Auto-biffing the .tis files
Posted 10 January 2005 - 08:59 PM
I just made an auto-biffing program for the new bp-bgt elements: CtB, DSotSC, BG1NPCBGT, and SoBH. Included in this is the biffing capability for the CtB .tis files. If you are interested in the .bat files that accomplish this, for a future update of CtB--simply let me know, and I'll e-mail them to you. You'd have to fish out the non-CB entries, but you are the only one using the CB prefix (something that proved very useful when originally building BP ).
Posted 14 January 2005 - 04:07 PM
Hey CB, long time it has been. Congrats on working things out in this fine mod!
I just made an auto-biffing program for the new bp-bgt elements: CtB, DSotSC, BG1NPCBGT, and SoBH. Included in this is the biffing capability for the CtB .tis files. If you are interested in the .bat files that accomplish this, for a future update of CtB--simply let me know, and I'll e-mail them to you. You'd have to fish out the non-CB entries, but you are the only one using the CB prefix (something that proved very useful when originally building BP ).
If I recall correctly, .tis's in the override require the header and biffed .tis's don't (or vice versa). CtB uses the override method, so have the header (or don't as above- I don't remember which way it's supposed to go.) As long as your proggie accounts for this, then sure, send it along. I'm sure you still have my mail; if not let me know as I can't find yours.
Posted 19 January 2005 - 02:53 AM
Or, you could do this easily enough yourself. The procedure is pretty basic:
1) Make .tiz files out of your .tis (if they are already in .tiz format in your mod, skip this step)
2) Create a directory folder (CtB-TIS, e.g.), and use tisunpack to put your .tiz files into this folder. Use the following variables:
tisunpack -s -h -o CtB-TIS\CB3662(etc).tis <your ctb folder source>\CB3662(etc).tiz
3) Then make your biff. That's it!
It's the " -h " that really matters the most--it removes the header from the .tiz during .tis recreation.