Starting a FAQ...
Posted 03 January 2003 - 10:39 AM
Q: Install system/expected compatibility?
A: WeiDU. (further notes for any expected incompatibilities?)
Q: Voicing?
A: Yes (new lines only, actor TBA)
Q: Anomen romance conflict? How about mod romance conflict?
A: __________
Q: Bodhi vamping?
A: __________
Q: Anything you or we would consider "breakthrough"? (ex: Solaufein brought us "unisex romancing", celestial interventions. Kelsey introduced more pro-active romance through flirting and the TOB "confessional lovetalk." Tashia has her unique stringhead comments. Etc.)
A: __________
Posted 03 January 2003 - 11:01 AM
Yes, plenty of Anomen romance conflict. As of today, no conflict with other mod romances.Q: Anomen romance conflict? How about mod romance conflict?
A: __________
Q: Bodhi vamping?
A: __________
Q: Anything you or we would consider "breakthrough"? (ex: Solaufein brought us "unisex romancing", celestial interventions. Kelsey introduced more pro-active romance through flirting and the TOB "confessional lovetalk." Tashia has her unique stringhead comments. Etc.)
A: __________
Bodhi will turn Edwin into a vampire, in the normal fashion. Upon resurrection, there will be an optional alignment change for him, triggered by the dialogue choices you make. From there on, Edwin will have somewhat differing sets of dialogues in many spots, particularly evident in ToB.
Breakthrough...nothing revolutionary in the coding I think, though perhaps Dorotea is better equipped to answer that. Perhaps the chance to get to chat with your loved one's family (or be told off by them) might be considered semi-unique, I'm not sure.

Having your romantic prospect undergo a sex change is also pretty unusual I guess, even if it wasn't a voluntary one.

I also suspect that this will be the mod that allows you to insult your chosen mate the most and get away with it, though I could of course be entirely wrong about that. It always annoyed me that you couldn't tell Anomen off at any point.
Posted 03 January 2003 - 03:06 PM
A: _______
Posted 03 January 2003 - 05:43 PM
Q: Anything you or we would consider "breakthrough"? (ex: Solaufein brought us "unisex romancing", celestial interventions. Kelsey introduced more pro-active romance through flirting and the TOB "confessional lovetalk." Tashia has her unique stringhead comments. Etc.)
Edwin getting drunk with PC?

Q: Planning to release Edwin-SOA first, or complete and package both halves together?
I think we will go for both parts together. I am not sure how we will manage but we sure will try!
Freedom cannot be equated with goodness, virtue, or perfection. Freedom has its own unique self-contained nature; freedom is freedom ? not universal goodness. Any confusion or deliberate equalization of freedom with goodness and excellence is in itself negation of freedom, and acceptance of the path of restraint and enforcement.
Nikolai Berdyaev - Christian Existentialist, Philosopher of Freedom.
The Longer Road mod
Redemption mod
Bitter Grey Ashes
Posted 03 January 2003 - 05:59 PM
Not too tough, you can just have "Install Edwin for SOA? Y/N" and then "Install Edwin for TOB? Y/N", or use ACTION_IF to detect which the player has and behave accordingly. Your call.I think we will go for both parts together. I am not sure how we will manage but we sure will try!
Posted 04 January 2003 - 04:37 AM
What do you think, Gasping Concubines all, should I post an example of one of our new graphics as a teaser?

Gasping Concubine and Mistress of Sound and Light (i.e. mod peripherals designer).
"If a tree falls in the forest, I'll kill the bastard what done it!" - Jaheira
"If a tree falls in the forest, does anybody care?" - Viconia
Posted 04 January 2003 - 05:05 AM
Good idea! How about Edwin's corpse for example? That won't spoil the storyline. I suggest putting it up as a new topic.What do you think, Gasping Concubines all, should I post an example of one of our new graphics as a teaser?

Posted 04 January 2003 - 07:34 AM
Ooh...I hope you do end up doing a romance conflict with Kelsey as well. Having the boys fight over you is fun! Unfortunately, Solaufein is no fun in this regard since apparently he's above such petty bickerings, so I just have Kelsey and Anomen going at it. Adding Edwin to the mix would be very nice.Yes, plenty of Anomen romance conflict. As of today, no conflict with other mod romances.

Posted 10 January 2003 - 12:58 PM

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Posted 10 January 2003 - 01:13 PM
*evil grin* Let's just say that Edwin is *very* verbal when he and Anomen get into one of their jealous spats.Edwin voice: "Just waaait until you sleep. Fireball *poof*!

Posted 10 January 2003 - 01:19 PM
I hope Anomen comes out on top at least once. It distresses me when he gets used for a punching bag all the time.*evil grin* Let's just say that Edwin is *very* verbal when he and Anomen get into one of their jealous spats.Edwin voice: "Just waaait until you sleep. Fireball *poof*!

Posted 10 January 2003 - 01:33 PM
Anomen will get his chance to shine.I hope Anomen comes out on top at least once. It distresses me when he gets used for a punching bag all the time.

Posted 06 April 2003 - 05:33 PM
Posted 06 April 2003 - 08:02 PM
As far as I understand how the programming works, it shouldn't be necessary, it is set up the same way the other romances are.Will Throne of Bhaal be required to use the Edwin Romance Mod?
Posted 06 April 2003 - 10:28 PM
Posted 22 July 2003 - 09:53 PM
Of course he is.Anomen will get his chance to shine.I hope Anomen comes out on top at least once. It distresses me when he gets used for a punching bag all the time.
I may enjoy teasing him, but I am still fond of him. And though Edwin has the advantage in verbal duels, Anomen *is* more perceptive in certain situations.

And by the way, I'm also an Anomen lover who is tired of seeing him used as a "punching bag". Even at his worst moments, he was never really that bad--good to know you're fond of him.
Posted 23 July 2003 - 12:53 AM
Yeah, I've romanced Ano more than once, and though he can be annoying I do love him.Of course he is.
Anomen will get his chance to shine.I hope Anomen comes out on top at least once. It distresses me when he gets used for a punching bag all the time.
I may enjoy teasing him, but I am still fond of him. And though Edwin has the advantage in verbal duels, Anomen *is* more perceptive in certain situations.
And by the way, I'm also an Anomen lover who is tired of seeing him used as a "punching bag". Even at his worst moments, he was never really that bad--good to know you're fond of him.

I've also set it up so that you can 'dump' the rejected lover in a kind, considerate fashion, and let it know that you still care about him. Although there is of course also the option to be completely cruel and heartless, for those who prefer that.

Posted 25 July 2003 - 04:29 PM
My love for Anomen is so strong it tends to make me blind to his faults (I've romanced him twice, always LG).Yeah, I've romanced Ano more than once, and though he can be annoying I do love him.
I've set it up so that Edwin will 'win' the arguments when Anomen interferes with Edwin's lovetalks, and Ano will win the arguments when Edwin interferes with him. That will make it fair, I think.
I've also set it up so that you can 'dump' the rejected lover in a kind, considerate fashion, and let it know that you still care about him. Although there is of course also the option to be completely cruel and heartless, for those who prefer that.

I also like the idea of gently letting the person down, at any time--it's fair to the player and more realistic that way.
Posted 25 July 2003 - 09:28 PM
Thank you!My love for Anomen is so strong it tends to make me blind to his faults (I've romanced him twice, always LG).
And yes, it is rather fair to have the one who interrupts "lose" the little verbal spat that erupts.
I also like the idea of gently letting the person down, at any time--it's fair to the player and more realistic that way.

Posted 11 February 2004 - 06:00 PM