Is this mod only for SoA or SoA/ToB?
Both. He will have interjections, banters and a specific quest in both SoA and ToB.
It's a WeiDU mod, right?
Would I do it any other way?
Will Khadion be compatible with <insert mod here>?
Khadion will be compatible with most other mods, with a few exceptions. It's to early to tell which at this point, we'll see when time comes.
I can, however, safely say that Khadion won't be compatible with Chloe, due to the plotline of that mod.
Will Khadion be voiced?
Khadion, as well as other characters in the mod, will be extensively voiced.
Will this mod suck?
Khadion is developed by experienced modders and I've heard that the teamleader is a real fastidious bastard. Word has it that he will only accept contents and contibutions of the very highest standard.
So, no. It won't suck.
Does he have a specific quest?
He indeed does. His quest will be a large part of the immense character development in store for him.
Where do I find Khadion?
He will find you.
Will he join you when you take Renal's quest, when you meet Aran or after you deal with Bodhi?
Neither. He will show up very early in the game. Where and when isn't decided yet.
Will you still be able to join Bodhi if you have Khadion in your party?
NO. He'll turn against you if you do. He is a Shadow Thief, after all.
At which level does he start ?
A bit less than the protagonist.
Will there be any alignment restrictions for Khadion to join you?
No, he will join no matter alignment of the PC.
What weapon proficiencies will Khadion have?
It's not fully decided, but scimitar, two weapon fighing and daggers seem likely.
Who is Khadion? Race/Alignment/Stats/Class, etc?
Name: Khadion Linvail
Race: Human
Class: Swashbuckler
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Strength: 12
Dexterity: 18
Constitution: 13
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 7
Charisma 17
Total: 82
Whats his personality going to be?
He's a very charming, though extremely erratic young man. He's got a lot of self-comfindence, which isn't always good for him. He has difficulties with focusing on things except for short periods of time. He's hot-tempered, and that combined with the confidence he has in his own abilities will drag him into occasionally trouble. He is also a spoiled brat, his step-father is, after all, Aran Linvail himself. The other partymembers will also remind him of this.
Will there be a romance?
Yes, there will be a romance!
The romance will take place in the ToB-portion of the game, since he's much to unstable to have a serious relationship in SoA. When he's developed as a person and a character, though, a romance is possible.

Will there be sex then?
The mod will still be allowed for younger people to play, i.e. there won't be any "dirty" conversations. There will be hints, however, that something might have happened (after a rest, for example).
I read somewhere that Khadion is based on a character called Silk from David Eddings books. If so, will Khadion act to a similar way to what Silk does?
Not based, but influented. The acrobatic fighting-style/charm/humour is similarities. But there are quite large diffrences:
Silk is a lot older, he's not as attractive and not as erratic. Even if he says in one of the books that he gets sidetracked too easily, it's still nothing compared to Khadion. Silk's a lot wiser than Khadion is. So there are similarities, but also large diffrences.
You won't recognize Silk (i.e."that would be the exact thing as Silk would have said!") when you play Khadion.
Silk's real name (Kheldar) and Khadion's name are very similar. Is there a reason for that?
No, it's not intentional, but simply a coincidence.
Will he interact with other NPC's?
Definently. He will have a lot of banters with other NPC's. Khadion will develop personal relationships with the other party-members, which is only normal when you consider the fact that they travel together and fight by eachother sides. He will be affected by the specific events which occur to the other NPC's, and he will respond at certain points. He may also react both positively and negatively to other party-members' death, as well if they are kicked out of the party.
Khadion will also have loads of interjections, especially with people in Athkatla. He's well-known in the city, and to not interject with people when he's such a celebrity would be very strange.
How many banters will be planned for Khadion to have with each NPC?
I don't want to set a specific number on each NPC. Some of them will be more, some less. He will develop a personal relationship with them all, though.
Will he end up fighting with any of the other NPC's that you can have in your party?
Will he have any banters with other NPC-mods (like Kelsey, Taisha, Tsujatha, etc)?
It is very possible that we will add Khadion to the Crossmod Banter Pack, a mod which adds banter-material between NPC-mods.
Will he have many interjections with quest's that the party will have?
Both yes and no. He's likely to interject to quests and people in Athkatla, since he is somewhat of a celebrity there. When outside Athkatla, however, he'll be a lot more quiet.
Will the mod add some more character to Aran Linvail?
Definently. A lot.
Will Khadion start with any unique equipment apart from his scimitar?
No unique equipment. Magical, yes. A shadow armor, for example. He is the stepson to the leader of the Shadow Thieves, after all. It's only logical that he won't walk around in a leather armor.
Will he get any more unique equipment given to him, or from his quests?
Yes. Both to him and through his quests.
What stats will Khadion's scimitar have?
Will his scimitar be upgradable?
Dude, this scimitar's so cheesy... Come on think of another thing! How about... Short swords...?
They won't be cheesy. I've got a lot of persons around me to correct it if that would be the case.
And no, no short swords.
This mod sounds so cool! Can I help?
Send me a PM and we'll discuss it.
Who put the bop in the bop-she-bop-she-bop?
Bob, get away from my FAQ!
Who was that man? I'd like to shake his hand... He made my baby fall in love with me.
Andy, you too!