That said I'm a hard core gamer who would love to develop baldurs gate, baldurs gate 2 and TOB into the ultimate AD&D adventure making new MODS adventures NPCS shops magic items even mundane items in spirit with the vast collection of PNP materials I possess including all the monster manuals and the encyclopedia magica's. I do have a problem I'm code illiterate and about as much use with technical computer game building as a chocolate fireguard. This is where my fellow hard core gamers and modders come in if they could help develop this project building part and maybe helping me to understand these modding tools so I can do something too (cos they are like double dutch to me ATM) I think we could really do something quite awesome. Sadly I don't bring much to such a project except ideas by the legion and playtesting ability I've done that before... Maybe noone is interested maybe they are I don't know so I figured why don't I post see if I can gather together some like minded individuals so we make BG series something to be remembered and perhaps as future projects mod it so as to encompass the birthright world which would be amazing. So anyone willing to help leave me a message and we'll see if we can patch together a team with enough skill for the job. Then I hope to use msn messenger or some other chat service as well as message boards so we can all work together to bring an exciting new balance and look to BG series and maybe even an offshoot.
I look forward to hearing from everyone interested and thank you for reading this and you time.