Introducing the Khadion NPC mod!
Posted 13 January 2005 - 11:26 AM
Khadion Linvail
Thief, Swashbuckler
Chaotic Neutral
Strength: 12
Dexterity: 18
Constitution: 13
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 7
Charisma 17
Total stats: 82
Khadion Linvail – the boy and the myth. He is the son of the Shadowmaster himself, Aran Linvail, a daring swashbuckler and a full-fledged Shadow Thief. Dual-wielding scimitars, his handsome face and red hair are in the dreams of all maidens in Athkatla.
Khadion is an extremely erratic and charismatic young man, constantly flirting and joking. He is boosted with self confidence, a true ladies' man. Khadion knows that he's good enough to succeed without his father’s help, and feels angry and ashamed to always be thought of as his father’s son. The continual need to succeed on his own merits has left him with burning ambition but a strong need for reassurance.
Khadion’s character will undergo considerable development, the outcome of which is influenced by the events around him, and his relationship with the player.
The mod will include:
- Content for both Baldur’s Gate II – SoA and ToB.
- Romance for ToB.
- A large amount of, in turn, flirty, light-hearted, topical and profound PC-banters, adding depth to the character.
- One very large and influential personal quest. Additional smaller quests.
- Extensive banters with all of Bioware’s NPCs. The banters may also differ depending on how his character progresses.
- Numerous interjections and comments throughout both SoA and ToB.
- A broad set of voicing for Khadion and other characters in the mod.
- Deeper characterisation to Aran Linvail, perhaps the most layered character of Baldur’s Gate II.
- Original poetry.
- New personal items.
- A beautifully crafted portrait made by khayman and the Sol-Ek-Sa.
- Support and extra content for mods also directly affecting the Shadow Thieves, such as SimDing0’s Quest Pack.
- Khadion is enlisted for the Crossmod Banter Pack.
The team working on Khadion:
Team leader
Kai of Candlekeep
...and others TBA.
...and others TBA.
Khadion NPC mod - Team leader, head designer
Hubelpot NPC mod - Team leader, coder
NPC Damage - Coder
PC Soundsets - Coder, voice actor
Brythe NPC mod - Designer
DragonLance TC - Glory of Istar - Designer
The NPC Interaction Expansion Project - Writer for Cernd, Sarevok
The Jerry Zinger Show - Producer
Iron Modder 5 - Winner
Posted 13 January 2005 - 11:41 AM

So... When we get to see that portrait?

Kummalliset kalat liukuvat syvyydessä,
tuntemattomat kukat loistavat rannalla;
olen nähnyt punaista ja keltaista ja kaikki toiset värit -
mutta ihana meri on vaarallista nähdä,
se herättää tulevien seikkailujen janon:
mitä on tapahtunut sadussa, on tapahtuva minullekin.
- Edith Södergran
Amber - The BG2 NPC Mod Project Now released!
Amber's discussion forum at Gibberlings 3
Posted 13 January 2005 - 11:47 AM
Meira, on Jan 13 2005, 08:31 PM, said:
Well... Both the name and the looks has been in my head for two years, and at that point there wasn't many redheads and K's around.Hmmm.. Not only the letter 'K' enjoys an overwhelming popularity, but seems that so is red hair.
But, hey, I'm not complaining (or really allowed to make any comments on that matter). :glare:

Meira, on Jan 13 2005, 08:31 PM, said:
As soon as it's finished.So... When we get to see that portrait?

Khadion NPC mod - Team leader, head designer
Hubelpot NPC mod - Team leader, coder
NPC Damage - Coder
PC Soundsets - Coder, voice actor
Brythe NPC mod - Designer
DragonLance TC - Glory of Istar - Designer
The NPC Interaction Expansion Project - Writer for Cernd, Sarevok
The Jerry Zinger Show - Producer
Iron Modder 5 - Winner
Posted 22 January 2005 - 01:33 AM
Posted 22 January 2005 - 02:08 AM
Feanor, on Jan 22 2005, 02:23 AM, said:
Khmm, what happened with the Bravo kit ? Dropped ?
Still being debated.
Having a highly active imagination can be very taxing on the purity of one's soul at times...
- Sir Kalthorine ut Wistan
I find you amusing... in a "What the hell is wrong with you?" kind of way...
- Jaheira, BG1
Posted 22 January 2005 - 06:17 AM
Khadion NPC mod - Team leader, head designer
Hubelpot NPC mod - Team leader, coder
NPC Damage - Coder
PC Soundsets - Coder, voice actor
Brythe NPC mod - Designer
DragonLance TC - Glory of Istar - Designer
The NPC Interaction Expansion Project - Writer for Cernd, Sarevok
The Jerry Zinger Show - Producer
Iron Modder 5 - Winner
Posted 27 January 2005 - 01:52 PM
Khadion NPC mod - Team leader, head designer
Hubelpot NPC mod - Team leader, coder
NPC Damage - Coder
PC Soundsets - Coder, voice actor
Brythe NPC mod - Designer
DragonLance TC - Glory of Istar - Designer
The NPC Interaction Expansion Project - Writer for Cernd, Sarevok
The Jerry Zinger Show - Producer
Iron Modder 5 - Winner
Posted 28 January 2005 - 02:31 AM

Refinements v2 has been released!
Go and visit the website or the forum for more info!
Member of The Silver Star team.
Posted 28 January 2005 - 07:52 AM
T.G.Maestro, on Jan 28 2005, 11:21 AM, said:
I think so too.Yes, I think it is better this way.

Khadion NPC mod - Team leader, head designer
Hubelpot NPC mod - Team leader, coder
NPC Damage - Coder
PC Soundsets - Coder, voice actor
Brythe NPC mod - Designer
DragonLance TC - Glory of Istar - Designer
The NPC Interaction Expansion Project - Writer for Cernd, Sarevok
The Jerry Zinger Show - Producer
Iron Modder 5 - Winner
Posted 29 January 2005 - 06:46 AM

And it'll be GREAT.

Khadion NPC mod - Team leader, head designer
Hubelpot NPC mod - Team leader, coder
NPC Damage - Coder
PC Soundsets - Coder, voice actor
Brythe NPC mod - Designer
DragonLance TC - Glory of Istar - Designer
The NPC Interaction Expansion Project - Writer for Cernd, Sarevok
The Jerry Zinger Show - Producer
Iron Modder 5 - Winner
Posted 20 April 2005 - 07:30 AM

Oh, and I reckon the portrait will be announced within short.
Khadion NPC mod - Team leader, head designer
Hubelpot NPC mod - Team leader, coder
NPC Damage - Coder
PC Soundsets - Coder, voice actor
Brythe NPC mod - Designer
DragonLance TC - Glory of Istar - Designer
The NPC Interaction Expansion Project - Writer for Cernd, Sarevok
The Jerry Zinger Show - Producer
Iron Modder 5 - Winner
Posted 20 April 2005 - 08:07 AM

Posted 20 April 2005 - 08:07 AM

Khadion NPC mod - Team leader, head designer
Hubelpot NPC mod - Team leader, coder
NPC Damage - Coder
PC Soundsets - Coder, voice actor
Brythe NPC mod - Designer
DragonLance TC - Glory of Istar - Designer
The NPC Interaction Expansion Project - Writer for Cernd, Sarevok
The Jerry Zinger Show - Producer
Iron Modder 5 - Winner
Posted 27 October 2005 - 01:56 PM
You will be amazed

Posted 27 October 2005 - 02:15 PM
Yikari, monk NPC
Shed's Mods - Three time TeamBG Contest winner!
The Jerry Zinger Show
Posted 27 October 2005 - 03:11 PM
I used to be on the team untill I was FIRED.
So using my mad archiving skills, I present the Khadion portrait. Be warned, his maniliness might be too much for the faint of heart.
SConrad even found a way to have an animated pic for him. That is why this has been so SEKRIT!

Edited by MajorTomSawyer, 27 October 2005 - 03:13 PM.
- The transitioned former modder once known as MTS.
Posted 27 October 2005 - 03:32 PM
I feel so inadequate now. My manliness just cannot compete.
Posted 05 January 2006 - 07:19 AM

Ilmatar's portraits for the Baldur's Gate series ¤ | ¤ | ¤ Ahem. Ilmatar =/= Ilmater. ¤ | ¤ | ¤ deviantART gallery
Grunting is a perfectly acceptable reaction to being struck with a blunt instrument. -berelinde
And, just out of curiosity, my dear, what *are* you wearing? - Tempest to me.