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Day 8 of 12 - Interview with Deva

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#1 Cal Jones

Cal Jones
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Posted 03 January 2009 - 12:59 AM

Today's interview is with the lovely Deva, author of Ninde, a deliciously evil elven necromancer with a tongue like a guillotine and a taste for fine wine and rough men.

Edited by Cal Jones, 03 January 2009 - 01:00 AM.

#2 Cal Jones

Cal Jones
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Posted 03 January 2009 - 01:01 AM

Interview with Deva

When did you first join the IE modding community?

Oh, ages ago, when I was young and foolish and this place was still called Forgotten Wars. I think I was about fourteen and got told off all the time for spamming.

Putting together a mod is a pretty daunting task. What compelled you to give it a go?

Having a character I really, really wanted to show to people and say 'look, this is Ninde. Ain't she great?' Thinking she'd bring something new to the game and being a bit of a compulsive story teller helps. Loving the game so much you want to bring something new to it, as well.

What would you say has been your biggest challenge with this mod?

The discipline of having to write a lot to a deadline. I'm not good at that. In fact, I haven't managed. I tend to write when I feel like it, and in modding that's not possible if you want to get things done in any sort of a respectable time. I know with mods people expect them to take donkey's years, but I didn't want Ninde to. I knew I'd lose the will to do it.

With so many NPC mods to choose from, what do you think is Ninde?s particular appeal?

Attitude, humour and downright sex appeal. Haha. I don't know, that's for you guys to tell me. But she's different, that's for sure. She's very vocal, and her lovetalks and conversations with the PC are all very long, and hopefully well thought out. She's probably more detailed than some NPC mods. Probably a lot darker as well. I think she fits in well with the very dark feel of SoA.

Ninde is definitely quite a character. What (or who) was your main inspiration for her?

Oh, so much, so many different things and people. Initially, Edmund Blackadder from the BBC's Blackadder. The idea of this spoilt, quietly malicious character constantly trying to carry out cunning plans that never quite work. Then there was a character in George Eliot's novel, Daniel Deronda. This very willful, wealthy girl called Gwendolen, who has the same withering wit. What my main inspiration was I really couldn't say, but I know I wanted her to be a witch. Not a good witch or a herbal healer or any of that, but more the evil stepmother kind. The villainess you love to hate. Or at least the beginnings of a villainess.

She has some very amusing banters with the other Bioware NPCs. Which was your favourite character to write for?

Ooh, hard question! Probably Haer'Dalis - I had loads of fun with the flowery language. You sort of have a license to write ridiculously purple dialogue when you're writing for him. I really enjoyed writing Edwin & Ninde banter as well. They have this massive bickery rivalry which is great to write.

The initial release isn?t too far off. Do you plan to add more content to subsequent versions?

Definitely. Knowing me, I'll never be able to stop. I need to start work on the ToB section, soon.

Any plans to create other mods in future?

Yes. My next project is a Yoshimo romance - I've written a little, and it's coming along nicely so far, if I do say so myself.

What have you learned from creating Ninde?

Always proofread. It is impossible to write friendship talks and concurrently talk to your friend on the phone.

Baldur?s Gate has just celebrated its 10th anniversary. Do you think there?s still plenty of life left in the IE modding community?

I think it's fairly obvious. And a testament to how excellent the games are. I know some sites are struggling, but you only need to look round here to tell there are so many mods in the works.

Which mods have really impressed you?

Edwin Romance - the strength of the writing is insane. It's funny, but doesn't seem forced. A lot of people claim it's out of character, but I think modders have a license to take characters in a different direction to a certain degree.

The Flirtpacks at PPG are very well written, too. And FUN. Romantic Encounters is a bit of a mixed bag, but the Renal Bloodscalp encounter was impressive. Sexy, but not creepy. There's a fine line in modding, I think. BG1 NPC is sensational, but y'all know that.

Which mod would you most like to see made?

I'd love for some bright spark to come up with a way we could take BG to a whole new level. I'm afraid I can't come up with anything more specific. Oh, and gnomes. <3

Do you have any advice for first time modders?

Listen to criticism. Don't be afraid to be ambitious. Good writing makes a mod.

Short-answer questions:


BG. It's funner.

Favourite canon BG/BGII Character?

Coran. Mr Lover Lover.

Least favourite?


Favourite mod character?

Ninde. Hah.

Favourite villain: Sarevok, Irenicus or Melissan?


Favourite class or kit?

S'all about sorcerers.