IF ~~ THEN BEGIN Armory SAY ~Alright, the armory it'll be.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~StartStore("FWStor01",LastTalkedToBy())~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN Arsenal SAY ~Alright, the arsenal it'll be.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~StartStore("FWStor02",LastTalkedToBy())~ EXIT ENDWeiDU spitted out an parsing error at last character of the DO block in the Armory state. StartStore is exactly the same as in Action.ids.
After decompiling Ribald.dlg (with --trans --nocom) there is an state very much alike:
IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 2 SAY @11 IF ~~ THEN DO ~StartStore("ribald",LastTalkedToBy()) ~ EXIT ENDAnd here I got the same error.