Now, to the meat:
I am investigating the thefts and murders in Restenford. I have killed the bandits in North Restenford and retrieved the note about the Glorious Hand. I have talked to Pelltar about it and serached the books both in his tower and his mansion. I also talked to Fabio about it, and to Welcar and they all told me about the drainage system found in west Restenford. I have also talked to the guard by the city gate and he told me about the hanging of that highway robber and also that another guard knows more about his burial, but that she had taken the day off and would return "tomorrow".
My problems are the following:
- I cannot seem to be able to locate the entrance to the sewers anywhere
- The guard never returns to her guard post. I have rested for over 2 IG days, and I was not able to locate her anywhere within the Restenford city areas.
Help please?

Edited by Mythrantar, 13 September 2004 - 08:36 AM.