Boo Mod:
Tyrmer (Myself)
Whoever replies to this post.
I have a CRE file without portrait (which might be fixed soon), dialog on paper and partly on IDU (am looking for a WEIDUer), quests on paper.
I need as much help on this as possible, I am not the best MODer ever but I'm not without practice although I've never loaded a MOD onto the net.
Oh yeah a bit of info:
Minsc is called back to Rasheman to join the Ice Dragon berserker lodge. He leaves Boo, our favourite minature giant space hamster, in <CHARNAME>'s care/to look after <CHARNAME>. Boo changes into human form and joins the party (or not if you're heartless or have no room) to find out about his past. I am not intending to make it for ToB or into a Romance at this time though I might if it progresses well.
Edited by Tyrmer, 26 December 2004 - 01:04 PM.