It's not weird considering the vast majority of deities (well, human ones at least) once were mortals. This includes Azuth, Bane, Bhaal, Cyric, Deep Duerra, Deneir, Finder Wyvernspur, Gwaeron Windstrom, Kelemvor, Kiaransalee, Myrkul, Mystra (second and third), the Red Knight, Shevarash, Siamorphe, Torm, Uthgar, Valkur, Velsharoon, Waukeen, and numerous others.The problem with FR gods is that are too mortal in the way they act and so forth that's what I find weird
Have you got any info. on those two?
Hoar is the human deity of revenge, retribution and poetic justice, while Shevarash is the elven deity of hatred of the drow, vengeance, military crusades, loss, revenge. Both are CN demipowers.
Basically Shar is attempting to corrupt both of them so their portfolios become vengenace, punishment, wrath and hatred, and they switch to CE. Shar's probably hoping that a CE Shevarash would kill Eilistrae (who he barely tolerates at the moment), as she's a close ally of two of Shar's most hated enemies, Mystra and Selune.
In the case of Hoar, Tyr is working against Shar in the hopes of converting him to CG, with his portfolio becoming poetic justice, irony and recompense. No-one seems to be working to stop Shar's corruption of Shevarash; in fact, not even the Seldarine seem to have notice that it's going on.
Edited by NiGHTMARE, 18 June 2004 - 09:43 AM.