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Lovetalk problem

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#1 -Guest-

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Posted 18 January 2005 - 09:16 AM

I seem to be having a problem with the lovetalks. The last one I got was lovetalk2, the one where Chloe was pensive. I read some previous posts and saw that the third one required a camp, but after camping several times, waiting about an hour, and then camping several times again, I'm starting to wonder if something isn't working. Probably just me being impatient, but I figure there would be no harm in posting about it.

#2 -Guest-

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Posted 18 January 2005 - 10:02 AM

Nevermind, I messed with the Savegame in Shadowkeeper some, and figured out what was wrong. Sorry for the waste of time for anyone who read this :)

#3 Dalis'ilhea


    so, if I was to eat this I'd see the ghosts that haunted me?

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Posted 04 February 2005 - 03:08 AM

Ummm... is there any special requirements (location quests) that need to be done for it to start?

Char is

Elf cleric (lathander)
chaotic good
17 (I intend to scrifice one to the demon)

I couldn't seem to find a readme to say and didn't find mention in the FAQ :ermm:

(in the slums at the moment, done nothing)
Mods installed are

Chloe (obviously)
redemption (and the Badlurdash patch and ToB patch)
I apparently have a high level of empathy, combined with a low level of sympathy... weird

In the wake of destruction progress is made

I am who I am, and none shall change me

#4 Lucythebeast


    Chloe's bitch

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Posted 06 February 2005 - 04:39 AM

Ummm... is there any special requirements (location quests) that need to be done for it to start?

Char is

Elf cleric (lathander)
chaotic good
17 (I intend to scrifice one to the demon)

I couldn't seem to find a readme to say and didn't find mention in the FAQ :ermm:

(in the slums at the moment, done nothing)
Mods installed are

Chloe (obviously)
redemption (and the Badlurdash patch and ToB patch)

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In all that, you didn't mention whether your character was male or female. ;-) I'll assume female, since Chloe is gay.

If you're gone through all the "getting to know you" dialogues (there's 15 of them total by the way) and your romance doesn't start within a half hour or so, then it's likely that Chloe doesn't like your personality enough. It takes more than having girlparts to get Chloe's attention, you actually have to make her like you, and just not pissing her off isn't enough. Dialogue choices have weights on the value of how much Chloe likes you, they can add to it, leave it the same, or even take away from it. After all the GTKU dialogues, Chloe either likes you or she could care less. Based on whether she likes you or not will determine both whether she romances you, and also later in the game whether she stays in the party at the Tree of Life discussion. If Chloe doesn't consider you a friend or lover, and isn't hooked up with Immy, she'll ditch you rather than likely sacrificing her life on your behalf.

To know how much Chloe likes you, check your ChloeInterestCR global. If it's 9 or more, you're good. If it's under that, your personality doesn't mesh with hers very well. In other words, you kinda rub her the wrong way or she just thinks you're boring. If you find your interest variable too low for the romance and decide to cheat and increase it, I should warn you to not set it too high because if it goes above the maximum range a fair game can achieve, that will nip the romance in the bud as well.

Lastly, it is possible to be such a jerk to Chloe that she becomes angry with you. While she is angry, you have absolutely no chance of romancing her. And I believe it suspends further banters between yourself and her as well. Forcetalk her and see if you have an option to apologize to her. If you do, you pissed her off big time. But apologizing will reset the anger variable and she'll forgive you. But all the dialogue choices that end in her anger also carry some stiff negatives to her interest variable, so it makes it very difficult, if not impossible to win Chloe's heart when you piss her off that much.

If all that doesn't help, then you have an unusual problem. ;)

Save a vampire. Give blood.

#5 Dalis'ilhea


    so, if I was to eat this I'd see the ghosts that haunted me?

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Posted 07 February 2005 - 02:42 AM

reinstalled it and it worked fine :thumb:

finished last night
I apparently have a high level of empathy, combined with a low level of sympathy... weird

In the wake of destruction progress is made

I am who I am, and none shall change me