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Worldmap Updated

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#1 Yovaneth


    The newly-appointed Master Builder of Baldur's Gate

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Posted 01 January 2005 - 03:04 AM

I'm starting to get a little frustrated with this.... one or more installed mods seem to be tramping all over Soubar, instead of *me* tramping all over Soubar.

After the initial cutscenes, Gaius updates your worldmap to show Soubar. Not mine, he doesn't... so I can't walk there. Taking the offer of a ride in the carriage gets me to Charlotte, but if I then attempt to leave Charlotte and continue on to Soubar, my worldmap shows me still in Umar! NearInfinity confirms that the Chionabar (sp?) river area has been added to the worldmap icons and also confirms where it should be; north of Umar.

Can anyone give me a list of the SoS area codes please? I might stand a chance of running down any scripting clashes if I have those - as well as being able to play the game.


#2 seanas

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Posted 01 January 2005 - 06:53 AM

all of the Soubar areas are either AR42xx or AR43xx. the first of the River Chionthar areas is AR4220, the second is AR4330, and Soubar itself is AR4230.

but you might not have a bug there - i didnt think the world map actually updated until you got to Soubar - and then, you only had an icon for the River Chionthar areas. to exit the first river area (AR4220), go to the northwest corner; you'll get to the second river area (AR4330), the exit for which to soubar is *also* in the north-west corner.

Edited by seanas, 01 January 2005 - 06:54 AM.

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#3 Yovaneth


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Posted 01 January 2005 - 11:34 AM

Thanks Seanas - I'd found the second river area but not the exits. A quick test has just shown up the steps down to the river. Now to see how much further I get..!!! :D


#4 Gregor

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Posted 16 May 2020 - 02:22 PM

Thank you for the area codes, seanas: my Worldmap also did not update, and you saved me from having to hunt and peck through the area codes in the mod file.

Don't ask questions best left to aged sages. Boo is quick and evasive, and there is ever so much of Minsc to search, there is no hope of getting us apart."

#5 Isewein

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Posted 19 May 2020 - 12:48 AM

This is why forums remain the best method of public online communication. You would never find helpful information contributed by someone 15 years ago on Reddit or facebook and their ilk.