The bad news is that if they finish it, it won't be until next year.
But putting that asside, would you buy it? Would your decision be based on your experience you had in the first game?
Granted, NWN didn't stirr strong feelings like Baldur's Gate in me, but it did touch me none the less.
When I first experience the final ending in TOB, after playing a good paladin and choosing godhood, when reading what happened to my traveling companions, I cried, for it was then that it felt truly over, and I was both sad and happy.
As for the NWN expansion pack, the first one sucked a bit, but Hordes Of The Underdark rocked!
If your opinion on NWN is somewhat negitive, allow me to remind you that Bioware has done much since they created NWN.
For example, Knights Of The Old Republic. Now there's a game that brought a lot of reaction. Especielly when...well, if you've played the game, you know what I'm talking about.

Also, I have read that Bioware is attempting to do something new with the upcoming game. Can't remember at the moment what they exactly said, but my hopes are high.
My only fear is that 2006 is a long way from home, thus increasing the chance of it getting canceled.
Bah, but I'm getting way of course.
Neverwinter Nights 2. Would you buy it?