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Restenford sewers *SPOILERS*

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#1 Mythrantar

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Posted 12 September 2004 - 11:50 AM

First of all: I love the mod; excellent job Sir Billybob!

Now, to the meat:

I am investigating the thefts and murders in Restenford. I have killed the bandits in North Restenford and retrieved the note about the Glorious Hand. I have talked to Pelltar about it and serached the books both in his tower and his mansion. I also talked to Fabio about it, and to Welcar and they all told me about the drainage system found in west Restenford. I have also talked to the guard by the city gate and he told me about the hanging of that highway robber and also that another guard knows more about his burial, but that she had taken the day off and would return "tomorrow".

My problems are the following:

- I cannot seem to be able to locate the entrance to the sewers anywhere
- The guard never returns to her guard post. I have rested for over 2 IG days, and I was not able to locate her anywhere within the Restenford city areas.

Help please? :)

Edited by Mythrantar, 13 September 2004 - 08:36 AM.

#2 Chevalier


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Posted 12 September 2004 - 06:36 PM

The sewers are no longer used, go check out a disused area. If you need more help just ask again and I will tell you just where.

I Ride for the King!

a.k.a. Chev

#3 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 12 September 2004 - 07:09 PM

Near an "abandoned" building. Also another entrance is near a really "restfull" spot.

As for Ravella, the guard, she should show up 1 day at the same location where the other guards are standing. That is her assigned post. By the way, she will take you to the "restfull" spot as well.

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#4 Mythrantar

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Posted 13 September 2004 - 08:35 AM

Found it, thanks!

#5 Warlock

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Posted 06 October 2004 - 04:28 PM

:thumb: :thumb:

Edited by Warlock, 06 October 2004 - 07:37 PM.

#6 mr2131

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Posted 10 October 2004 - 05:02 PM

Near an "abandoned" building. Also another entrance is near a really "restfull" spot.

As for Ravella, the guard, she should show up 1 day at the same location where the other guards are standing. That is her assigned post. By the way, she will take you to the "restfull" spot as well.

Thank you, thank you. I didn't think I was going to be able to find my way out of Restenford. Found the sewers and completed the mod. One of the traps in the lighthouse was beyond Imoen, even after she'd buffed up for the task, so I just left it.

The only thing that seems to need a little tinkering with is having the various NPC's have dialog paths for you after you've completed their quests. The end certainly leaves it open for further adventures on the island??? ;) :D

Happy Trails . . .

"What rough beast, Its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born."

W.B. Yeats

May the sun be always in the eyes of your enemies,
and may your feet always find the correct path.

Happy Trails . . .


#7 Hundy

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Posted 16 October 2004 - 12:49 PM

:huh: First, let me say that it is a good mod. But I am having a slight problem. I cannot find Welcar anywhere. Any help would be greatly appreciated. :blink:

#8 Chevalier


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Posted 16 October 2004 - 01:35 PM

He is the guy with the pet dogs.

I Ride for the King!

a.k.a. Chev

#9 mildImp

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Posted 19 October 2004 - 08:05 AM

I handled the bandits to the North, but have not found any note about the "Glorious Hand". Where is that found?

#10 Chevalier


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Posted 19 October 2004 - 08:50 PM

It should be on one of the second wave of bandits.

I Ride for the King!

a.k.a. Chev

#11 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 20 October 2004 - 04:07 AM

It should be on one of the second wave of bandits.


The bandit that talks to you near a bridge. He has the note.

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#12 mildImp

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Posted 20 October 2004 - 08:36 PM

Battled the bandits in the keep on bone hill. Killed the wraith and his minons...that was a cool battle and harder. Was destroyed by the spectator, this mod is really getting fun and challenging. :)

Went back to the area north of town, but still didnt run into a second wave of bandits or the bandit on the bridge. Do I need to do something to trigger that encounter? Talk to Pelltar?

#13 Chevalier


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Posted 20 October 2004 - 08:43 PM

  Talk to Pelltar?



I Ride for the King!

a.k.a. Chev

#14 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 21 October 2004 - 05:31 AM

You find out about the Hand from the bandits. So if you haven't met them yet, why are you asking this?

SPOILER ************

When you are ready to leave Restenford, go talk to Pelltar. His casting is interrupted by Gelpas who gives you a new quest. North of town is the area where the two rivers meet. On one of the bridges is a bandit. That bandit has a note that talks about the Glorius Hand. So you shouldn't even know about it until then.

Take the note to Pelltar and ask about searching his books.

Tired of Bhaal? Try some classics mods instead:
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#15 mildImp

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Posted 21 October 2004 - 08:36 AM

Well I have met some bandits on bald hill. I read this thread and thought...."Hmmmm, maybe I missed something". Went back, no bandits. Thought...."Hmmmm, is this a bug or am I not looking in the right place or have I not triggered this event yet?". So I asked. It makes sense now. I havent been back to talk to Pelltar since I started this mod. I guess because I kind of assumed that the bandit keep with the wraith was the end game of this mod.

But mostly because I'm always getting a head of myself. :P

Whatever. Cool. I'll just shut up and play now! :D

Edited by mildImp, 21 October 2004 - 08:52 AM.