my first thought was that the problem was caused by Yasraena, seeing as how she was the only mod i had installed between this game and the previous couple, none of which had the beastmaster-as-elder-orb problem. however, having contacted Yasraena's makers and searched these forums - finding this and this, i've realised it's a BP problem, or at least most likely. so i have some questions:
- why is BP changing the beastmaster to an Elder Orb?
- why has it only happened now, not in the dozens of previous BP installs i've had? (and why did Yasraena kick it off?)
- can someone send me the correct BEAST.CRE, so i can include this as a fix in v5 of the s_and_h patch?
Edited by seanas, 28 December 2004 - 02:45 AM.