I changed the variable at the end of Kido's first sentences, to a SetGlobal 2 or else the interjection would always run I reckon. For the rest I changed everything as you said.
IF ~See("Quayle") Global("KidoQuayle","LOCALS",1) InParty("Aerie") See("Aerie")~
THEN KIDOJ quayle1
~Oh jeez, you... you're Quayle! You... you are one of the smartest illusionists one can meet! I mean, I have heard of you in many a tale. You are perhaps not a bard, but an illusionist comes close to a bard, and... and you can also summon the powers of the divine! I, too, once gave some thought to becoming a Cleric, but I already had such a good voice and had attuned myself so much with it, that I couldn't bring myself to do it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("KidoQuayle","LOCALS",2)~
== QUAYLE ~I am glad that someone appreciates my intellect, but I have changed quite a bit thanks to my dear Aerie.~
== KIDOJ ~You can't be serious! Have you changed, because of her? She is nothing more than a sniffling, whining little child.~
~How could you bring down one of the best adventurers that ever were?! You... you wingless Avariel!~
== AERIEJ ~You... you should be ashamed of yourself. It is not nice to remind me of my present state. If it were not for Uncle Quayle, I would not have known what to do.~
== KIDOJ ~All the better! You probably wouldn't have been here!~
== QUAYLE ~That is enough! You will not shout at my beloved Aerie, nor will you cause her grief. Get out of my sight at once!~
== KIDOJ ~Oh, fiddlesticks! He has really turned soft. I hate it when that happens.~
IF ~See("Quayle") Global("KidoQuayle","LOCALS",1) !InParty("Aerie")~
THEN KIDOJ quayle1
~Oh jeez, you... you're Quayle! You... you are one of the smartest illusionists one can meet! I mean, I have heard of you in many a tale. You are perhaps not a bard, but an illusionist comes close to a bard, and... and you can also summon the powers of the divine! I, too, once gave some thought to becoming a Cleric, but I already had such a good voice and had attuned myself so much with it, that I couldn't bring myself to do it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("KidoQuayle","LOCALS",2)~
== QUAYLE ~I am glad that someone appreciates my intellect, but I have changed quite a bit thanks to my dear Aerie. I don't do that kind of adventuring stuff anymore.~
== KIDOJ ~Oh, fiddlesticks!~
However still have a question about this code
Which interjection should run (depending on if Aerie is present or not) is set in the CHAIN. However the interjection runs before the end of the end of the Circus quest and therefor interferes between the conversation between Aerie and Quayle.
I though of editing the variable Dead("Kalah"), but even that is before Aerie talks to Quayle so that she may leave the circus. The variable of the guard in front of the circus after he has talked to you when you finished the quest is, beside reputation increase etc., IncrementGlobal("D0Change","GLOBAL",1). However I do not totally grasp this variable. Does this mean I can make a variable in the script that says Global("D0Change","GLOBAL",1) in order to make sure the interjection happens after the circus quest has been completed.
Edited by Deathsangel, 10 January 2005 - 05:53 AM.