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#201 Arlaya

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Posted 05 January 2006 - 02:22 PM

Ok, i registered at this forum, post by "Arye" is mine :)

Maybe I'll *try* to write more precisely what happens, *try* because I don't understand it at all. I started new game, get Edwin and everything went well, then I decided to install mentioned mods, and I haven't started game from the beginning. I thought everything should be right, because they are all WeiDU mods, so I played game on at my last save (after killing Deagardan). When some time passed by and Eddie was still silent I started to wonder if something is wrong in here. I thought it's a bug in a save, i throw it away and reload oldest one, when i had Edwina, there was time for lovetalk with lock of hair. I left game on for a two or three ours, come back and see nothing happens. I reinstalled all of the mods, and wait again. She spoked. Ok, but from this Deagardan haven't appeared. Heh, weird. I find a save made exacly when Deagardan appears second time and wait after killing him - every Eddie's banters with other party members appeared, but romance was stuck at the dead point. I reloaded my first save, just after Gealan let me out of his home and make quickly quests to get Eddie. He spokes after killing Mae'Var. Huh, I think that's the most imported things i tried to check.

Thank You for reply , btw, Ilmatar, Your fan-arts are great :D
I really enyoyed this part of romance i could play, it's much, much better than BioWare once :D

Edited by Arlaya, 05 January 2006 - 02:22 PM.

#202 Ilmatar


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Posted 05 January 2006 - 02:46 PM

Well that is strange indeed. My advice would be to check if you were in the correct area for Degardan to appear - if not, go there! He appears outside Athkatla or in the Graveyard district, if I remember correctly. There's a thread about it, anyway. Okay, second advice - reinstall the whole thing. It usually helps with my game, you see, when you've got so many mods and tweaks and stuff, things might get tangled.

Other than that, I can't help you. Now just pray that Laufey or someone else wiser than me comes by and helps you out.

Oh and thank you for your compliments. :)

Ilmatar's portraits for the Baldur's Gate series ¤ | ¤ | ¤ Ahem. Ilmatar =/= Ilmater. ¤ | ¤ | ¤ deviantART gallery
Grunting is a perfectly acceptable reaction to being struck with a blunt instrument. -berelinde
And, just out of curiosity, my dear, what *are* you wearing? :D - Tempest to me.

#203 Arlaya

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Posted 05 January 2006 - 02:56 PM

I reinstalled everything, and installed again, it doesn't change anything. I don't even think of passing AGAIN damned dungeon without being sure it will work xD I'll try with Big Picture and only full compatibile mods with Edwin Romance. Thank You very much for all help, maybe somebody will know what's wrong with last combination and I'll try it again next time. Thanks for help :)

#204 Ilmatar


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Posted 05 January 2006 - 03:16 PM

I reinstalled everything, and installed again, it doesn't change anything. I don't even think of passing AGAIN damned dungeon without being sure it will work xD I'll try with Big Picture and only full compatibile mods with Edwin Romance. Thank You very much for all help, maybe somebody will know what's wrong with last combination and I'll try it again next time. Thanks for help :)

Dude, forget the dungeon. :D Grab the Dungeon-Be-Gone-mod! But I hope you'll get some advice.

Ilmatar's portraits for the Baldur's Gate series ¤ | ¤ | ¤ Ahem. Ilmatar =/= Ilmater. ¤ | ¤ | ¤ deviantART gallery
Grunting is a perfectly acceptable reaction to being struck with a blunt instrument. -berelinde
And, just out of curiosity, my dear, what *are* you wearing? :D - Tempest to me.

#205 Arlaya

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Posted 05 January 2006 - 03:47 PM

I hope too :D
The BP don't want to work, every readme, every topic on every forum says completly diffrent things, I got up with those damned mods! xD
Hm, and thanks for the link :)

#206 Laufey

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Posted 29 January 2006 - 11:09 AM

I hope too :D
The BP don't want to work, every readme, every topic on every forum says completly diffrent things, I got up with those damned mods! xD
Hm, and thanks for the link :)

I do hope it works out for you - I'm afraid that the more mods you have installed at the same time, the higher is the risk of something getting messed up.

#207 -Guest-

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Posted 01 February 2006 - 02:53 PM

Ok, Edwin has just become Edwina - but she isn't a memebr of my group anymore. She in the list on the right hand side still but her circle is now white not green and when I have my whole group highlighted she inst in it. I've walked away from her and i've slept repeatedly but she just wont come back to my party. =( Any idea whats going on?

#208 RapidEyeMovement

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Posted 02 February 2006 - 10:02 PM

Ok, Edwin has just become Edwina - but she isn't a memebr of my group anymore. She in the list on the right hand side still but her circle is now white not green and when I have my whole group highlighted she inst in it. I've walked away from her and i've slept repeatedly but she just wont come back to my party. =( Any idea whats going on?

Yes, that's quite a common occurence, it seems  :)  Check my message here for the solution.

Edited by RapidEyeMovement, 02 February 2006 - 10:52 PM.

#209 iguana-on-a-stick

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Posted 07 February 2006 - 04:23 PM

You can also try force-talking to her if you haven't already, that has worked for me once or twice when the dialogue trigger didn't catch or something.

#210 -Leigh-

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Posted 20 February 2006 - 01:30 PM

On my first playthrough, I have a bug. It's not fun.
My character fits the romanceable characteristics, so it's no problem there. What happens is I go and fight Mae'Var with both Ano and Edwin in my party (to watch them fight). Right after I kill Mae'Var, Ano's second lovetalk (the one about Gorion) pops up. Things go as normal. Then, right after that, what I can only presume is Eddie's first lovetalk pops up, but all that comes up is Eddie's portrait with a "Continue" option. My character's name comes next, as if she's responded, but then there's an "End Dialogue".
I have both SoA and ToB installed. Only have Dungeon-Be-Gone installed for other mods, which I installed first. Somewhere along the line, after starting the game but before killing Mae'Var (I think I had Edwin in my party at the time), I installed the ToB patch. Got the latest version of this mod, both SoA and ToB components.
Other variables that may have messed it up: I went to the graveyard to do Korgan's quest before killing Mae'Var, and got the trigger for the Nether Scroll quest. Didn't go talk to Neveziah, though.
Is this something I can clean up in the CLUA, or am I going to have to clean up my install? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
So, in advance, whether you have an answer or not, thanks for helping out. I really appreciate it.
- Leigh

#211 Kulyok

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Posted 20 February 2006 - 11:07 PM

Somewhere along the line, after starting the game but before killing Mae'Var (I think I had Edwin in my party at the time), I installed the ToB patch.

Wrong. Very wrong. The patch is always installed before mods, otherwise your game is screwed up.

You will have to fully uninstall your game. Then install your SoA+ToB, then - the ToB patch, and then and only then - Edwin Romance and other mods such as Dungeon-Be-Gone.

#212 -Leigh-

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Posted 21 February 2006 - 05:47 AM

Wrong. Very wrong. The patch is always installed before mods, otherwise your game is screwed up.

You will have to fully uninstall your game. Then install your SoA+ToB, then - the ToB patch, and then and only then - Edwin Romance and other mods such as Dungeon-Be-Gone.

Actually, I thought of that on my own, about an hour later, but didn't update here. Uninstalled, reinstalled, patched, modded, and all was good. I do have a question though.
Does anyone know how many lovetalks are meant to be between killing Mae'Var and the transformation into Edwina? I know that the Nether Scroll decoding's on its own separate timer (I got the first decoding message the morning after Edwin got drunk), and I don't know if I did it at the wrong time and screwed something up in the romance, or I missed something. I have saves after each lovetalk so I can play with the responses, and I count Mae'Var, three others, then Edwin getting drunk and the next morning (where I got a followup talk). Does that sound about right?

#213 -Guest-

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Posted 22 February 2006 - 07:50 AM

Does anyone know how many lovetalks are meant to be between killing Mae'Var and the transformation into Edwina? I know that the Nether Scroll decoding's on its own separate timer (I got the first decoding message the morning after Edwin got drunk), and I don't know if I did it at the wrong time and screwed something up in the romance, or I missed something. I have saves after each lovetalk so I can play with the responses, and I count Mae'Var, three others, then Edwin getting drunk and the next morning (where I got a followup talk). Does that sound about right?

Fixed. My save file was horribly corrupt, so I started a new game. Now my only problem is the teleporter guy in Dungeon-Be-Gone using some of Edwin's lines (I think from this mod) rather than his own in dialogue, but since the teleporter guy was a little obnoxious and your response to him doesn't really matter, I don't care. Mod drama = over.

#214 RavenBlack


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Posted 28 March 2006 - 07:06 PM

Possible weird issue: if Banco mazes Dekkie and Dekkie doesn't un-maze by battle's end, the romance seems to stall (more specifically, the final SoA LT won't occur afterward, for some reason). Fortunately, I always save before that battle, so I reloaded. :)

Dekkie resurrecting Eddie works nicely now, BTW :)

#215 RavenBlack


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Posted 15 June 2006 - 04:13 PM

Yes, I'm being naughty and reading the flirts from the dialog files instead of properly in-game. But I found a minor typo :) Pardon the spoilers, please? :)

IF ~~ THEN ERPlayer Demo4b
~Edwin pauses for a moment, mulling this over. Eventually, he nods to himself.~
~The elemental wizards had some crude skill, but were far too unsubtle in their machinations. However, the machine of Lum the Mad was quite interesting. It is a pity we did not find more combinations than we did, I would have liked to experiment with it some more. Surely my own superlative brain could not have been thwarted for long. (Immortality, phenomenal cosmic powers, who knows what I might have discovered?)~
END ++ ~Yes, and maybe you'd have turned yourself into a female again. Please Edwin, I * like * your current body, try to avoid strange magical experiments that could do bad things to it.~ EXTERN ERPlayer Demo9a
++ ~Well, maybe we'll have time to go back and play with it later, hm? But you'd better not follow the example of that wizard we met there - I do * not * want you shut inside a glass box. If you were, I couldn't do this. *kiss Edwin*~ EXTERN ERPlayer Demo9b

In the PCs responses, the Demo9a and Demo9b tags need to switch places, so that Eddie's proper responses show for both. Currently, it looks a bit odd. :)

#216 -Mewtaila-

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Posted 18 June 2006 - 10:08 AM

Okay, I've been having a MAJOR bug issue happening lately...

I have both Shadows of Amn and Throne of Bhaal. I downloaded the Edwin Romance, and due to a bug I was having, I patched it with the ToB patch afterwards. (I have since learned that this is a very very bad idea.) I'm in the Unseeing Eye quest, and Edwin is currently Edwina. However, his name appears as "Enough! I would blah blah blah" and, when the mage comes looking for him the first time (he shows up when the diseased people call upon Amaunator, causing two of the avatars to be spawned) when Edwina talks to me afterwards, all that appears is her "Enough" name, even when a selection by the player is needed.

I have fully uninstalled and reinstalled the game and patch twice, followed by the romances, but it does the same thing each time. I noticed that even when I uninstalled them, many of the files remained in the folder. Should I attempt to remove these manually? What can you guys suggest?

#217 --Nebukad--

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Posted 18 June 2006 - 10:36 AM

In the PCs responses, the Demo9a and Demo9b tags need to switch places, so that Eddie's proper responses show for both. Currently, it looks a bit odd. :)

You're correct. Thanks for pointing this out.

I have fully uninstalled and reinstalled the game and patch twice, followed by the romances, but it does the same thing each time. I noticed that even when I uninstalled them, many of the files remained in the folder. Should I attempt to remove these manually? What can you guys suggest?

Removing the override folder before reinstalling should help.

#218 -Guest-

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Posted 18 June 2006 - 11:22 AM

I have fully uninstalled and reinstalled the game and patch twice, followed by the romances, but it does the same thing each time. I noticed that even when I uninstalled them, many of the files remained in the folder. Should I attempt to remove these manually? What can you guys suggest?

Removing the override folder before reinstalling should help.

Tried it - still no good. ;__;

I think if I can get Edwina's name back to normal, it'll work again - I looked it up in Shadowkeeper and sure enough, her name was set to that long line of text.

Any suggestions?

#219 Sophia

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Posted 06 July 2006 - 04:03 AM

I am having an Edwina / Nether Scroll problem that I would really appreciate some help with. When we first find the scroll, I talk to Edwin and get the usual flirt / banter options. I have a saved game at this point. Up until here, everything has been fine (and wonderful! :) )

Then, we sleep, and upon waking, Edwin says he has translated part of the scroll. At this point, if I talk to him he immediately goes to the dialogue where he decides to use the scroll. He becomes Edwina, and the circle around him turns purple for a while. There are two ways this happens: either he says, "This is bad" and the dialogue continues as if the mod was not installed, or he only keeps repeating, "Edwin, you look odd" over and over. This is the only dialogue option that appears when I talk to him, too.

I have, in order:

TOB installed with its latest patch
Baldurdash Throne Of Bhaal Post-Patch FixPack v1.12
Edwin for SOA + original portrait
Edwin for TOB
Edwin flirts

I do not have the Edwina component of Ease-of-Use installed. Reinstalling the mod had no effect. I originally had this problem when all I had installed was the TOB patch and the Edwin mods. At that point, Edwin would not even change into Edwina -- the Baldurdash FixPack seemed to fix that problem.

#220 Sophia

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Posted 07 July 2006 - 01:21 AM

An update to my post :

I loaded the 'Before' game and slept (I was in the Graveyard), allowing Edwin's dialogue to trigger by itself. He changed to Edwina, and I got the version where the usual non-mod dialogue occurs. After that, I paused the game for around 45 minutes, and when I returned, I got mod dialogue, and everything has worked fine (as far as I am aware) since then.

Thank you, very much, for such a wonderful mod!

Edited by Sophia, 07 July 2006 - 01:21 AM.