current fixes include:
- Beastmaster-as-Elder-Orb (here).
- Shar-teel's armour (here).
- AR5508 crash (here)
- the game-stopping bug in spellhold caused by lowering the difficulty to avoid losing yr stuff fixed.
- Dakkon's streaming blade fix corrected
- Simyaz' allies not turning hostile fix corrected - using the 3.13 fix
- AR 5014 (Kiser Jhaeri's basement crash) fix corrected - also using the 3.13 fix...
- slum-dwellers/saradush defenders turning hostile cos of an excess of Shout (here and here).
- Sime's veter figurine. again. (here).
- the non-hostile Sahaugin priestess (here).
- Sime's resurrection stutterbug (also here) - i've tried and tried, but it's beyond my ken why it happens, let alone how to fix it.
- a whole bunch of BGT bugs Ascension64 has identified. i do want to install BP-BGT-NEJ-etc, and then i'll be able to fix these bugs as well, it just won't be on my current laptop...