Okay, let?s create a nice inventory icon using BAM Workshop.
Inventory Icon BAMs consist of two sequences, with one frame in each sequence. Sequence 0 contains a frame that can be up to 64x64 pixels?this is the frame that is shown when you?re moving an item around in the inventory. Sequence 1 contains a frame that can be up to 32x32 pixels?this is the frame that is shown when an item is just sitting in your inventory.
Now then? we need to fill those frames in. So, the first thing to do is get/make/find/whatever two images that are the appropriate sizes. Save these images in the BMP format.
Now then, BAM Workshop has some palette control issues, but here?s a workaround to maintain a good palette for your images.
1. Open BAMW.
2. In the Sequence box on the right, right-click and hit Add Sequence.
3. Click the Frames tab.
4. Right-click the box and hit Create Frame.
5. Change the image size to 1x1 (this doesn't really matter, but I think smaller is better).
6. Save your BAM as whatever you want.
7. Close BAMW.
8. Reopen BAMW.
9. Load the BAM you just saved.
10. Click the Manage button.
11. Select the frame you created and hit delete. Hit Close when you're done.
Now that that is done? Click Sequence 0; then hit the Frames Tab. Right-click and hit Import Frame. Select your first image (the one that appears when moving items around in the inventory). That?s one sequence done. Go back to the Sequence tab. Right-click and hit Add Sequence. Click Sequence 1; then hit the Frames Tab. Right-click and hit Import Frame. Select your second image (the one that appears when an item is just sitting in your inventory). Now use File->Save, and you?re done. Yay.
Of course, that?s not ALL there is to it? a few things need explaining; well, mostly just the pink and turquoise colors BAM Workshop uses as shadow and transparency, respectively. Technically for BAM Workshop, the turquoise color (RGB: 0, 151, 151) is always saved as the 0th entry in the BAM palette, and the pink color (RGB: 255, 101, 151) is always saved as the 1st entry in the BAM palette.
Speaking more simply? this means that any part of your BAM you want to be transparent should be the color 0, 151, 151. The pink thing is stupider?probably more of a bug than anything else. Most of the time it just shows up as pink in game? if this happens, use DLTCEP?s BAM editor to modify the palette color.

Creating Inventory Icons
Started by Seifer, Sep 26 2004 04:48 PM
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Posted 26 September 2004 - 04:48 PM
how come you always look so damn cool in every photo I see you in?!?
Speaking of modding, I listened to IER 3 yesterday, so you can have another quote for your signature: how come you sound so damn cool, as well as look it? It's unfair. Seriously.
Still a cyberjock, still hacking the matrix, still unsure of what that means.
TeamBG member - http://www.teambg.eu