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#281 Kaeloree


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Posted 30 October 2008 - 01:03 PM

I would recommend a complete reinstall to see if that fixes the problem. Aliya, if you're going to send Talathiel your dialog.tlk for their game, make sure that you have exactly the same mods installed in exactly the same order with exactly the same components, or it will stuff up all mod content.

#282 -Eliir-

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Posted 09 November 2008 - 08:26 AM

I have a problem:
When Edwin goes to docs to meet with his teacher, he meets a boy, called Barvon, eho teleports the party and says "good luck...." ofter this game shuts down.
Please, help :crying:

#283 Aliya


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Posted 09 November 2008 - 09:48 AM

Post WeiDU.log. Let's see what causes the crash! :D

#284 GeN1e


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Posted 09 November 2008 - 10:02 AM

AFAIU, there're no other mods installed. Looking into this issue I too got a CTD right after teleportation. Surely, there was no Edwin with me but the crash was. I've changed StartDialogNoSet("Edwin) to StartDialogNoSet(Player1) and everything went smoothly. Intriguing, but since I've never played the mod I can't really say more.
Ingore what I've said , apparently it wasn't related to declared problem.

Edited by GeN1e, 09 November 2008 - 01:15 PM.

Retired from modding.

#285 -Eliir-

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Posted 09 November 2008 - 11:02 AM

I tried to pass this episode with the help of shadowkeeper just adding and correcting global variables, but next time i had to meet Edwin's teacher it crashed.

#286 -Guest-

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Posted 09 November 2008 - 11:21 AM

i think? i ve found the problem - file dekaras1.bcs misses. I vd copied file dekaras2 and renamed it. is it the same as dekaras1? if not, how can i get it? may be there is something wrong with distributive file?

#287 Leomar

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Posted 10 November 2008 - 03:50 AM

i think? i ve found the problem - file dekaras1.bcs misses. I vd copied file dekaras2 and renamed it. is it the same as dekaras1? if not, how can i get it? may be there is something wrong with distributive file?

Sorry I can't help you here, someone else will help you.

I tried to pass this episode with the help of shadowkeeper just adding and correcting global variables, but next time i had to meet Edwin's teacher it crashed.

Can you tell us, which global variables you have added and corrected to avoid the first crash?

Greetings Leomar
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#288 -Eliir-

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Posted 13 November 2008 - 04:12 AM

Can you tell us, which global variables you have added and corrected to avoid the first crash?

Greetings Leomar

i followed the dialogs. but it did not help. helped only copping and renaming file. But i have a new problem - ofter resurrection Edwin, when Bodhi captured him i have a dialog as i left him somewhere, but not the one changing the alignment. (Ofter putting amulet or giving blood). global variable edwinvampire is 5.

#289 Aliya


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Posted 13 November 2008 - 07:04 AM

:blink: Can you explain, which dialog was?

#290 -shalimme-

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Posted 08 December 2008 - 05:02 AM

Just wanted to remember that Talathiel is not the only one with this bug. :whistling:

I have only the first line of Flirt in TOB. Everything else work (works?) perfectly fine so far. The only Mod installed are Edwin Romance SOA and TOB.
(WHY??? :crying: )

Is there a link where we could read the flirt dialog?
Any updates, news about this?

#291 Aliya


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Posted 08 December 2008 - 07:05 AM

Pretty simple.

All have these bugs, including me. But as, I'm was informed no new flirts were added in ToB... Or maybe minor ones... :mellow:

Updates? Closer to the end of the year. I'm translating them, at the moment. Then, maybe K' will update them. :D

Hold on! :P

#292 -Trina-

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Posted 22 February 2009 - 02:20 AM

Okay, when I try to bring back Edwin after being infected with vampirism, he just asks me the usual dialogue if I were to have kicked him out. ("So, you want me back, do you?") I've played this before, so I know this is a bug. All I have installed is Edwin SoA and ToB and the ToB patch, the first and last of which I have reinstalled twice and nothing's worked.

I'm having this issue too. After giving the lock/blood he reappears, but says nothing. If I talk to him, he acts as if I'm trying to kick him out of the party. I don't want it broken, I just want to see the relationship play out :(

#293 -Raindancer-

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Posted 04 March 2009 - 04:11 PM

I'm hoping someone can help me with the mod as I seem to be having a bit of a problem. I love the mod - one of my favorites - so am rather disappointed that I can't seem to finish the SOA portion due to an absent Terl. He just won't seem to spawn. I've read through a few threads and tried a few suggestions that seemed to work for other people (including reinstalling the mod) but nothing seems to help - unless his spawn timer is abnormally long. I've played through the mod before without any issues (with the same setup I have now) which makes this all the more puzzling. I got the "gift" talk (and accepted) after returning from the Underdark. Now several weeks game time and several hours real time have passed - and still no Terl. I tried going back to a pre-Brynnlaw save and can still only get up to the "gift" talk - after which is seems to stall. Any suggestions? Hopefully I'm just missing something obvious.

#294 Aliya


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Posted 05 March 2009 - 06:56 AM

Where do you have you *gift* talk? At outdoors?

#295 --nivea--

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Posted 26 March 2009 - 04:57 PM

Anyone ever figure out a work around for the TOB flirt problem?

#296 Kaeloree


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Posted 26 March 2009 - 09:18 PM

I'm hoping to fix it in the next release.

Fingers crossed.

Which reminds me--a need a few people to test the mod, just run through and make sure everything works fine with the bugfixes I've done so far. Potentially there could be bugs, though, so people with good knowledge of how to give detailed bug reports would be good. :)

#297 -Guest-

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Posted 01 April 2009 - 02:04 AM

I seem to be haveing a problem, I just finished killing the lich and co I am given the ring to teleport out but when I put it on nothing happens.
I tried Createitem("telring2",1) and try that ring still nothing happens, am I doing somthing wrong?

#298 Aliya


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Posted 01 April 2009 - 07:47 AM

*cough* Khe, you need to equip it, and click 'Use Item' button on the screen.

#299 -Guest-

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Posted 09 July 2009 - 09:10 PM

In order to make it easier for us to fix whatever bugs you come across, please gather them all together in this thread. :) That means less risk of us missing to fix something once it's time for the next update.

Thanks in advance!

I've just started playing the Edwin mod a few weeks ago, great job btw, and I'm at the point where I've reached spellhold and I've been unable to get Edwin's love talk for the slayer transformation. Instead, all I get is his regular response. I've tried removing the rest of the party, and nothing happens to my character aside from the Slayer transformation. I've got cheats installed and Shadowkeeper, but I've made sure they werent running at the same time as the game. I also tried re-installing the mod but no luck. Any suggestions? :crying: :blink:

Thanks for your time, your answers, and for the mod!

#300 Aliya


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Posted 10 July 2009 - 06:05 AM

Try resting after first ST. Do the apparition's quests and rest. That should do it.

Post the GlobalVariable, plz.