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Day 3 of 12 - Release: aTweaks

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#1 Tassadar88


    Templar in Flames

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Posted 29 December 2008 - 10:20 AM

Avenger strikes back on the third day of Christmas - armed with a red-hot pack of fixes and tweaks for your next run through the Bhaalspawn´s story, the aTweaks!

Split into three groups of PnP tweaks, Gameplay tweaks and Cosmetic tweaks, this mod allows you to experience the might of the Spiritual hammer as a ranged force weapon rather than the rather dull hammer it is now, dispel Globes of Invulnerability and Stoneskins where they were undispellable before, restore sounds to Shambling mounds rather than having them mimick earth elementals, and much, much more :)

See here:Have fun!
The Mind is its own place and in itself - can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven. -John Milton, Paradise lost