Assertion Failure
Posted 26 March 2009 - 03:34 PM
My problem is when i try to start PST i get the same error:
An assertion Failed in F:\torment\source\chitin\chitin.cpp at line 1393 programmer says: error initializing key table, bad key file
wierd thing is that I have installed PST to c:\games\PS-torment and my f: hdd drive is currently empty.
the only thing i can think of is that the link is referring to something that has been done in one of the DL files?
Id rlly appreciate any help - after reading all about the modifications and remembering how borked it was on first release to come back to a "fixed version" after so many years had me almost salivating and now it won't work :'(
Posted 26 March 2009 - 04:22 PM
IMHO, this is the best install procedure for the 4CD version (at least in that it's what I use):
1. Clean install of the game. If you uninstalled a previous version, delete the folder altogether. Your old saves probably won't work.
2. Install official 1.1 patch
3. IF you are installing a no-cd crack to save wear and tear on your discs, do so at this time.
4. Install thebigg's widescreen mod, if desired. (I recommend it if you have a decent size monitor... if it's a small screen, eh)
5. Install Ghostdog's UI (if you installed the widescreen mod, I highly recommend it. If you didn't install it, skip this step.)
6. Install my Fixpack
7. Install my UB
8. Install my Tweakpack
2CD version only differs in that you skip step 2.
Most of the steps after step 3 are not written in stone. You can install the Tweak Pack before UB, for example, and it should work fine. You can even install the widescreen mod and Ghostdog's UI after my mods. But. I coded and tested all 3 of my mods with the above install order, and I'd ask folks to give that order a shot before I go nuts trying to figure out what's wrong with your install.
If that doesn't work, please post your weidu.log file after attempting your install, and I'll see what I can do.
Edited by Qwinn, 26 March 2009 - 04:24 PM.
Posted 28 March 2009 - 06:11 AM
I was trying to launch the game from the icon on the desktop
the wierdest thing is when i put disk 1 back in after the umpteenth FFS!!! i just got a hunch and pressed "play"
and the game launched just fine, a bit *wonko* way to do it but if it works whats the diff.
so i was disk swapping putting 1 in first to launch then 2 to play - then i thought "lets just try it" and dl the 4cd "no-cd" crack and its all gravy..well almost, now i just have to launch from disk1 as the desktop icon is still borked.
thanks for the advice and i look forward to your tweaks in the game.
Posted 01 April 2009 - 01:08 AM
I have BIG problem, my problem's name is: AN ASSERTION FAILED

It says this: "In F:\Torment\Source\chitin\ChVideo.cpp at line number 4322. Programmer says: No valid video modes supported."
I did following:
1. Clean install of the game (4 CDs vers)
2. Tinkering with CD 2,3,4 (moving them to game directory and setting correct path in torment.ini, although there is some CD 5 which I obviously DON'T possess...)
3. Installed official 1.1 patch
4. Installed the bigg's widescreen mod - 1280x768
5. Installed GhostDog's PST UI mod v1.0
6. Installed Ultimate WeiDU Fixpack v3.00
7. Installed PST Unfinished Business v3.00
8. Installed Qwinn's PST Tweak Pack v3.50
I have Win XP and ATI MOBILITY RADEON 7500 graphical card.
Also I think another thing counts: I installed PS:T on my crapy laptop which is connected to my "good" monitor:
15" LCD (XGA) CTX S500
Please I begging you: HELP ME! - see, I'm really despaired

PS: maybe the problem lies in my external monitor, maybe your mods cannot force that desired resolution to my hardware. BUT I used to play games with resolution 1600x1200x32 with no problems at all ...
Edited by POSPA, 01 April 2009 - 01:19 AM.
Posted 01 April 2009 - 04:07 AM
Those interested in the classic TBS game Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri / Alien Crossover should check out the unofficial patch I work on here.
Posted 01 April 2009 - 01:39 PM
1. First of all you should make a full install of Planescape Torment. The Full
install is not the "maximum installation" option from the game installer,
it's a manual procedure. You can find instructions on how to do this, here:
Also, is 1280x768 available in your card's driver options? If it's not you may have to add it as a usable resolution. Check this out:
- Some video card drivers don't have 1280x800 or 1280x768 as a standard option
especially when the monitor has a 16:9 aspect ratio. In most cases you have
to open your video card's control panel and enable an option that allows
custom resolutions.
[nickwest has provided detailed instructions about the NVIDIA panel:]
How I could tell my res was non-standard? when I got to
Start->Settings->Control Panel->Display in the "Settings" tab theres a
slider with screen resolution. When I change that slider around there
isn't a 1280x800 displayed as an option (this is your problem).
1. Click the advanced button on the settings tab you're in
2. In the advanced menu, find the otpion on one of the tabs of "Start
the NVIDIA Control Panel" and click it
3. In the Advanced Settings, go to "Manage Custom Resolutions" or
something like that depending on your driver version.
4. There should be a checkbox along the lines of "Allow modes not
exposed by the display" and check this box.
5. Also on this UI page you should be able to create "custom
resolutions", click "create" and change your "Horizontal desktop
pixels" to 1280 and your "Vertical desktop lines" to 800, then click
"Test". If everything looks OK after accept the changes.
6. Now go back to your display settings resolution slider, 1280x800
should now be an option and this mod should work!
Edited by ghostdog, 01 April 2009 - 01:42 PM.
Posted 02 April 2009 - 06:38 AM
I did full instalation without the crack.
I have alreday read the topic about enableing non-standart resolutions.
I downloaded clever program called Everest which says that my card drivers maximal resolution is 1024x768.

Thats the reason I couldn't change my native resolution ....
Thanks again, guys, I give up.
or I'll finally force myself to buy new computer and throw this old crap out of the window.

Edited by POSPA, 02 April 2009 - 07:41 AM.
Posted 04 July 2009 - 08:43 AM
I did the full install as suggested by Qwinn and my screen supports the resolutions in which I have installed the widescreen mod with (I used 1280x768).
I find it odd tho that my full install was done in G:\ folders but the error says something in D:\ which is my dvd drive.
Please help! I have been trying at this for hours and I still haven't been able to start up my game.
Posted 04 July 2009 - 09:37 AM
Posted 04 October 2009 - 12:06 PM
Edited by Rudolfo, 04 October 2009 - 12:19 PM.