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#1 Sergai Sargaron

Sergai Sargaron
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Posted 05 January 2005 - 10:34 AM

Hi, I'm new to the Forums and don't know much I'm afraid if this post is naughty please don't ban me just tell me what I've done wrong and I won't do it again:).

That said I'm a hard core gamer who would love to develop baldurs gate, baldurs gate 2 and TOB into the ultimate AD&D adventure making new MODS adventures NPCS shops magic items even mundane items in spirit with the vast collection of PNP materials I possess including all the monster manuals and the encyclopedia magica's. I do have a problem I'm code illiterate and about as much use with technical computer game building as a chocolate fireguard. This is where my fellow hard core gamers and modders come in if they could help develop this project building part and maybe helping me to understand these modding tools so I can do something too (cos they are like double dutch to me ATM) I think we could really do something quite awesome. Sadly I don't bring much to such a project except ideas by the legion and playtesting ability I've done that before... Maybe noone is interested maybe they are I don't know so I figured why don't I post see if I can gather together some like minded individuals so we make BG series something to be remembered and perhaps as future projects mod it so as to encompass the birthright world which would be amazing. So anyone willing to help leave me a message and we'll see if we can patch together a team with enough skill for the job. Then I hope to use msn messenger or some other chat service as well as message boards so we can all work together to bring an exciting new balance and look to BG series and maybe even an offshoot.

I look forward to hearing from everyone interested and thank you for reading this and you time.

:D Sergai

#2 Shed



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Posted 06 January 2005 - 01:42 AM

Hi, I'm new to the Forums and don't know much I'm afraid if this post is naughty please don't ban me just tell me what I've done wrong and I won't do it again:).

That said I'm a hard core gamer who would love to develop baldurs gate, baldurs gate 2 and TOB into the ultimate AD&D adventure making new MODS adventures NPCS shops magic items even mundane items in spirit with the vast collection of PNP materials I possess including all the monster manuals and the encyclopedia magica's. I do have a problem I'm code illiterate and about as much use with technical computer game building as a chocolate fireguard. This is where my fellow hard core gamers and modders come in if they could help develop this project building part and maybe helping me to understand these modding tools so I can do something too (cos they are like double dutch to me ATM) I think we could really do something quite awesome. Sadly I don't bring much to such a project except ideas by the legion and playtesting ability I've done that before... Maybe noone is interested maybe they are I don't know so I figured why don't I post see if I can gather together some like minded individuals so we make BG series something to be remembered and perhaps as future projects mod it so as to encompass the birthright world which would be amazing. So anyone willing to help leave me a message and we'll see if we can patch together a team with enough skill for the job. Then I hope to use msn messenger or some other chat service as well as message boards so we can all work together to bring an exciting new balance and look to BG series and maybe even an offshoot.

I look forward to hearing from everyone interested and thank you for reading this and you time.

:D  Sergai

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Your first tip is to use proper paragraphing. Makes what you're trying to say a lot easier to understand ;).

It sounds like you're generally enthusiastic ( :) ), and willing to help. What I recommend is that you download DLTCEP abd Near Infinity. These are two of the most useful tools. You will one day have to master WeiDU when you want to package your mods, but mabye you should come to that later ;).

You can find a host of tutorials here, on how to use those tools, and others.

Start small, pick something easy and work out how to do it. Read some tutorials and experiment. Once you have a clearer idea of how to mod, either try to be recruited by a modding project (there are plenty here) or start your own :). Try to avoid setting out to make a Total Conversion (TC) at this stage.spellholdstudios.net Keep it simple and you're more likely to succeed.

If you're still stuck with any problems, one of these forums will be the place to go.

Good modding :D !

#3 Sergai Sargaron

Sergai Sargaron
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Posted 08 January 2005 - 04:54 PM

Hi, I'm new to the Forums and don't know much I'm afraid if this post is naughty please don't ban me just tell me what I've done wrong and I won't do it again:).

That said I'm a hard core gamer who would love to develop baldurs gate, baldurs gate 2 and TOB into the ultimate AD&D adventure making new MODS adventures NPCS shops magic items even mundane items in spirit with the vast collection of PNP materials I possess including all the monster manuals and the encyclopedia magica's. I do have a problem I'm code illiterate and about as much use with technical computer game building as a chocolate fireguard. This is where my fellow hard core gamers and modders come in if they could help develop this project building part and maybe helping me to understand these modding tools so I can do something too (cos they are like double dutch to me ATM) I think we could really do something quite awesome. Sadly I don't bring much to such a project except ideas by the legion and playtesting ability I've done that before... Maybe noone is interested maybe they are I don't know so I figured why don't I post see if I can gather together some like minded individuals so we make BG series something to be remembered and perhaps as future projects mod it so as to encompass the birthright world which would be amazing. So anyone willing to help leave me a message and we'll see if we can patch together a team with enough skill for the job. Then I hope to use msn messenger or some other chat service as well as message boards so we can all work together to bring an exciting new balance and look to BG series and maybe even an offshoot.

I look forward to hearing from everyone interested and thank you for reading this and you time.

:D  Sergai

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Your first tip is to use proper paragraphing. Makes what you're trying to say a lot easier to understand ;).

It sounds like you're generally enthusiastic ( :) ), and willing to help. What I recommend is that you download DLTCEP abd Near Infinity. These are two of the most useful tools. You will one day have to master WeiDU when you want to package your mods, but mabye you should come to that later ;).

You can find a host of tutorials here, on how to use those tools, and others.

Start small, pick something easy and work out how to do it. Read some tutorials and experiment. Once you have a clearer idea of how to mod, either try to be recruited by a modding project (there are plenty here) or start your own :). Try to avoid setting out to make a Total Conversion (TC) at this stage. Keep it simple and you're more likely to succeed.

If you're still stuck with any problems, one of these forums will be the place to go.

Good modding :D !

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THank you for the tips I will look into it as soon as possible :)

#4 Shed



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Posted 13 January 2005 - 05:01 AM

NP ;).

#5 SConrad


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Posted 13 January 2005 - 07:07 AM

Moved here. ;)

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#6 minotaur_in_maze


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Posted 13 January 2005 - 11:58 AM


I can't say much on how to make mods, I am still struggling up the evolutionary ladder in that department myself.

BUT I CAN tell you that the folks here on this board are REALLY REALLY smart and helpfull when it comes to answering questions and giving information. :hug:

Trust me. After all the boneheaded things I have asked, do ask and will continue to ask, I know. :rolleyes:

Listening to SHED and SCONRAD and reading tutos are a great start.

Love it here myself

Minotaur In Maze :thumb:
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They are wrong.

The world IS Hell! Always has been, always will be; except perhaps for the five percent or so of the population who can afford differently.

And, if one must reside in Hell, it is far better to do it as a minion of the Devil than as a member of the damned.
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But being alone and unloved is worse.
- Nancy A. Collins "Thin Walls"
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#7 Shed



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Posted 13 January 2005 - 12:31 PM

Ah, you flatter me ;).

Anyone's always welcome to pm me and I'll help them as much as I can.

#8 Rastor


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Posted 13 January 2005 - 06:51 PM

Ah, you flatter me ;).

Anyone's always welcome to pm me and I'll help them as much as I can.

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Likewise :) .
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#9 Stone Wolf

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Posted 13 January 2005 - 07:56 PM

I suspect you'll get more offers to help, so I'd suggest posting your questions in the appropriate forum first, so that you don't have to wait until someone comes online. If you aren't getting any help that way, you can of course PM those who have offered aid (and I'll throw myself into that list). :)

#10 SimDing0



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Posted 14 January 2005 - 07:40 AM

BUT I CAN tell you that the folks here on this board are REALLY REALLY smart and helpfull when it comes to answering questions and giving information.  :hug:

I'm not.
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#11 Stone Wolf

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Posted 14 January 2005 - 11:59 AM

Well, you've always been a special case Sim. ;)

#12 Sergai Sargaron

Sergai Sargaron
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Posted 16 January 2005 - 07:18 AM

Well after copious playing and reinstalling BG2 I've figured out how to make rings With IEEP and Near infinity! I'm so pleased! So I'm hoping to make a Mod eventually With items from the Ad&d Dungeon masters guide and Encyclopedia magica's. I would also like to include some new bits to Baldurs gate 2 to make it more like its PNP counter part. For This I will need to get hold of some people who can do some of the following things who would be willing to help me Cos I thought Items were complicated NPCS A couple of new Area's and quests spells and abilities are gonna be like masterclasses :P So I figured I would post all the Jobs I might need help with then if any kind souls wanted to help they could PM me or something.

First Weidu (eeek even the name is complicated how is that pronounced anyway)

Second NPCS I'd like to put in some Sensible NPCS and fill Biowares gaps (ie Thieves Yoshimo gets boring no fighters lots of rangers??? wrong wrong wrong should be lots of fighters! they are the most common class (allegedly) )

Third Spells There are a whole host of spells in pnp not represented well we can fix some of them up (to be fair spells don't look too complicated I might do this myself)

Fourth I want some new areas not related to the plot but worth exploring Ideas: a Haunted house, A goblin camp, A Dragons territory( I know firkraag but he comes for you it would be nice to chase a Dragon or two + I have a book on dragons which would help

Fifth Stores While I think I know how to do this I don't know how to create one from Scratch I'd like to add quite a few.

sixth anything that people suggest they'd like to join in that meets my exacting standards for being in tune with AD&D (the goal after all is more like pnp less like pc game) and yes I know people are doing it but I want to try too :P

So if anyone is up for helping lemme know I'm going to do Items anyway on my own I'd rather get a team together and make a mod with alsorts of quality content and I will definitly need help with Weidu!!! its like double dutch!

Thanks for the messages of support all by the way!

look forward to hearing from ya all

Sergai :w00t:

#13 Sergai Sargaron

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Posted 16 January 2005 - 07:19 AM

Moved here. ;)

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Sorry about posting in the wrong forum there not so easy to find all of them :P Thank you for moving this :)

#14 Shed



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Posted 16 January 2005 - 09:56 AM


There is a huge difference between making a few items with IEEP (which is a defunct tool now, anyway) and making a partial conversion.

Setting out with the general intention of making a p&p mod that corrects everything missed out of BG2 and that makes your breakfast will not get you far. You don't yet know enough modding to manage it. You would likely give up in frustration, and we don't want that ;). Even a tiny fraction of what you're talking about would take a lot more time and modding expertise than you, or even most people, have.

There's a proverb: "Learn to walk before you run." Now, lots of people here (myself included) would be happy to teach you the basics, how to "walk", but if you attempt running, you'll only fall over ;).

Again, start small, learn some skills, and work your way up gradually to more challening projects. If you want specific assistance on how to use a tool, create a desired effect, or even on a project, fine.

However, you aren't the first person to express enthusiasm to create "the best mod evar, adding 400 NPCs, 10000 items, 550000000 spells and a nine way dragon fight!!!!!!111". Typically, such a loose concept for a mod is proposed by someone with no real idea how to accomplish it; anyone who could do it knows better. Set yourself some limits, and then you stand a good chance of learning something, moving on, and becoming a happy and productive modder :)

#15 Stone Wolf

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Posted 16 January 2005 - 03:20 PM

First Weidu (eeek even the name is complicated how is that pronounced anyway)

There are quite a few Weidu gurus around. Just remember to do a forum search and a text search within the Weidu readme before asking. It saves time. :)

Second NPCS I'd like to put in some Sensible NPCS and fill Biowares gaps (ie Thieves Yoshimo gets boring no fighters lots of rangers??? wrong wrong wrong should be lots of fighters! they are the most common class (allegedly) )

NPCs take a lot of work, if you're going to be writing dialog. Bear that in mind before you start making a list of new NPCs you'd like to make.

Third Spells There are a whole host of spells in pnp not represented well we can fix some of them up (to be fair spells don't look too complicated I might do this myself)


Not complicated? Some spells you can do fairly easily, but others get quite challenging. Spells are (on average) a little harder to do than items. Maybe I'm biased, though, having done over 150 spells myself.

Fourth I want some new areas not related to the plot but worth exploring Ideas: a Haunted house, A goblin camp, A Dragons territory( I know firkraag but he comes for you it would be nice to chase a Dragon or two + I have a book on dragons which would help

Ho boy! Making new areas is very time consuming, and takes a good bit of skill. You can try to use tilesets people have uploaded, but if you're making new areas you'll probably have to learn a 3D graphics program like 3DSMax. Areas make the rest look easy.

Fifth Stores While I think I know how to do this I don't know how to create one from Scratch I'd like to add quite a few.

Stores aren't really that complex. I'd suggest starting with a store that's in the game, and then replacing all the items with the new stuff. Then just rename the sto file to what you want it to be and set up the trigger to open the store. Actually, I'd suggest basing your stuff off in-game files as often as possible. It's easier to change a few fields than to make each file from scratch.

Read what Shed said about starting small, and take that advice to heart. Try making some items, including some more complex items. Make sure to do a wand, a staff with daily abilities, an item that summons a creature, and perhaps a talking item. Then make a store for them. Then try some spells, with the easiest coming first. Once you get a handle on that you can start with creatures, scripting, etc.

#16 Andyr



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Posted 16 January 2005 - 04:05 PM

First Weidu (eeek even the name is complicated how is that pronounced anyway)

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Why-Dee-You, I am told. :)
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#17 Awake

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Posted 16 January 2005 - 05:43 PM

Honestly? I thought it was Way-Do.....
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And the raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting
On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;
And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming,
And the lamp-light o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;
And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
Shall be lifted - nevermore!

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#18 Sergai Sargaron

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Posted 16 January 2005 - 05:47 PM

OK OK I was keen after my first success I'll admit making a Sword +4 defender wasn't easy and the wand I tried went real bad! in fact I've still no idea where I went wrong on the wand I'll have to study some more of them in Near infinity which actaully I find easier to understand than all the other tools put together as I can look at a template item while I'm editing my new item file I made with IEEP (as I can't figure out how to make a new one with Near infinity)

oh a Side Question I tried DLCEP but it kept asking for a file which I just don't have anywhere on my BG2 install something about effs?

Oh and I have been able to get some of my items to appear on ribald in the adventure Mart but I couldn't get there name to appear on the selling list for some reason no idea why?

#19 Stone Wolf

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Posted 16 January 2005 - 06:40 PM

Is it asking for effects descriptions? If so, you have to set the path to them on the settings page. The file will be in the DLTCEP directory. There's a guide to setting up DLTCEP here: http://www.shsforums...topic=10756&hl=

#20 Sergai Sargaron

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Posted 17 January 2005 - 06:38 AM

Is it asking for effects descriptions?  If so, you have to set the path to them on the settings page.  The file will be in the DLTCEP directory.  There's a guide to setting up DLTCEP here: http://www.shsforums...topic=10756&hl=

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Thanks once Again DLCEP is working now that one had got me foxed incidently it doesn't like the items I made so back to the drawing board for them I guess but it does seem very user friendly!
