I will reach out for help when I need it. First I need to finish my creative part of the project. I'm currently in the tail end of my degree program and I've actually taken some classes that would help in this project including a project management class. And I am now in a software development class. Both of these have given me some valuable skills that I can apply to the Valen Expansion. One of the big pitfalls in software development is something known as "feature creep", which basically means that the developers keep adding stuff into the project because they think it would be cool and this causes delays. The mitigation for this problem includes "setting boundaries", which specifies what the product will not do. In retrospect, I should have done this from the project outset and had a defined project that was small, develop and produce it, then add features on in subsequent versions. Instead I took the opposite approach and built up a massive feature list before the production. I've made every mistake in project planning and management possible. But at least I know where I went wrong and can now work to fix it.
In order to keep this Thread alive:
Is it done yet?
Need help in any way?
I think that the first thing I will do once I complete this class is create a project management/software development plan for Valen Expansion and post it to the board for other developers to use as a template. Others may find it useful, assuming such a product has not already been released somewhere else on the board.
Excellent plan, and may you excel in your degree. ( Still in middle of mine.)
One thing I have noticed with BG modders is that they all keep all their stuff to theirselves. And that is why some great mods never get done if the author stops working on it. That is what Fallout Modders do, they always post everything they have done on at least 4 different websites so that others can use as a template. The Mirira Mod is now dead but becuase the modder posted everything on the Fallout Modding Wiki the work is being used as a template by anyone with a simple understanding how modding works. But yes, "feature creep" is a huge problem, and the best way to deal with that is to get the first verison done and then add cool features once everything is done in another verison.
Do not worry, BG still has a huge fanbase, and people will still love to play the Valen mod.
Mistakes are not mistakes if we learn from them.
Keep up the Great Work!