Install as per any other IAP mod. To un-install, just delete the AERIE.CRE files in your overide folder.
1) ONLY use with the Semi-Multi-Mod installed. Install the Semi-Multi Mod first.
2) Will replace all versions of Aerie with a Cleric-Sorcerer, as long as you have not yet added Aerie to your party.
3) MUST NOT HAVE COMPLETED CIRCUS QUEST before using this mod if you intend to do Aerie Romance. Should not interfere with any other Aerie related quests or banters even if installed after circus quest is completed.
4) This version of Aerie has even worse HP; you must buff her and/or use lots of potions of fortitude if you expect her to take much punishment. She can only use Mage gear. On the other hand, she is a very serious one stop spell caster.
5) When she joins, she is in Half-elf form and her joining dialog assumes that the circus quest has not been completed and that you asked her to leave. Just let her join again. This will not interfere with the romance, or with any other banters. I'll try to fix her "Help, I'm an Ogre" first quest when I get some time.
6) Post any feedback to: http://www.shsforums...p?showforum=158
If there is enough interest, I might get around to a beta at some point.

Hope you enjoy the mod.