Unluckily, after considering these 2 facts:
- I suck at writing dialogues.
- I don't have anymore the time to properly write all those I might like.
If you think you are interested in either of these projects, post here or drop me a PM.
Note: the relation will be quite like slave / master
For MTP, having played through v2 is kindly requested (but the quest will probably undergo some changes in any case). The same goes for Stivan.
In both cases there isn't that much to read besides the general idea though, so I can easily write a quite exausting summary in some seconds :closedeyes: ...
PS: I do all the code-work
PPS: any type of constructive comment, question and shameless praise is well accepted.
Flames, spam and trolling, on the other hand, will result in your post being deleted and me sending auto-crash emails to your unprotected Outlook Express