akasha] night all
* Queen_Akasha bows
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Night QA
[Lucy] night QA
[Dashael] Night QueenA
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Dash, if you want pistols, play Aracanum
* Sir_Loin_of_Beef is using 6c10C6c3-14B10o6t6 V10e6®10 5.11 14 by aHa
[jcompton] I don't believe the missile weapon engine would allow dual-wielding. Wait for the Matrix computer games. :)
[Dashael] I said like pistols beef, not pistols, I'm using that as an example of what I'm thinking of
[Chloe] what, like a crossbow you hold in both hands? ;)
* jcompton envisions the studly drow superslayer, holding two hand crossbows vertically because it looks cooler that way because everyone else holds them horizontally.
[Chloe] it should be possible to use two light crossbows at once though... possible, though probably not recommended ;)
[Dashael] hehe not too far off what I'm thinking of JC
[Lucy] heh
[Lucy] Argh matey!
[jcompton] Dash: I know, I read you like a book on that one.
[Ghreyfain] Ahoy thar.
[Dashael] Welcome Ghreyfain
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] ah another voice!! Greetings Ghrey!
[Lucy] So... any more questions for Chloe or is the chat winding down? ;)
[Rachel-Food] Dash: Sort of
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] maybe, but I don't want to get too racey.
[Rachel-Food] Dash: You can fake it
[Rachel-Food] Dash: THere's no way to dual wield ranged weapons
[Lucy] I don't mind Racey, Beef
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] I was referring to Chloe
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] :P
[Rachel-Food] Dash: But you can make melee weapons with really long ranges
[Lucy] as long as it's not outright pornographic ;) I DO have to post this chat on the forum, after all hehe
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Ah, nevermind
[Dashael] Rachel: I figured make the second 'weapon' sort of a shield so it could be in the offhand, and have it modify the rate of fire of the on-hand weapon?
[Rachel-Food] Dash: That's also doable
[Ghreyfain] Dual-wielding ranged weapons? Like two throwing daggers or something?
[Rachel-Food] Dash: Although it would be better to make a "double pistols" weapon with an appropriate rate of fire, and then make it two-handed
[Dashael] More like hand crossbows Ghrey
[Ghreyfain] Ah.
[Ghreyfain] What graphic would that use though?
[Rachel-Food] you could use any icon you like
[Rachel-Food] as for on the avatar...
[Ghreyfain] Not icon, in-game avatar.
[Ghreyfain] Yeah.
[Dashael] Not real sure, I'm just spitballing really,
[Rachel-Food] I'm not sure
[Rachel-Food] just whichever of the in-game animations seemed most appropriate I guess
[Ghreyfain] You could do two throwing daggers by having long melee ranges and using the same .pro file as the throwing daggers.
[Rachel-Food] like how BIS used halberds for two-handed axes
[Dashael] I'd probably overlook the absence of a second weapon on the avatar :)
[Ghreyfain] I can't think of anything that looks like two crossbows, though.
[Rachel-Food] any last coding questions?
[Dashael] Anyway I think I've dragged us sufficiently off-topic, Thanks for the feedback Rachel :)
[Dashael] You too Ghrey and JC :)
[Chloe] Yes: How's my code looking these days? ;)
[Ghreyfain] Oh, is this a chat about the actual content of the mod?
[Ghreyfain] Do I have the option of slicing Chloe into small pieces of demi-god flesh for hitting on my sis?
[Lucy] Ghrey: it's a chat with IC Chloe and OOC Chloe. You don't read my forum, obviously ;)
[Ghreyfain] In other words: Does she have a good combat script for PCs who choose to do her in.
[Ghreyfain] No, I read the post at BIS.
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Chloe OOC: Is Keldorn a stuck up old Geezer?
[Rachel-Food] Ghrey: Not at yet, but yes, she will have
[Rachel-Food] Chloe: Sexy as ever ;)
[Lucy] Ghrey: http://www.shsforums...fc1083e8f5a7397
[Ghreyfain] Rachel: Good, good. If you need any priority targetting I have a huge scriplet thing.
* Sir_Loin_of_Beef is using 6c10C6c3-14B10o6t6 V10e6®10 5.11 14 by aHa
[Rachel-Food] neat-o, I might take you up on that :)
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] (sigh) I need to change that addy that pops up.
[Chloe] Beef: Not really. He's just really... strange. I think he's on drugs, but I have no direct evidence of that.
[Chloe] Rachel: :)
* Rachel-Food shall now depart
* Rachel-Food is now known as Rachel
[Rachel] bye everyone
[Dashael] Seeya Rachel
[Ghreyfain] Later.
[Chloe] Beef, I don't think we need to keep being reminded of what chat thing you're using ;)
[Lucy] later Rachel, thanks for coming :) [hugs]
[Ghreyfain] Agh, so I missed this entire thing.
[Chloe] Ooo I want in on that! [hugs] ;)
* Ghreyfain casts burning hands: Self.
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] @ Chloe -- So you think Keldorn sniffs a crackpipe or snorts nose-candy?
[Ghreyfain] Argh, my arm.
* Rachel is gone
[Dashael] I figured Kedlorn more for the hard booze type.
[Chloe] Definitely some form of stimulant, but who knows, he may just be a Red Bull addict
[Ghreyfain] Poor old Keldorn, doesn't anyone like him besides me?
[jcompton] I like him.
* Sir_Loin_of_Beef backslaps cCc-bot
[Lucy] I like him fine.
[Ghreyfain] Is Chloe immune to backstab?
[Dashael] I like him, I just find the characterisation of most Paladins to be a bit stiff
* Sir_Loin_of_Beef says Sir_Loin_of_Beef's momma is so ugly even Rice Krispies won't talk to her!
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] lol
[Chloe] No
[Ghreyfain] Ah, okay. Just wondering.
[Lucy] Well I didn't tell Rachel to make her so, so I doubt it
[Ghreyfain] Not that I plan on backstabbing he for hittin' on Imoen or anything.
[Ghreyfain] Nothing like that.
* Ghreyfain eyes Chloe suspiciously, and tightens his grip on his scimitar.
[Dashael] ooooh, fight fight fight fight! :)
[Chloe] Hey, I don't force anyone to do anything with me, Ghrey old bean ;)
* Sir_Loin_of_Beef grabs both meat cleavers and waits ... no fighting here in the room.....
[Ghreyfain] OOC: So there's a PC option to stop the romance?
[Chloe] No, you do get an opportunity to voice your disapproval though. Imoen has a mind of her own though. Ye gods, I just quoted Quitch. Shoot me!
[Ghreyfain] Because if Chloe doesn't force anyone, but you write both Chloe and Imoen, then... well, you're forcing it.
[Chloe] Hey, I can't help it if Imoen finds me irresistable :)
[Ghreyfain] So the PC can't have Imoen and Chloe in the party without the romance going on?
[Lucy] sure, romance Chloe yourself ;)
[Ghreyfain] Any possibility of no romance at all? With Imoen included in the party.
[Chloe] No :P
[Lucy] Maybe
[Ghreyfain] Hmmm.
[Dashael] rofl
[Lucy] It depends, I don't know if the romance will continue if you kick one of them out and get them to rejoin
[Lucy] that would be a question for Rachel who waited for 10 minutes after stating she had to go to get last minute code questions ;)
[Ghreyfain] Although it's probably to late, my suggestion is to have a PC controlled "out". If I want to, say, romance Solaufein, have Chloe in the party for her other quests/banter, and Imoen as well without the romance, that should be possible.
[Lucy] It doesn't make sense for the PC to be able to stop them from getting interested in each other and expect them to stay in the same party though
[jcompton] For the record, Ghrey fought me to have the Kelsey out be more of an "out" than it really is. So he's not being a hypocrite, he's actually being consistent. :)
[Lucy] An out between the PC and Kelsey or Imoen and Kelsey?
[jcompton] Imoen and Kelsey.
[Lucy] ah
[jcompton] PC/Kelsey outs are numerous. :)
[Ghreyfain] My point is this: Everyone's idea of the ideal story is different. If your story has Imoen and Chloe getting it on, that's cool, but if I want to be an overprotective brother and NOT have to kick the sh*t out of Chloe, then that should be possible, too.
[Ghreyfain] See what I mean?
[Lucy] Yes, but Chloe is rather stubborn
[Ghreyfain] I still might want Chloe in the party, but she has to keep her hands to herself, or they get sliced off.
[Chloe] Yes, that I am :P
[Ghreyfain] Yes, but there's a point where you need to draw the line between gameplay and roleplaying.
[Ghreyfain] I refer you once more to my line about stories. :)
[Lucy] Only thing I can think of is to have a force talk option where you get to say "Stay away from my sister!"
[Dashael] I can see the PC saying to Chloe something like, "You know Imoen is really sensitive right now, perhaps you should give her some space" and then testing how friendly the PC and Chloe are to see if she heeded the request
[Ghreyfain] Dashael, that sounds good.
[Ghreyfain] If Chloe and the PC don't get along, Chloe would ignore him/her.
[Dashael] OOC & IC: What do you think of that Chloe?
[Ghreyfain] That'd require some scimitar action, but that's all part of the game.
[Lucy] Ghrey, if I stayed pure RP with this, then Chloe would likely beat the snot out of you for even trying to interfere ;) and hey Midnyte ;)
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Ah, shit on a stick, it's 3AM here I gotta but. Lucy you can be rest assued I'll bug you tomorrow for the log if you have it
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] but = bolt
[Lucy] It'll be posted once the chat is done, Beef
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] one hell of a typo
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] heh, I'll still bug you anyway.
[Chloe] Dash: IC I'd likely bitchslap you for trying to interfere, though I understand the concern. OOC: [shrug] I don't really care one way or the other
[Dashael] g'nite Beef :)
[Ghreyfain] Chloe's just some punk with fast hands. Ghreyfain the Piratical Bhaalspawn could take her any day of the week. :)
[Sir_Loin_of_Beef] Later all
[Chloe] Sounds like a challenge to me :)
[Lucy] bah... cool it you two :P
* Dashael picks up Beef's meat cleavers and points one at the "No Fighting in the Chatroom" sign :)
* Ghreyfain cuts down the sign and throws it overboard.
[Lucy] I think if we added an out like that it would have to be forced talk because I'm not going to write a banter for it. And yes, probably charisma and friendly score will be the deciding factor if she listens to you. And I think it would have to occur before things got serious... like before they sleep together.
[Ghreyfain] Lucy: I agree that that'd be the best way to do it.
[Dashael] Totally
[Lucy] no biggie then
[Dashael] Forcing apart a commited relationship would be like getting Jaheira and Khalid to seperate in BG1, and while I probably would have if I could it wouldn't be right :)
[Lucy] btw, I figured I'd include in the chloe documentation the Yr'kai-common translation guide, that will have all the Yr'kai words that Chloe uses and a few she doesn't. Anyone think it shouldn't be in there, like to keep it a mystery as to what she's saying?
[jcompton] Lucy: Put it in the docs. Most people won't read it, but those that do should be rewarded for the time spent. :)
[Ghreyfain] Uh... yes?
[Lucy] Ghrey, that was an either/or question ;)
[Ghreyfain] Ah...
[Lucy] "Do you want steak or chicken for dinner tonight?" "Yes." [sigh] heh
[Ghreyfain] Wow, that's my actual answer to that question.
[Dashael] Put it in, most of Yr'kai words in the dialog are swears anyway aren't they?
[jcompton] A couple of friends of mine spent a whole week together basically holed up in a basement, and had a HUGE fight over this exchange: "What do you want from Taco Bell?" "A couple of tacos, and maybe a burrito."
[Lucy] Somewhat
[Ghreyfain] Anyways, I think you should put it in the readme. Easter Eggs hidden in there might actually get people to read the credits and instructions.
[Midnyte] heh
[Dashael] hehe, make it a book item and hide it in the game :)
[Lucy] actually out of the 11 words that I have so far in there (haven't gone back over the GTKUs and lovetalks yet), only 5 are curse words or insults
[Ghreyfain] GTKU? Get To Kill U?
[Ghreyfain] (Get to know you, yeah yeah)
[Dashael] Chloe IC: Other than you're swords, what three items would you want with you if you were trapped on a desert island?
[Ghreyfain] Note that Imoen is not an item.
[Dashael] rofl :)
* Ghreyfain glares piratically.
[Dashael] And you can't say a boat :)
[Ghreyfain] Or a scroll of Teleport Without Error or similar.
[Chloe] Dash: Rations, water, and something to read ;)
[Chloe] preferably something REALLY long
[Dashael] Complete works of Celeste maybe?
[Chloe] and with pictures ;)
[Chloe] maybe a short stories collection. Can't read poetry all day without wanting to kill something
[Lucy] Chloe, you can't do ANYTHING all day without wanting to kill something
[Chloe] True...
[Dashael] rofl
[Chloe] Ok, hopefully there's food on the island, so replace food with some item like a figurine that summons some really tough monster once a day ;)
[Chloe] and if there's water on the island, replace water with a dirty magazine. ;) If I can't spend that time with a cute and cuddly lady, I want to at least be able to look at some. teehee
[Lucy] Um... ok next question :P
[Ghreyfain] Do you shave your legs?
* Ghreyfain casts all protection spells he knows, and goes out to buy some scrolls of same.
* jcompton bets Solaufein does.
[Ghreyfain] Heheheh.
[Ghreyfain] I think Solaufein doesn't even *have* to shave his legs.
[Chloe] Yr'kai warriors shave their whole bodies except for the hair on their heads (though some shave that too) and hair... well... on more intimate and easily damaged areas ;)
[jcompton] Elves aren't real hairy, yeah.
[Chloe] that includes men and women
[Dashael] Chloe IC: What's your idea of a romanctic evening?
[Chloe] If we know we're going into battle we often use body paint as well
[Chloe] A romantic evening... hmm alone in a secluded spot, maybe up on a mountain away from bugs and monsters, with a view of the moon(s) and good food and wine. And a place to build a nice fire to get intimate by ;) Possibly some poetry and/or a lake to swim and play in nearby as well
[Ghreyfain] A mountain lake? Gah.
* Ghreyfain stays at sea level, thank you very much.
[Ghreyfain] What about a yacht?
[Ghreyfain] No bugs. No monsters. Moon. Hardtack and grog. Fire discouraged, but it might be manageable. Swimming? You've got the whole ocean.
[Chloe] too many monsters near the coast. Hard to be romantic when you have to fight off pirates, sea monsters, nixies, and other assorted creatures :)
[Ghreyfain] You live in one helluva crowded world, missy.
[Dashael] Especially the pirates :)
* Ghreyfain resembles that remark.
[Chloe] We're talking about Faerun here ;) OOC, a yacht sounds nice
[Ghreyfain] Here's a multiple choice question for you.
[Ghreyfain] If you were trapped by an evil sorceror, imprisoned in his dungeon, and the guard guarding your cell was asleep, his keys within arms reach would you:
[Ghreyfain] a) take his keys, release yourself, and kill anyone who stood in your way.
[Ghreyfain] b) kick down the cell door, take the keys, and kill everyone who stood in your way with the keys.
[Ghreyfain] c) open the cell, and sneak out, trying not to harm the grunts in your path.
[Ghreyfain] or d) rot for eternity.
[Chloe] eh... A I guess. I'm not very good at sneaking around. I would probably try but likely would have to fight my way out
[Chloe] Don't imagine I'd be too deadly with some keys either, at least not for more than the first guard ;)
[Lucy] well we're going on 4 and a half hours of chat here, so any last questions? :)
[Chloe] No way would I just sit there and rot. I'd at least try to get out, or die trying
[Dashael] OOC: How do you feel about doing these publicity gigs? ;)
[Chloe] I've enjoyed myself ;) I think they're good. Beats watching saturday night tv hehe
[Dashael] And onle last IC qestion from me: Do you prefer cats or dogs? :)
[Chloe] Dogs. Cats are useless and smelly
[Lucy] Any others?
[Ghreyfain] Woohoo!
[Ghreyfain] Chloe, you may not be scimitar-to-the-head worthy after all.
[Chloe] Well um... thank you............ I think
[Dashael] That did sound vaguely complimenty didn't it? :)
[jcompton] Anybody who prefers dogs to cats because cats are "smelly" has clearly had their nasal passages burned out by their dogs.
[Ghreyfain] She meant smelly in the metaphorical sense, I think.
[Chloe] cats always smell like poo and fishbreath
[Chloe] really they both stink but dogs can help you kill stuff ;)
[Chloe] Cats are really hard to keep as pets on the road, anyway
[Lucy] Last call for alcohol... er... I mean questions ;)
[jcompton] No further questions, your honor.
[Dashael] I'm done, Chloe it was a plaeasure meeting you, and I look forward to seeing your work :)
[Chloe] Why thank you :) It was fun doing it. Except for when Lucy was in a bad mood and yelled at me.
[Lucy] I did not!
[Chloe] Step away, lightning coming through ;)
[Lucy] I told you not to mention that :P
[Chloe] Oh yeah... anyway, if we're through here I'm going to go. Imoen and Aerie want to go dance at this new club. :)
[Dashael] hehe Have fun Chloe, give the ladies our regards won't you?
[Lucy] Sounds like we are through. Well, thanks for coming to the First (assuming they'll be more) Chloe Chat. I hope everyone enjoyed yourselves and I hope you enjoy the mod once it is released. :)
[Chloe] Will do :)
[Chloe] Bye all, then :) Hugs and kisses to all. Except Ghreyfain, who smells like booze and seawater. ;)
Session Close: Sun Aug 04 03:50:24 2002

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#12 -Soulbringer-

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Posted 25 August 2002 - 07:08 AM

Ok, the Chat with Chloe will be on Saturday, 3rd Ausust @ 11pm EST (4am GMT Sunday morning) on irc.FunNet.net:6667 in room #ChloeChat

If you cannot make it for whatever reason but you still want to ask a question, post it here and either I or one of the beta-team present will pose the question to Ms. Out of Akadia of the Yr'kai Tribe (long last name, huh?). :D The chat will be logged and posted here after it is finished.

To give a brief overview of what you can expect:

In Character questions, such as: "Chloe, what is it like being the child of a goddess?"

Out of Character questions such as: "Chloe, what was it like working with Imoen?"


OOC: "Chloe, is Edwin as much of a jerk in real life as he is in the game?"

I'll ask that you specify IC or OOC before the question. Like:

OOC: Chloe, did you do your own stunts?
IC: Chloe, how long each day do you practice with the sword?

I will be present, Chloe will be present, and Rachel should also be present, and hopefully a few of the beta-testers as well. Right before or not too long after the chat we will begin beta-testing. Depending on how long it takes for us to be confident that the bugs are gone (at least the ones we can find) we will be releasing Chloe for general downloading and playing some time after that. No real ETA, because it'd be a pure guess on whatever I say.

Anyway, and questions or comments feel free to post. Hopefully there will be a good turnout... right?

If you know you cannot attend the chat, but you would still like to ask a question you can post it here. Throughout the chat I'll pose the questions to Chloe that you all have asked here. The chat will be logged and posted here afterwards.

More on the Chat:

1) The chat will be moderated, as I mentioned before. This means that no one but the ops and those with a voice (shows up as a + sign in front of your name) can talk. This is to keep the channel from being flooded and confuse Chloe. Chatters are welcome to also join the regular room, #ChloeMod, where they can chatter and comment at will. Chloe will not be in that room, but I will.

2) To ask a question, /msg Lucy and say you have a question or comment. I will voice you when it is your turn to ask and devoice you when you're done asking. Please indicate when you have more to say, like:
Bob> Chloe, first I want to say that you're really cool! -more
Chloe> Thank you, Bob.
Bob> and my question... OOC: Can you swordfight in real life or was it just stunt work or whatever?

3) Please don't bug the other ops for voices. Like, don't message Rachel saying "I have a question and Lucy won't voice me! Please, voice me!" You will be voiced in the order in which you /msg'd me in. If you're impatient, then it's too bad. Oh, and an added note, you may want to go ahead and type out your question if it's a long one, that way when you get voiced all you have to do is hit enter and we don't have to wait 2 minutes for you to ask your question and we won't be wondering if you're off having a smoke or something.

4) Please try not to be too crude. I don't mind a little language if it's appropriate, but be as polite as possible. We don't want to upset the bloodthirsty Yr'kai half-goddess, now do we?

5) If you have a followup question after your first one, please indicate it. Like:

Jane> IC: Chloe, do you believe in true evil? - 1 more
Chloe> True evil? No. What most people think of as evil is greed and self-serving. It may not be nice, but it's not really what you could call evil. There are truly malevolent beings out there that want nothing more than to destroy everything, but that has more to do with their destructive urges, or a lack of a moral code. Evil is just a term coined to explain away behavior we don't condone.
Jane> Ok. Now, OOC: Same question, but from the RL Chloe.
Chloe> Heh... ok. I definitely believe in true evil in RL. You see these sociopathic people that kill for fun, or people being cruel to animals for kicks, and I can't see that as anything but truly evil. We humans are capable of such unspeakable evil, but at least we balance it out with those that are capable of self-sacrifice and selflessness. Mother Theresa was a great example of this. So, we definitely have our extremes. I don't think anyone is beyond redemption though, but it takes a lot of hard work and they have to truly want to change. And that is exceedingly rare.
Lucy> Ok, next question is from Klondike-bar-man: [and so on]

Hopefully the chat will be a success. If enough people request it, we might try for another chat sometime later. And if it is a success, we will definitely have another one before the ToB portion of Chloe comes out.

I have waited so long to get an answer on this question i have, a demi-god i hope you mean a half god, as i understand you have a lot of resources. In the game Cyric says that no gods may interfear in the children of bhaal and a Demi-God is still the lowest form of a god, so i hope you mean a half-god.
Just a question.

#13 El Diablo

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Posted 25 August 2002 - 07:44 AM

In the game Cyric says that no gods may interfear in the children of bhaal and a Demi-God is still the lowest form of a god, so i hope you mean a half-god.
Just a question.

isn't cyric a greater god :huh:

#14 reiella


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Posted 25 August 2002 - 08:05 AM

Believe he was more so refering to Chloe's involvement with the Bhaalspawn plot.

#15 Lucythebeast


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Posted 25 August 2002 - 09:16 PM

A demi-god is a mortal child of a god. Call it a half-god if you like, they're the same thing. Heracles is a prime example of a demi-god. He had great strength as a blessing of his divine heritage but he was still mortal. Chloe is the same way. She has some extra gifts because of who her mother is, but she is still a mortal.

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#16 Dashael


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Posted 25 August 2002 - 10:46 PM

*has a little happy moment*

It's good to hear someone call Heracles by his proper name, instead of the Roman corruption of it.

(Dashael was a mythology geek in highschool :)

#17 Userunfriendly


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Posted 25 August 2002 - 11:09 PM

"It's good to hear someone call Heracles by his proper name, instead of the Roman corruption of it. "

oh yeah???what about the GREEK corruption of Joshua?????

or jesus???

:rolleyes: :P
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#18 Lucythebeast


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Posted 26 August 2002 - 08:36 AM

Greek corruption of Joshua? What's that? The original name for Jesus from Hebrew is Yeshua, I know that much.

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#19 Userunfriendly


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Posted 26 August 2002 - 10:26 AM

yeah, thats what i meant...i forget joshua is the romanticised corruption of yeshua....thanks lucy!!!

giggle...too much showing off... :D
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#20 Yoho


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Posted 16 September 2002 - 04:28 AM


Will you speak foreign languages ? Do you have already have a translator to help you ? If you have not, could I be yours for french-work ?