And a second question is this correct?
== KIDO IF ~IsValidForPartyDialogue("Kido")~ THEN
~But... Cousin! How do you fair? Did the Zhentarium send you this way? How nice, I haven't seen you in quite a while. Is there something you need?~
== JAHEIRAJ IF ~IsValidForPartyDialogue("Jaheira")~ THEN
~It appears that having no senses at all is the trademark of this family.~
== EDWINJ IF ~IsValidForPartyDialogue("Edwin")~ THEN
~Is this rubbish-talking bard related to that incoherent rattling necromancer? I should have known this when I first lay my eyes on either one of you.~
== LYROS IF ~IsValidForPartyDialogue("Kido")~ THEN
~Ah, cousin! If you are a member of the party of <CHARNAME>, I am sure that you would help me. Is it not?~
== KIDO IF ~IsValidForPartyDialogue("Kido")~ THEN
~Of course, state the nature of your trouble and we shall make it undone.~
== LYROS IF ~IsValidForPartyDialogue("Kido")~ THEN
~Well, my friend Montaron has been taken captive by those irksome Harpers. I would have you enter their building and find Monty for me.~
== KIDO IF ~IsValidForPartyDialogue("Kido")~ THEN
~Then, we are off to rescue him!~
As I am not sure if the lines
== JAHEIRAJ IF ~IsValidForPartyDialogue("Jaheira")~ THEN
== EDWINJ IF ~IsValidForPartyDialogue("Edwin")~ THEN
are coded correctly
Cause perhaps I ought to code this:
== JAHEIR IF ~InParty("Jaheir") IsValidForPartyDialogue("Kido")~ THEN
or this:
== JAHEIRAJ IF ~InParty("Jaheir") IsValidForPartyDialogue("Kido")~ THEN
If someone could answer this one, it would be nice aswell
Thanks for all the help on forehand :thumb: