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#21 -Guest-

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Posted 18 November 2004 - 02:11 PM

I've determined the problem wasn't Shadowkeeper, because a clean install prevented the problem from occuring again (so far).
Phew :D

#22 wellunhappy

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Posted 14 April 2005 - 12:53 AM

Reading "Chevalier's" post about Using NI, to change Xan into an Invoker, this is closely related to my previous post concerning turning tashia into a druidic sorcerer.

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Is drudic sorcerer a downloaded kit available somewhere? Can your PC use it? If yes I have a method using Shadowkeeper that I have used to change class for my NPCs. I'm not very sure if it can be used to change to non-bioware Kits, but I dont see why not.

Here's how. (if anyone see a mistake, feel free to correct)
part I
1. Start a new character as a druidic sorcerer.
2. immediately before irenicus starts to ramble, save your game in a new slot ( this is for convinience heh)
3. open that game, let's call it game A. Look under characteristic tab for the character, notice the Kit box is greyed. Click values. Write down the hex number somewhere (ex. 0x40360000)

part II
1. load your current game
2. get tashia into your party
3. save and backup your game
4. load shadow keeper, open that savegame, let's call it B
5. write down tashia's current XP on abilities tab
6.1 set Tashia's base HP to 4 - i think this is base HP for druid sorcerer.. add 1 hp for Tashia's 15 CON
6.2 set Tashia's THACO to 20. (these 2 steps basically makes tashia a level 1 char)
6.3 set Tashia's XP to 0
7. leave other values on this tab alone
8. switch to Characteristics tab.
9. switch her class to the base class of druidic sorcerer (like kensai is to a fighter, not sure about druid sorc heh)
10.under the kit tab, put in the hex values you wrote down in part I
11. save the game under SK
12. load the game in BG2
13. verify everything looks correct. (class etc)
14. load SK
15. put in back Tashia's XP you wrote down. save the game in SK
16. load the game in BG2.

that's it i think. looks more complicated than it really is.

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It seems that using the above method does not work on non-bioware kits like the DS can anyone suggest a SK way of converting an NPC kit into a DS. pleaseeee :rolleyes: