I was interested in this Redemption mod, so I checked it out, and found out that in order to have Irenicus in your party, you need to kick someone out first (if you already have 5 NPC's), instead of having him help you the way Balthazar does. I read that this was done because he's a mage, and it wouldn't be fun not being able to control his spells.
However, even though Balthazar had an AI of his own, I seem to remember you could actually give him orders. Couldn't it be done so that Irenicus is considered a permanent summoned creature? A summoned Planetar, for instance, does allow you to choose which spells to cast (not which to memorize though), so that wouldn't be a problem. I'd really like to redeem the guy at the end, but kicking someone out is gonna be a tough choice. Plus, it seems so rude to the poor NPC in question.

Now I know some people (the mage fans I guess) will always want to directly control him, but personally I'd rather have it the other way. Isn't it possible to make a version that has him help you instead of joining you? You'd still have to control him, so an AI-script wouldn't be necessary (I'm assuming making such a script ain't an easy thing, unless someone wants to do it of course).
Just asking.
Thanks in advance.