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my kit ideas

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#1 Bif

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Posted 08 September 2004 - 10:40 AM

I'm interested in making new kits, and in giving old kits new possibilities, and I'm interested in your opinions.

I created a bard kit that can choose which song to sing (like IWD bards), with A LOT of songs, some gained after a quest, other at a certain level, and so on...

Today I finished a monk kit. it's a thief kit that has ALL the abilities and characteristics of a monk, with the possibility to dual-class. It's also usable by every race.

I'm planning to make a paladin/ranger multiclass kit, that follows D&D 3rd edition rules for the multiclassing, or an assassin/monk that follows the same rules.
(in 3rd edition, you can choose at each level up which class to improve)

I also made a shadowdancer, tempest and assassin kit, based on d&d 3rd edition.

what do you think about these ideas? any suggestion? as I said, I want to give new possibilities to the kits, not only new spells/abilities. :thumb:
"The Lord of Murder shall perish, but in his doom he shall spawn a score of mortal progeny. Chaos will be sewn from their passage. So sayeth the wise Aluando."

#2 Andyr



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Posted 08 September 2004 - 10:57 AM

Are they uploaded anywhere so we can take a look? :)
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#3 Awake

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Posted 08 September 2004 - 06:44 PM

I hope there are some restrictions for that monk/thief, sounds really overpowered for a thief, maybe you should do what i did for the samurai kit, make it lose 2 ac at level 19, had to make up a good excuse though.
Black Wyrm Forums host of the World Transition Project, Beastial Animations, and much more!

And the raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting
On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;
And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming,
And the lamp-light o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;
And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
Shall be lifted - nevermore!

Like dealing with terrorists by giving them explosives. -NotMrT

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#4 Awake

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Posted 08 September 2004 - 08:42 PM

<double post>


Edited by Awake, 08 September 2004 - 09:10 PM.

Black Wyrm Forums host of the World Transition Project, Beastial Animations, and much more!

And the raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting
On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;
And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming,
And the lamp-light o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;
And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
Shall be lifted - nevermore!

Like dealing with terrorists by giving them explosives. -NotMrT

If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there.

#5 Feanor


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Posted 09 September 2004 - 05:41 AM

The bard who can choose what sond he sings it's a great idea !

#6 Bif

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Posted 09 September 2004 - 10:35 AM

Are they uploaded anywhere so we can take a look?

do you know a site where I can upload them? I asked to forgottenwars some time ago, but they haven't answered me... at the moment, I can mail the zip to you, if you want (200kb). but I can post the kit descriptions. I'll do this when I can.

I hope there are some restrictions for that monk/thief, sounds really overpowered for a thief, maybe you should do what i did for the samurai kit, make it lose 2 ac at level 19, had to make up a good excuse though.

are you referring to the assassin/monk? I thought this combination because my monk kit uses assassin's progression (it's the thief with less skill points...)

but you're right. I should try and balance the thing.

if you are referring to the monk (thief kit), I gave him all the abilities of a monk, but I removed the thief abilities. no backstab, no traps, hla of a monk, no steal or open locks (though you can steal from shops, but it's a limitation of the engine. maybe I should give a -300 penalty to steal, so that you can never use it...)


yesterday I discovered how to use a kit in a multiclass! if you open your save with shadowkeeper, you can add a kit to your multiclass character. you can add the monk kit to any thief/something else combination and have a multiclass monk.
I think that it can be done without shadow keeper, but I must work on it.

Edited by Bif, 09 September 2004 - 11:16 AM.

"The Lord of Murder shall perish, but in his doom he shall spawn a score of mortal progeny. Chaos will be sewn from their passage. So sayeth the wise Aluando."

#7 SConrad


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Posted 09 September 2004 - 10:38 AM

yesterday I discovered how to use a kit in a multiclass! if you open your save with shadowkeeper, you can add a kit to your multiclass character. you can add the monk kit to any thief/something else combination and have a multiclass monk.
I think that it can be done without shadow keeper, but I must work on it.

I seem to remember that you can, yes.

You want me to tell you, or to find out yourself? :P

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#8 Bif

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Posted 09 September 2004 - 11:19 AM

i'm curious. tell me please. I thought it's possible because I remember a fighter kit in the darkest day that was a fighter mage...
"The Lord of Murder shall perish, but in his doom he shall spawn a score of mortal progeny. Chaos will be sewn from their passage. So sayeth the wise Aluando."

#9 Bif

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Posted 09 September 2004 - 11:25 AM

these are the kit rescriptions:
ASSASSIN: This is a killer trained in discreet and efficient murder, relying on anonymity and surprise to perform his task. He knows how to poison a weapon, and he has improved his backstab ability beyond that of a normal thief. He can cast some illusion spells. Finally, he learned the ability to hide in plain sight, but he isn't as good as a Shadowdancer.


- May coat his weapon in poison once per day. The next hit with that weapon will inject the poison into the target, dealing out 1 damage per second for 24 seconds (3 damage for the first 6 seconds). A saving throw vs. poison limits damage to 12 total.

- Backstab proceeds normally until level 13. Then he gains a x6 backstab at level 20, a x7 bacstab at level 30 and a x8 backstab at level 40.

- At level 10 he gains the Stunning Blow ability. The attack he make in his next round can stun the target for 3 rounds if he fails a saving thrown vs. death. Initially the target has a bonus of +2 to the saving thrown, but the bonus decreases by one every 5 levels, with a penalty of -4 at level 40. He gains another use once per day at level 25 and another at level 40.

- At level 20 he gains the Lethal Blow ability. The attack he make in his next round can kill the target if he fails a saving thrown vs death and his level is 20 or less. Initially the target has no penalty to the saving thrown, but the penalty increases by one every 5 levels, with a penalty of -4 at level 40. He gains another use at level 40.

- Gains Invisibility 1/day at level 12 and Improved Invisibility 1/day at level 20.

- Can put three stars in Two Weapon Fighting

- He can Hide in Plain Sight for 30 seconds, with a probability of 35% at level 1. The probability increases by 5 every 5 levels.


- Only 15% per level to distribute on abilities

- Can only be of Evil alignment

- Isn't proficient with long swords, katanas and scimitars

- Can't set traps

- Requires 11 Intelligence

List of ToB High Level Abilities:

* = new

- Assassination
- Avoid Death
- Evasion
- Greater Evasion
- Use Any Item
- Create Killer Poison *
- Master Thievery *
- Supreme Uncanny Dodge *
- Supreme Backstab *

Create Killer Poison:

With the cleverness innate to the class, an experienced Assassin can
create its own poisons, which can be also used by other classes.
When this ability is used, the Assassin creates a Killer Poison,
that poisons a weapon with the same venom that is used by the Poison Weapon ability.

Master Thievery:

Countless adventures across the world and hard training have given
the thief a considerable boost to his skills, granting him a 10% bonus on
his thieving abilities, and a +1 bonus to his dexterity.

Supreme Uncanny Dodge:

The great amount of times the thief spends in dangerous situations has
given him a better perception of danger, almost as he has "eyes on his back".
He becomes immune to backstab attacks.
Prerequisite: Master Thievery

Supreme Backstab:

The great knowledge of the Assassins in the field of hitting where
it REALLY hurts gives him the ability to increase his sneak attack damage,
granting him a +1 on his backstab multiplier.


SHADOWDANCER: The Shadowdancer is a thief who has learned how to hide in plain sight, disappearing into nearby shadows. He could cross an hall full of enemies without being seen or heard, vanishing in a second if someone sees him.
Shadowdancers are followed by their Shadow companions, which they can summon when needed.


- May hide in plain sight 1/day. He becomes invisible every round for 4 rounds. He gains another use of this ability every 2 levels.

- At level 10 he gains the Improved Invisibility ability. He gains another use once per day every 10 levels.

- Can teleport himself 1/day every 10 levels.

- Mirror Image 1/day at level 13.

- +20% to Move Silently and Stealth

- Can summon a creature of shadow 1/day starting at level 12. The creture improves as the level of the Shadowdancer increases.


- Only 20% per level to distribute on abilities

- Can set less traps than a normal thief (1 every 12 levels)

- Backstab multiplier never rises above x3.

List of ToB High Level Abilities:

* = new

- Assassination
- Avoid Death
- Evasion
- Greater Evasion
- Use Any Item
- Alchemy
- Scribe Scrolls
- Master Thievery *
- Supreme Uncanny Dodge *
- Improved Hide in Plain Sight *

Master Thievery:

Countless adventures across the world and hard training have given
the thief a considerable boost to his skills, granting him a 10% bonus on
his thieving abilities, and a +1 bonus to his dexterity.

Supreme Uncanny Dodge:

The great amount of times the thief spends in dangerous situations has
given him a better perception of danger, almost as he has "eyes on his back".
He becomes immune to backstab attacks.
Prerequisite: Master Thievery

Improved Hide in Plain Sight:

The peak of the Shadowdancer's ability to hide even if someone is watching him,
allows him to disappear every round for 4 rounds, gaining also a +4 bonus on his saving throws and armor class. He is also under the effect of improved haste for the duration of the ability.


TEMPEST: The tempest is the point of calm within a whirling barrier of deadly blades. Poets use colorful terms such as dancer to describe the movement of a tempest and her two blades, but mastery of this fighting style is not about dancing . Nor is it about impressing anyone, least of all poets . The tempest focuses on learning the ultimate secrets of two-weapon fighting for a single purpose: the destruction of her enemies. Typically hardy individualists, tempests rarely learn their skills through any sort of formal training. Instead, they master their art though constant application of its disciplines and experimentation on their foes. Similarly, no matter how famous tempests become, it's rare for them to take on students . Their art, they say, is one that can be learned but never taught.


- Gains 1 attack at level 15 and 30.
- Off-Hand Parry : Armor Class decreases by one every 10 levels starting from level 10
- Absolute Ambidexterity at level 20 (+2 thac0 with secondary weapon)


- Can't wear armor heavier than studded leather
- Can't cast spells
- Can't hide
- Can't Dual Class
- Isn't proficient with weapons that require 2 hands and can only master two weapon fighting style.

List of ToB High Level Abilities:

* = new

- Power Attack
- Critical Hit
- Smite
- Resist Magic
- Lethal Blow
- Improved Lethal Blow
- Perfect Two Weapon Fighting *
- Whirlwind Attack (Tempest Version) *
- Improved Whirlwind Attack (Tempest Version) *

Perfect Two Weapon Fighting

The great effort spent in fighting with two weapons allows the Tempest to increase damage dealt and his aim, gaining a +2 bonus to damage in melee and a +1 to his THAC0.

Whirlwind Attack

This ability grants the Tempest the ability to make quick and furious attacks. The number of attack per round doubles, but THAC0 and damage decrease by 4. Whirlwind Attack lasts 2 rounds.

Improved Whirlwind Attack

An improved version of Whirlwind Attack, Improved Whirlwind Attack doubles the Tempest's attacks for the next two rounds with no penalties.

Prerequisite: Whirlwind Attack

"The Lord of Murder shall perish, but in his doom he shall spawn a score of mortal progeny. Chaos will be sewn from their passage. So sayeth the wise Aluando."

#10 Bif

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Posted 09 September 2004 - 11:29 AM

the bard:

CHANTER: the Chanter is a bard who travels across the world to learn new songs, improving his support abilities beyond that of a normal bard. The enormous amount of time spent with other people has improved his charisma, but has left the Chanter with little strenght for the lack of training.


- +2 to Charisma

- Gains more Bard Songs as his level increases. The list of songs is:

- Level 1: Baldur's Song (+1 to thac0 and damage)
- Level 4: Tymora's Song (Luck and +10% to thieving abilities)
- Level 7: Rime of the Ancient Mariner (Immunity to Fear)
- Level 12: Battle Hymn (+10 hit points, +2 to thac0, +1 to damage, +1 to saving throws)
- Level 15: The Wicker Man (+20 temporary hit points)
- Level 18: Dream of Mirrors (Regeneration 1 hp/3 sec , +2 to AC)
- Level 20: Torment (Aura of fear)
- Level 22: Moonchild (Haste)

- Every 10 levels he gains a penalty to enemy saving throws against his offensive songs.


- 1/4 pickpocket abilities

- -4 to Strenght

List of Tob High Level Abilities:

- Magic Flute
- Use Every Object
- Scribe Scrolls
- Alchemy
- New Bard Songs *
- Sun and Steel *
- Ride the Lightning (requires Sun and Steel) *
- Blood Brothers (requires Ride the Lightning) *
- Sea of madness (requires Blood Brothers) *
- Wildest Dreams (requires Sea of Madness) *

New Bard Songs:

Sun and Steel:
This song can be very useful for the bard and his allies. The bard gains a +10 bonus to his AC and a 10% bonus to his magic resistance, thanks to its magic power. His allies gain a +4 bonus to thac0 and to damage, +4 bonus to armor class, immunity to fear, stun and cofusion, a 5% bonus to magic resistance and immunity to normal weapons.

Ride the Lightning:
This song, originally created by a bard who travelled in the Elemental Plane of Air, enables the bard and his party to move quickly as a lightning, as per the Improved Haste spell.

Prerequisite: Sun and Steel

Blood Brothers:
A unique song, known only by the most powerful shamans of the barbarian tribes who live in the Spine of the World, that can charme all the humanoids who stay too close to the bard. Pratically, enemies must save vs spells or be charmed.

Prerequisite: Ride the Lightning

Sea of Madness:
By chanting the misfortunes of an ancient expedition, the bard can plant the seed of madness into his enemies head. Enemy must save vs spells or be confused.

Prerequisite: Blood Brothers

Wildest Dreams:
By singing the most ancient and dangerous song in his repertoire, the bard can twist the weave and create a limitate wild magic zone around him. Woe to the mad sorcerer who tries to cast a spell inside it, because if he doesn't save vs spells, his spells will generate wild surges, with unpredictable effects.

Prerequisite: Sea of Madness

p.s. there are other songs (at least 25-30) but they aren't gained with level-up. their effects are explained when you gain them. one summons weak monsters, many give different bonuses. a song is gained when (and if) you kill demogorgon.
if you have Korgan in the party, you can sing "Fear of the Dwarf"....
"The Lord of Murder shall perish, but in his doom he shall spawn a score of mortal progeny. Chaos will be sewn from their passage. So sayeth the wise Aluando."

#11 Bif

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Posted 09 September 2004 - 11:33 AM

the monk! (this is a piece of the readme)

I tried to reproduce the monk with a thief kit, so that it can be used with dual-class characters.(and multi-class)
I also gave the possibility to every race to became a monk, like 3rd edition of D&D.
The kit is almost identical to a regular monk, but there are some differences.


- the lore remains that of a thief (despite all my attempts)
- you gain 1d6+1 hp from level 1 to 9 insted of 1d8 (but the average it's the same)
- you gain 40 skill points at level 1 and 15 every level, instead of 0 at level 1 and 10 every level.
- the thieving abilities you can use are: search traps, hide, move silently, and DETECT ILLUSIONS.
(remember that you CANNOT select the steal button.) (but you can steal from shops)(as I said, I'm planning a BIG penalty to steal)
- your appearance is that of a thief. if you want your character to appear as a monk, open the console,
write "EnableCheatKeys()" without the "", and press ctrl+6 until your appearance is correct. then save.
- if you see that your experience points decrease after gaining a level, don't worry. I wanted this because
the thief levels up quickly than the monk. i balanced that.
- you can now dual class(and multi-class), and every race can become a monk.

"The Lord of Murder shall perish, but in his doom he shall spawn a score of mortal progeny. Chaos will be sewn from their passage. So sayeth the wise Aluando."

#12 SConrad


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Posted 09 September 2004 - 01:06 PM

289 AddSuperKit(I:Kit*KIT)
This will set the creatures kit to the kit specified. Abilities from any previous kits are kept.
Class restrictions apply for kits. When attempting adding an invalid kit, the existing kit (if any) will be replied.

I seem to recall that this'll do, but I can be wrong.

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#13 Deva


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Posted 10 September 2004 - 11:14 AM

I like the look of the tempest kit, but I think maybe they should be able to cast a few spells at certain levels. ^_^



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#14 DevilishPope


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Posted 10 September 2004 - 07:12 PM

do you know a site where I can upload them? I asked to forgottenwars some time ago, but they haven't answered me... at the moment, I can mail the zip to you, if you want (200kb). but I can post the kit descriptions. I'll do this when I can.

I have lots of webspace, do you still need hosting?
If you are interested in free mod hosting, PM me. I am willling to host a variety of Mods, from Baldur's Gate 2 to Doom 3 and beyond.

#15 Bif

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Posted 13 September 2004 - 09:49 AM

I have lots of webspace, do you still need hosting?

Yes, I do... Is it for free :unsure: ? (thanxs anyway for the offer ^_^ )

If the answer is yes, I thank you VERY much.

I like the look of the tempest kit, but I think maybe they should be able to cast a few spells at certain levels.

I didn't give him spells because I wanted to make it similar to D&D 3.0 tempest, who is more a fighter than a ranger, but it's true that this way he's a little underpowered. I'll think about it. maybe some spell-like abilities...

289 AddSuperKit(I:Kit*KIT)
This will set the creatures kit to the kit specified. Abilities from any previous kits are kept.
Class restrictions apply for kits. When attempting adding an invalid kit, the existing kit (if any) will be replied.

thanks :D


yesterday I thought about a NEW kit. (it seems that I can only make kits, and it's probably true. I planned an npc but it's too much work... maybe another time)

The new kit is a cleric kit that can choose which god to serve. and which domains of his chosen god to select. at higher levels you receive some special abilities depending on your domains, and if your reputation is too much distant from your god's will, you won't get them. instead, you may win a wonderful curse!

(but I thought about TOO many gods to include...)
"The Lord of Murder shall perish, but in his doom he shall spawn a score of mortal progeny. Chaos will be sewn from their passage. So sayeth the wise Aluando."

#16 Bif

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Posted 13 September 2004 - 09:54 AM

bard songs list:

old ones

@25 = ~Baldur's Song (Combat bonuses)~
@26 = ~Tymora's Song (Luck bonus)~
@27 = ~Rime of the Ancient Mariner (Immunity to fear)~
@28 = ~Battle Hymn (More combat bonuses)~
@29 = ~The Wicker Man (Hit points bonus)~
@30 = ~Dream of Mirrors (Regeneration and armor bonus)~
@31 = ~Dance of Death (Fear)~
@32 = ~Moonchild (Haste)~
@33 = ~Sun and Steel (Huge defensive and offensive bonuses)~
@34 = ~Ride the Lightning (Improved Haste) ~
@35 = ~Blood Brothers (Charme)~
@36 = ~Sea of Madness (Confusion)~
@37 = ~Wildest Dreams (Wild Magic)~
songs that you can song after certain prerequisites are met

@43 = ~Rangers and Hamsters Against Evil (combat bonuses against evil creatures)~
@44 = ~Song of the Red Wizard (spellcasting speed bonus)~
@45 = ~Underworld's Legacy (magic resistance bonus)~
@46 = ~Sweet Friend O'Mine (saving throw bonus)~
@47 = ~Heart of Ebony (magic resistance bonus)~
@48 = ~Nothing Else Matters (charm immunity)~
@49 = ~Tale of the Winged Elf (protection from evil)~
@50 = ~Knight of Valor (strenght bonus)~
@51 = ~Holy Thunderforce (combat bonuses against demons)~
@52 = ~A Sigilian Tale (Free Action)~
@53 = ~Lord of the Rings (charisma bonus)~
@54 = ~Arundel's Tale (summon creatures)~
@55 = ~Song of Huma (combat bonuses against dragons)~
@56 = ~Prayer to Amaunator (combat bonuses against undead)~
@57 = ~The Call of Demogorgon (random immunities)~
@58 = ~Sad But True (saving throw bonus)~
@59 = ~No Prayer For The Dying (repel undead)~
@60 = ~Bladesong (great combat bonuses)~
@61 = ~Tale of an Elven Mage (saving throw and spellcasting speed bonus)~
@69 = ~Fear of the Dwarf (damage bonus)~
"The Lord of Murder shall perish, but in his doom he shall spawn a score of mortal progeny. Chaos will be sewn from their passage. So sayeth the wise Aluando."

#17 DevilishPope


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Posted 13 September 2004 - 10:33 AM

I'll host mods for free, I just need a copy of your mod and I'll add it into the mods section and drop a link to the download. The page I have up for it is quite shabby, and most likely a temporary until the mainsite gets a mods section. The URL is also a little long until I can get a subdomain setup.

Edited by DevilishPope, 13 September 2004 - 10:33 AM.

If you are interested in free mod hosting, PM me. I am willling to host a variety of Mods, from Baldur's Gate 2 to Doom 3 and beyond.

#18 Bif

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Posted 14 September 2004 - 03:11 AM

ok, thanks. I'll make last time modifications, then I'll pack them. can you send me your e-mail address with a PM?
"The Lord of Murder shall perish, but in his doom he shall spawn a score of mortal progeny. Chaos will be sewn from their passage. So sayeth the wise Aluando."