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Yikari's vow of Silence

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Poll: Should Yikari start under a vow of silence? (12 member(s) have cast votes)

Should Yikari start under a vow of silence?

  1. Yes (8 votes [66.67%])

    Percentage of vote: 66.67%

  2. No (4 votes [33.33%])

    Percentage of vote: 33.33%

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#1 Shed



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Posted 18 August 2004 - 09:27 AM

The vow of silence was originally a ploy meaning Yikari would not talk (much) or banter, since he was a one-week NPC.

Now, however, I think it pointless that as an NPC he does not banter or reply to your commands until you have Celestial Fury.

Cutting the silence would mean a bit of work for me and my translator, but you needn't worry too much about that ;).

Is the vow important enough to his character and individuality, or would you rather have the full all-talking, all-bantering Yikari right from the word go?

#2 SConrad


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Posted 18 August 2004 - 09:31 AM

I say yes. It's a nice idea. Why not?

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#3 Shed



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Posted 18 August 2004 - 04:08 PM

The only reason I brought it up was that it is unnecessary, but I was getting irritated not being able to see/test the work I had just done on him, possibly for a good portion of the player's game, especially if they have Tactics Guarded Compound.

#4 Andyr



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Posted 19 August 2004 - 09:06 AM

He could take a vow of silence and still have a few comments made through sign language?
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#5 Rathwellin the Bard

Rathwellin the Bard

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Posted 19 August 2004 - 09:26 AM

If I'm not mistaken many vows of silence have an 'out' and let the person talk if certain criteria are met. For instnace a monk might be allowed to talk at 'dinnertime' or 'in case of emergency' or 'only on Fridays.'

A limited vow of silence like this might work.

#6 Rathwellin the Bard

Rathwellin the Bard

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Posted 19 August 2004 - 09:28 AM

You could also have him communicate in 'writing' with the PC. Have him give the PC unidentified 'scrolls' with his messages. Lore skill of 30 or so needed to 'identify' them and actually read his writing.


#7 Shed



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Posted 19 August 2004 - 02:58 PM

Er... that sounds a lot more complicated than it's worth.

Yikari does fulfil his vow once he finds Celestial Fury, after all.

Mabye I could do one banter in sign language, only if he still is silenced?

#8 T.G.Maestro



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Posted 20 August 2004 - 02:36 AM

This wow of silence makes him much more unique - I say keep it at all costs.
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#9 Shed



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Posted 20 August 2004 - 03:40 AM

Surely "vow"? ;) He is either unique or he isn't; he can't become "more unique". Grammatical quibbles aside ( ;) ):

Thank you. Perhaps you are right.

Edited by Shed, 01 September 2004 - 04:21 PM.