Update 2004-12-15
First of all, I wish to welcome two new members to the Khadion-team! We now also have Shadowhawke and Kai of Candlekeep aiding us with their writing and thoughts. A big welcome to both of them, of course. They've already proved to be great assets!

Work is progressing quite quickly, at this moment. I seem to be doing nothing but writing and editing right now. Banters, interjections and other dialogue are being written amazingly fast, and it's almost hard to keep up.

Moreover, I can report that discussions regarding different questions are currently being held inside the workroom. Khadion's personal quest is being refined and tweaked, as well as most other things.

I also have plans to get on writing on the fanfic I've got stored somewhere. It still needs a lot of work, but I'll get there - eventually. If you're one of those waiting impatiently for the fanfic, banter-previews or other things, do say so, if only to increase my own motivation!

More information will be available soon. In the meantime, feel free to ask questions or write a few lines to inspirate us to work even harder on this mod!