I played through this glitch a little further...
heh heh... I know I'm a little late on this post... but I went back to the game after a long long time of not playing it & this just happened to me. Really weird. This is how it happened to me:
Each game I had played as a different class ((1st as a scoundrel/consular, 2nd as a scout/sentinel, 3rd as a soldier/gaurdian) first two games a light side, last as dark).
I had just finished the leviathan mission, on my 3rd game. In the first two games. after leaving the leviathan the cut scene brought me back to the destroyed Dantoonie, since it was the planet I selected on the galaxy map before the leviathan sucked me into it's tracktor beam. On this third game, however, I didn't select Dantoonie, I had selected Korriban. Note that I had skipped the star map on Tatooine and all I had left to do was go to collect it before reaching the Star Forge and henceforth crash landing onto Lehon (The Unknown World). Anyway, after travelling to Korriban, killing Dak Vesser, & buying Cassus Fett's Heavy Pistol for Carth, I left for Tatooine, to play some pazaak with Kudos so that I could stock up enough credits to purchase the remaining hyper-styms that I had left @ the vendors on Manaan. After finishing with him, I subsequently flew back to Manonn to buy my stims, and then I flew back to Korriban, to buy a heavy targeting optics visor for Mission so that she could use Cancerous Ordo's Heavy Repeater. On the flight to Koriban, I fought a group of 6 ty-fighters, and then this glitch loaded up on the ship.
All of the characters appeared in the center room. There appeared to be two extra swoop bikes on the ship (two in the Canderous/HK-47/workbench room), and another in the cargo hold. Also in the cargo hold was an orange droid like T3M4, called "Swoop Droid". When you engage dialogue with him (the voice is that of a male), the droid said "Greetings Master. I regret that my database contains no destination coordinantes for this planet. I cannot take you anywhere until location data is retrieved."
What's even weirder was that there were two Zaalbars on the ship. One where he would normally stand, and another that you could control and move around as on the ship. Not only that but Juhani was nowhere to be found... seemingly having been replaced by this second Zaalbar. When you go to the bridge, there's a floating medical droid, similar to the one that you see in Kashyyyk/Edean right after you pass through the door guarded by that snooty racist Czerka grandpa. This droid says the following: "What planet would you like to travel to sir?" In the dialogue box, you get the following options:
Endar Spire
Unknown World (Lehon)
Star Forge
After you select one of the following options, the droid says: "We have arrived . . . isn't space travel wonderful?"
From there, you can go pretty much anywhere. My guess is that this easter egg is unlocked once one has played as all the classes. As this didn't happen to me when I first bought the game back in 2003, since I had only played two games as two different class types. the first time around.
First of all...here's what happened with the Zaalbar copying effect: I got two Zaalbars, and the copy (the 2nd Zaalbar) replaced T3-M4 completely. He replaced the droid's character slot, and his place on the ship. There is no trace left of the droid or it's equipment.
Second of all, I went back to Dantooine and got Bastila back, whom I had to re-level up entirely. Then I boarded the Ebon Hawk I flew to Korriban once more. Here's the crazy part: after leaving the cockpit & walking into the main room / control room / mess hall, I spotted a copy of THE COPY of Zaalbar. This time, however, the 3rd Zaalbar turned out to only be a visual copy in the ship, rather than an additional character replacing another, as was the case with the second copy. After leaving the ship, and then getting back on, however, there seemed to be no trace of the 3rd copy. Yet each time I fly to a new planet the new copy appears in the ship.
As for the recovered Bastila, she was only accessible from the ship, regardless of which planet I visited (except of course when I first got her back on the plains of Dantoonie).
This is SO weird. Seriously. You can't make this sh*t up.
That being said... I think I finally figured out why everything got so scrambled up. This easter egg is supposed to kick in during the 3rd game, immediately after one finishes the mission on the Leviathan, once they've played as all three character classes and Jedi classes (I'm assuming). For whatever reason (I imagine it's because of the old malfunctioning 1st generation Xbox that I have), the easter egg didn't kick in initially of me. It only kicked in on my 2nd flight back to the planet that I originally plotted a course for (which was Korriban) before I got sucked in by the Leviathan. It didn't happen the first time around, but my return flight to Korriban (after my flight to Manaan), caused it to happen. I guess that because of the fact that it didn't trigger when it was supposed to, it caused a glitch to occur by which Zaalbar got copied and eventually replaced my T3-M4.