Try resting after first ST. Do the apparition's quests and rest. That should do it.
Post the GlobalVariable, plz.

Bug Report Thread
Posted 10 July 2009 - 06:43 AM
Posted 10 July 2009 - 06:48 AM
Ok, I'll try that =) How do you post the globalvariable? Oh wait, is that the stuff from Shadowkeeper? <-NewbieTry resting after first ST. Do the apparition's quests and rest. That should do it.
Post the GlobalVariable, plz.
If its any help, it says the romance is active and its set to 2. Also, what does EdwinRomanceWarning3 mean?
Thanks so much for your help!
Posted 29 July 2009 - 10:12 PM
Posted 09 August 2009 - 10:37 PM
Hey. I really love this mod, but I'm having a weird issue. I'm in chapter 6 now, and I had to finish up a few earlier quests before I went to the graveyard to get him kidnapped by Bodhi. I finished stuff up and then went to the graveyard, but now she won't kidnap Edwin the way she was before. I know it worked before because I accidentally went to the graveyard before I planned on it and Bodhi did kidnap Edwin, but not this time now that I'm actually ready for her...argh. I'm wondering if it's because I also have Solaufein in my party and he's been hitting on me more, but according to the Compatible Mods thread the two should work together. Has anyone come across this before? Thanks for any help you can give me.
I haven't had that problem, (Sorry.)
But I've had another similar problem where After you get Edwin body from Bohdi the Priests in the Temple Of Ogmah either Ignore you COMPLETELY or repeat their standard dialogue.
Quite annoying, since you need to talk to them to get the books about how to restore Edwin.
About my previous issue With the flirt pack.... A minor solution!
Complete wipe out and reinstall of Game & patch is needed and reinstall of Edwin Mod.
Do Not Install any other mod and MOST flirts will work. MAKE A COPY of Your Savegame files in case it doesn't.
Note: this only fixes the bug about 40% of the time.

My Cousin who is an IT said it could be due to the fact that I'm using VISTA OS as the bug has not occurred in XP.
Backing the OS theory is that fact that many older games crash & or have bugs when run in VISTA.
Example: IceWind Dale 2 Crashes whenever I level up the character in slot #2 & anytime I open the inventory. Doesn't happen in XP. (Most Annoying Bug EVER!)

And off topic: Who do I get in touch w/ about an AWESOME Idea for Evil PC's for this mod?
Posted 12 August 2009 - 02:49 PM
I have a common issue: Terl isn't spawning, reinstalling the mod doesn't help, nor CLUAing Terl02. Could someone please tell me the global variables that I should have in ordenr to summon him and make things work? I don't want to replay everything

Posted 13 August 2009 - 06:57 AM
First of all, this mod is my NUMBER 1 and MUST HAVE alongside with The Longer Road, I love the dialogs and I think the author might really consider writing books or something
This time, although I followed recommended game installation order, It seems that there's just too many mods

I have two annoing bugs, desides Terl's disappearance: my game sometimes crashes after resting no matter where and Edwin starts dialog with Haer Dalis(whom I hired but then dismissed) about being annoyed or something
So, alas, I had to skip Terl and CLUAConsole Barvon and things went on as usual(right now I'm in front of fishmonger's

The weird thing is that last tine, with EXACTLY the same installation both Degardan and Terl appeared whery fast and I was so unprepaired to face Lich that I had to almost start over and go get some XP and artifacts
I would suggest checking Degardan and Terl summonig scripts or whatever does spawn them, since so many people are having problems with this pair of losers

Anyway, the mode IS AWESOME, FANTASTIC and UNIQUE.
Thanks for making it...

Does anyone know where to find Edwin-like wizards in Real Life?(rhetorical questin*sigh*)
Posted 14 August 2009 - 10:17 AM

Posted 14 August 2009 - 10:29 PM
Fate Spirit in TOB Has 3 Edwins!

The 1st is Non romanced Edwin.
And the other two are romanced Edwins. with various degree's of the flirt pack bug.

Not that multiple Edwin's aren't nice to have.

Also if I play from my Final SoA save to ToB this happens:
"Edwin has nothing to say to you."

I must Start a WHOLE new game and import my character-file to get the romance to progress.

Installed mods:
ER SoA & ToB w/ Flirtpack.
Ease of Use
Item Upgrade.
Help would be most appreciated.
Posted 02 September 2009 - 06:49 AM
I found a solution to my neverending non-spawning Terl problem!
I checked the variables(with ShadowKeeper's help)) after the dialog when Edwin gives you a certain present,
LoveTalkCheck was be 40, EDWINTERL existed and was set to 1,
and (here comes the variable that gave me all those LOADS of headache) in my case SPAWNTERL was set to 8-million something, that's why he never spawned!So I set it to 70 000 and he immediately approached( my party was in Slums)!
I hope I would help someone with that

Posted 13 September 2009 - 06:26 AM
New Bug!
Fate Spirit in TOB Has 3 Edwins!![]()
The 1st is Non romanced Edwin.
And the other two are romanced Edwins. with various degree's of the flirt pack bug.![]()
Not that multiple Edwin's aren't nice to have.
Also if I play from my Final SoA save to ToB this happens:
"Edwin has nothing to say to you."
I must Start a WHOLE new game and import my character-file to get the romance to progress.![]()
Installed mods:
ER SoA & ToB w/ Flirtpack.
Ease of Use
Item Upgrade.
Help would be most appreciated.
The romance doesn't start until after you end up in Saradush, if I recall correctly. No flirts or anything until then.
Posted 24 July 2010 - 07:45 AM
At first, after we killed Mae'var, Edwin started babbling about Yakman, and I could reply with some comment about torches. I had nine options. For torches.
I thought of course I was screwed, but decided to try and fix it. To my surprise, attempting to reinstall the mod worked, and Edwin said something distinctly more Edwin-y.
I thought everything would be all fine and dandy from here on, so imagine my surprise when it happened again. This time, we're about to leave the Copper Coronet and he starts talking about Yaga Shura, which has no relation to anything. This has happened since yesterday, and I've tried to fix it by reinstalling the mod, but it gives me error messages, and since I'm not particularly computer savvy, I have no idea what to do about it.
There's multiple lines of "Error:" but there's two elements it repeats... it says "[RE/SETUP-RE.TP2] ERROR at line 164 column 7-37, Near Text: ~RE/Audio/ChanelleInstall.bat~" and sometimes after that it says "Parsing.parse_error, ERROR: parsing [RE/SETUP-RE.TP2]: Parsing.parse_error" and sometimes it just says "syntax error".
I really don't know what to do, and it's making me frantic. I've tried everything my small brain knows of, and still no difference. It wouldn't be so bad if I could continue and worry about the dialog later, but no matter what I do, he keeps stopping at the same moment whenever I reloaf.
What can be done about this?
Posted 28 December 2010 - 01:21 PM

Posted 04 January 2011 - 08:15 PM

Dying's easy Living's hard
"The soul should know whither it is going and whence it came, what is good for it and what is evil, what it seeks and what it avoids, and what is that Reason which distinguishes between the desirable and the undesirable, and thereby tames the madness of our desires and calms the violence of our fears." -Seneca
shameless plug
Posted 31 January 2011 - 05:54 PM
Posted 24 February 2011 - 02:38 PM
I've had a problem installing the mod. It says that it's installed, but in-game, there is no difference in Edwin.
After installing, did you open a new character/gam.? You can't play the mod on an existing file.
Posted 13 June 2011 - 08:48 AM
"Gift" given and terl never spawned.
Had something strange happen...
All went relatively smooth untill "Edwina" turned back into Edwin.
I "thought" it triggerd LT#16, but now, after checking *.TRA files, I realize that I don't remember reading it entirely (only the first few lines).
More than that ROMANCEACTIVE remains at 1, and after LT#16 it should have been either 2 (propper continuation I suppose) or 3 (The END).
I'm damn sure LT#17, 18 or 19 didn't happen.
LT #20 did happen for some bizzare reason...
And that's where I am in game...
If I set ROMANCEACTIVE to 2 this triggers the appearance of Terl. Which is how I found out about skipping most of the romance since LT 16.
So, Any advise on how to best get it back on track? I could just set ROMANCEACTIVE to 2, study the .tra files and pretend that this whole hiccup never happened, but I'd rather get back on track from the point of LT 16, and I don't know how to do that or even if it's safe to do that.
The only cause of this behavior I can think of is that Edwin died during the battle with Degardan. He was dead when I killed degardan, but was "ress-ed" by the time the combat ended and he did start "something" which didn't give the same result as LT#16 should have.
Unfortunately, my closest save before this hiccup happened is before the nether scroll quest even started, so I can't try different course of action or help with reproducing the bug.
On top of that I'm rather unhappy about my recent run in general, and I'm thinking about starting over. However I don't like leaving unresolved issues behind, since that means my "behind" runs the risk of getting bitten by those same unresolved issues.
On a side note - Degardan sometimes spawns far enought from party that his conversation doesn't fire, that might need fixing as well.
And speaking of Degardan, "if memory serves" original BG2 had an "possibility" of leaving Edwin as Edwina. Second encounter with Degardan ended with him turing Edwina back into Edwin no matter what you do, BUT if you were rude to Degardan from the outset during the first encounter you ended up killing him and the second encounter never happend. Edwin kept being Edwina all the way till the end of SoA. I'm not sure when exactly, but he did miraculosly spawn as Edwin again either in hell or in ToB, meaning that developers didn't mean that to be a feature.
Soooo? Does your mod take that into account?
Also, I belive changing Edwin's (Edwina's) gender (wild magic is the only legitimate way that comes to mind) also affected his current sound set to represent his current gender. Which leads me to another question - Does your mod check for edwin's gender or does it use other, more reliable, sources?
Posted 13 June 2011 - 09:10 AM
AFAIK there's no way to make a longterm change to a character's gender in SoA or ToB without cheating.
There's that "funny" belt05 from BG1 "legacy" but you have to actually want to screw up your game to have that on anyone.
Wild magic however is entiry different matter, and that CAN happen accidently.
I don't know even nearly enought about BG2 coding and moding, and I don't know when those checks from *.d occur, how they occur, and what could be the consequences of one failed check, so it might work anyway...
But still, you might want to ask your coder if it works regardless of any wild magic.
[Same guest as above.]
Posted 13 June 2011 - 09:50 AM
On a side note - Degardan sometimes spawns far enought from party that his conversation doesn't fire, that might need fixing as well.
Degardan spawns an approaches the party with a special command CreateCreatureObjectOffScreen("DEGARD",Myself,0,0,0) // Degardan
And that's where I am in game...
IF InParty(Myself) RealGlobalTimerExpired("EdwinRomance","GLOBAL") Global("EdwinMatch","GLOBAL",1) Global("EdwinLoveTalk","LOCALS",40) Global("EdwinTerl","GLOBAL",0) THEN RESPONSE #100 RealSetGlobalTimer("SpawnTerlEdwin","GLOBAL",800) SetGlobal("EdwinTerl","GLOBAL",1) END IF InParty(Myself) GlobalTimerExpired("SpawnTerlEdwin","GLOBAL") !Global("Chapter","GLOBAL",4) !Global("Chapter","GLOBAL",5) !Global("Chapter","GLOBAL",7) !AreaCheck("RR#001") !AreaCheck("AR1900") !AreaCheck("AR2500") !AreaCheck("AR2600") AreaType(OUTDOOR) !Exists("Terl02") Global("EdwinRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("EdwinDekkieLetter","GLOBAL",0) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("EdwinDekkieLetter","GLOBAL",1) IncrementGlobal("EdwinLoveTalk","LOCALS",1) IncrementGlobal("EdwinLoveTalkCheck","GLOBAL",1) RealSetGlobalTimer("EdwinRomance","GLOBAL",TWO_MINUTES) CreateCreatureObjectOffScreen("TERL02",Myself,0,0,0) // Terl END
PS: Checked Degardan dialog via IE; true, you can screw the quest with him. Maybe because the player is obliged to cover Edwin or something I don't know. Maybe it will be corrected in the future version.
Posted 14 June 2011 - 08:15 AM
Well, that's quite strange. Tell me, was he dead when Degardan showed up or he died during the battle?
He was Alive when Degardan spawned. He died during the battle (killed by Degardan obviously). He was ress-ed soon after and it took some time before I could put his robe back on him (you know the "You can't change armor during combat" stuff) so I assume that he resses before the "official" end of combat however in other similar cases NPCs SEEM to fire away their dialogs without waiting till the battle "officially" ends.
Well, one time I clearly remember him standing to the side waiting for me. I took my time to buff and roll out some summons. He still killed Edwin that time, so I reloaded. Eventually I got tired of him killing Edwin and just let it slide.On a side note - Degardan sometimes spawns far enought from party that his conversation doesn't fire, that might need fixing as well.
Degardan spawns an approaches the party with a special command CreateCreatureObjectOffScreen("DEGARD",Myself,0,0,0) // Degardan
NORMALY he spawns and immidiately starts talking, but not every time.
And that's where I am in game...
LOVETALKCHECK at 40IF InParty(Myself) RealGlobalTimerExpired("EdwinRomance","GLOBAL") Global("EdwinMatch","GLOBAL",1) Global("EdwinLoveTalk","LOCALS",40) Global("EdwinTerl","GLOBAL",0) THEN RESPONSE #100 RealSetGlobalTimer("SpawnTerlEdwin","GLOBAL",800) SetGlobal("EdwinTerl","GLOBAL",1) END IF InParty(Myself) GlobalTimerExpired("SpawnTerlEdwin","GLOBAL") !Global("Chapter","GLOBAL",4) !Global("Chapter","GLOBAL",5) !Global("Chapter","GLOBAL",7) !AreaCheck("RR#001") !AreaCheck("AR1900") !AreaCheck("AR2500") !AreaCheck("AR2600") AreaType(OUTDOOR) !Exists("Terl02") Global("EdwinRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("EdwinDekkieLetter","GLOBAL",0) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("EdwinDekkieLetter","GLOBAL",1) IncrementGlobal("EdwinLoveTalk","LOCALS",1) IncrementGlobal("EdwinLoveTalkCheck","GLOBAL",1) RealSetGlobalTimer("EdwinRomance","GLOBAL",TWO_MINUTES) CreateCreatureObjectOffScreen("TERL02",Myself,0,0,0) // Terl END
I'm not exactly clear on what you meant by that. >_<
Yep, the only thing I'm missing to get "back on track" is EdwinRomanceActive at 2.
However that's not where I got off the track.
PS: Checked Degardan dialog via IE; true, you can screw the quest with him. Maybe because the player is obliged to cover Edwin or something I don't know. Maybe it will be corrected in the future version.
Could you be more specific? which dialog you mean, and HOW that screw-up happens?
What I was talking about is killing Degardan on his 1st appearance. If memory serves that doesn't even include talking about Edwin.
It's something like
-Pardon me could I take a moment of your time?
-I insist!
And then Degardan turns hostile.
Naturally he doesn't turn Edwin back to HIMself since at that time Degardan is unsure about Edwin's whereabouts (READ - his "spell" was not scripted for that time).
That leaves the party with Edwina untill the time some "self asured" original code (READ - a code which doesn't check Edwin's state) spawns him as Edwin.
For normal game that's a rare, somewhat funny, but ulitimately harmless hiccup.
For this mod... that might be the end or romance. Probably that IS the end of romance unless it modified first encounter with Degardan.
Best possible fix I could think of is making Degardan leave instead of fighting.
Well, that or a whole new story about Edwina...
Also, what about Dialogs that check if Edwin is currently male or female?
Did I missinterpret the *.d files? And if not what happens if he isn't at his "planned" gender by the time the check happens?
I don't know how it all "welds" into the game, but I assume that a gender check is a gender check.
It's another rare occasion, but it's quite possible for a wild mage to temporarily mess up someone's gender.
P.S. Develpers weren't exactly carefull with implementation of that surge. I mean should gender change have a transforming effect on snakes? Well, it does here. Can't remember what it turns them into but that sure ain't a snake. Same stuff with other non-humanoid creatures.
Posted 12 February 2012 - 03:12 AM
@9 = ~Oh, and here is a fashion tip. That hat makes you look like a deranged old lady who is late for her own funeral. You might as well be wearing golden pantaloons and a feather boa for all the credibillity it gives you.~
credibillity -> credibility
@15 = ~Poor dear. You're just delirious from transforming into the superior gender. But don't you worry. I'm with you all the way, and I'll teach you everything you need to know about being a woman. Including feminine aches and pains. You'll have to get used to that as well, unless we can turn you back soon. Sure, you'll fell like you're about to either die or kill somebody, but that's quite normal.~
fell -> feel
@54 = ~All right, this is * really * creeping me out. Seeing you like this is too disturbing for words. Now, I may not be the cuddly type, but getting you back in shape is in my own interest too. Care to tell be about it?~
be -> me
@66 = ~As they should be, of course. Even in this form I have the perfect body, designed to drive others wild with lust or jealousy. (Awkward as it may be, at times.) They may resent me as the wish, I don't care, as long as the sentiment isn't shared by...*sniff*~
as the wish -> as they wish
@1 = ~What you you mean?~
you you -> do you
@44 = ~You wanted to know what I can think of, CHARNAME? I will tell you. It involves a very sharp knife, some oil and salt, three blind mice and a piece of string. You would not even want to * think * about so much as going near another woman afterwards. But as I am regrettably out of mice, I'll have to settle for the brief solution, one involving the words 'crotch', 'hot', 'your', and 'unbearable agony'.~
@58 = ~I wouldn't expect you to understand the value of a scientific approach to wizardry, you oafish orangutan. The most complex experiment you could manage would probably be to walk and chew at the same time. (And I suspect he woudl fail miserably.)~
woudl -> would
@35 = ~I wonder though...are you truly capable of handling this powerful item of yours? I'm not sure this is sucha a good idea, I think we should leave it be.~
sucha -> such
@279 = ~Oh, Master Dekaras's tutelage has proven highly beneficial to me over the years, I assure you. Not only the parts of it pertaining to the Art of Magic. He helped make me what I am today.~
Dekaras's -> Dekaras'
@312 = ~Yes, great idea Edwin. Assuming we don't killed by Irenicus or his countless minions, or by any of the other hostile and incredibly powerful people, organizations or monsters baying for my blood, then by all means let us rule the Multiverse together. I'd advise you to make up a Plan B, though.~
don't killed -> don't get killed
@322 = ~If you like it so much then you can wear it. I'm not about to make a spectacle of myself. Speaking of which, I cannot you believe you haven't made up some kind of contingency plan for your own future as well. Do enlighten me. I need a good laugh.~
I cannot you believe -> I cannot believe
@327 = ~Ah, my sparrowhawk, your tale of hypothetical heroism is most moving. <CHARNAME>... might we not stop to rest for while?~ [HAERDA28]
for while -> for a while
@75 = ~Forget the insult you wish to. But I will not. And if you prefer a dead sibling to me, then I will not waste myself on you any longer.~
insult you wish to -> insult if you wish to
@198 = ~I really don't know what his intentions are at the moment. After the mission failed, and after I was marked as a rogue wizard, he might have been implicated as my accomplice. And I'm afraid he has excellent reason to be upset with me. He...was my friend as well as my mentor you see. My one true friend. I owed him everything, but I betrayed him. And then there are my superiors among the Wizards, who no doubt didn't limit themsleves to sending a single agent after me.~
themsleves -> themselves
@306 = ~I have feelings for you too, Edwin. Very strong ones. You are like nobody else that I know, in a good way. And nothing would make me happier than for us act on those feelings.~
us act -> us to act
@484 = ~Do you see that man approaching, <CHARNAME>? I've seen his pompous face before, I think. Yes, I recognize him now. A professional messenger, famous for tracking down his quarry wherever it may be, but infamous for the delight he takes in bearing bad news. 'Terl the Banshee' they call him. (Some poor fool is no doubt about to receive he written equivalent of a brick dropped on his head from a great height.)~
he written -> the written
@15 = ~In that case, CHARNAME, please do. I thought we meant more to each other than that, but it appears I was sadly mistaken. Mazzy, as I was about to say...~
@116 = ~It wasn't really Saradush that Yaga-Shura was after, <CHARNAME>. It was Bhaalspawn. He said as much, and conveniently enough the Children of Bhaal were all more or less gathered in one place, like sheep to be slaughtered. Think about that, <CHARNAME>Forget the suffering of Saradush, and think about the game-board and just how the pieces have been placed against you. That may help you in the days ahead.~
<CHARNAME>Forget -> <CHARNAME>. Forget
@118 = ~I'm not a Paladin,<CHARNAME>, I'm a realist. A Paladin no doubt would whine and moan and tear his hair at the destruction of this town, whether that would be helpful or not. And then he would draw his sword and scream and rant at the stars, challenging the gods to a duel as dramatic thunder accompanied his every word. (Whereupon he would of course be struck by lightning for stupidly waving a sword about in a thunderstorm, and good riddance.) But I prefer to use a bad situation to my advantage. ~
Paladin,<CHARNAME> -> Paladin, <CHARNAME>
@121 = ~You would claim responsibility for the deaths of these people, <CHARNAME>? Why? You did not kill them. You did not know them. Why should you blame yourself over their fate, these weaklings who were so much less than you are? Why should you let their corpses weight you down, especially now when you need to be stronger than ever? You are a child of Murder, you should take pride in what you see.~
weight -> weigh