Love Talk for Torment?
Posted 24 August 2004 - 03:41 AM
Posted 24 August 2004 - 06:45 AM
Vash: "Normally when you buy an old, used bike, you're supposed to repair it before riding it!"
Wolfwood: "Are you dissing my beautiful shiny Angelina II?!?"
Vash: "I'm dissing YOU, not your stupid broken bike!"
It's all happening here
Posted 24 August 2004 - 07:04 AM
Free your mind
Posted 24 August 2004 - 08:36 AM

Posted 24 August 2004 - 08:50 AM
Posted 24 August 2004 - 09:15 AM
Except me of cause :nana:Nothing's perfect.
Vash: "Normally when you buy an old, used bike, you're supposed to repair it before riding it!"
Wolfwood: "Are you dissing my beautiful shiny Angelina II?!?"
Vash: "I'm dissing YOU, not your stupid broken bike!"
It's all happening here
Posted 24 August 2004 - 11:26 AM
Posted 24 August 2004 - 11:30 AM
Posted 24 August 2004 - 11:36 AM

Vash: "Normally when you buy an old, used bike, you're supposed to repair it before riding it!"
Wolfwood: "Are you dissing my beautiful shiny Angelina II?!?"
Vash: "I'm dissing YOU, not your stupid broken bike!"
It's all happening here
Posted 24 August 2004 - 11:45 PM
le'ts make rather whole new NPC

Posted 25 August 2004 - 12:41 AM
Posted 25 August 2004 - 05:56 PM
-Quiet Lurker-
Posted 25 August 2004 - 06:53 PM
Well, Fall-From-Grace could have been sent by the Baatezu to retrieve the Nameless One for the Blood War.A whole new npc could be nice too. But Ragnar's right ^^ We have to know what's in that diary.

As for the diary itself, it could be her orders from the Baatezu. She never writes in it during the adventure. Moreover, her diary is one of the only two non default weapon/armor objects in the game attached (cannot be removed) to their owners, the Circle of Zerthimon being the other.
If a parallel can be drawn from these two objects, then Fall-From-Grace's diary is something that chains her to the Nameless One just as the Circle of Zerthimon chains Dak'kon to him.
From the conversation with Vrischika, we find that Fall-From-Grace might be a Baatezu spy/recruiter. The conversation with Fjhull the outcast Baatezu hints that one of the incarnations of the Nameless One signed a contract of some sort, (there is of course the chilling memory of signing something when you sign the Dead Contract, not to mention actual memories of the Blood War.)
Note that the Nameless One cannot get Fall-From-Grace to join him without telling her that he is an immortal amnesiac. Granted it might be genuine interest in an immortal on her part, but it could also be that she found the objective of her mission for the Baatezu.
Since acting depends on charisma, a CHR=19 makes her a phenomenal actress making it impossible to tell Fall-From-Grace's true intentions.
Of course, all this is just speculation on my part.

Posted 26 August 2004 - 01:02 AM
But look - if someone from modders would do some "secret diary mod" it is just the imagination of someone else from the original designers. There will be still doubts what is the real (original) meaning of that diary...A whole new npc could be nice too. But Ragnar's right ^^ We have to know what's in that diary.
Posted 26 August 2004 - 03:50 AM
Of cause, I just said that as a light hearted jest, but if someone did do such a mod (who knows why) it could easily be explained in game, and a dairy wouldn't be that hard to do........But look - if someone from modders would do some "secret diary mod" it is just the imagination of someone else from the original designers. There will be still doubts what is the real (original) meaning of that diary...A whole new npc could be nice too. But Ragnar's right ^^ We have to know what's in that diary.
Vash: "Normally when you buy an old, used bike, you're supposed to repair it before riding it!"
Wolfwood: "Are you dissing my beautiful shiny Angelina II?!?"
Vash: "I'm dissing YOU, not your stupid broken bike!"
It's all happening here
Posted 26 August 2004 - 07:04 AM

So - while expanding on the PS:T NPCs is a good idea, I'd think it best to refrain from spelling out Grace's diary.

Posted 26 August 2004 - 07:24 AM
Edited by Barren Fischa, 26 August 2004 - 07:28 AM.
Posted 26 August 2004 - 07:34 AM
Vash: "Normally when you buy an old, used bike, you're supposed to repair it before riding it!"
Wolfwood: "Are you dissing my beautiful shiny Angelina II?!?"
Vash: "I'm dissing YOU, not your stupid broken bike!"
It's all happening here
Posted 26 August 2004 - 09:40 AM
Oh and making it some sort of demonic or such would just send every single soul looking game through for someone that could teach them demonic, and tehn they would go complain on all forums they can fidn afterwards

Posted 26 August 2004 - 09:42 AM
Oh and making it some sort of demonic or such would just send every single soul looking game through for someone that could teach them demonic, and tehn they would go complain on all forums they can fidn afterwards