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Day 1 of 12 - Release: Classic Adventures v.48

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#1 Kaeloree


    Head Molder

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Posted 26 December 2008 - 09:49 PM

Much like last year, Spellhold Studios is once again having "12 Days of Christmas"--the first release is Classic Adventures, by intrepid developers Sir BillyBob and leahnkain. CA is a total conversion and represents an enormous amount of work, and it has come a long way since it's first release--so if you haven't checked it out yet, do, and if you have checked it out, make sure to nab the latest version!

Classic Adventures v.48 includes a number of improvements on v.47, as well as the new module "The Ghost Tower of Inverness."

v.48 is a patch, which has to be installed after installing v.47, which can be downloaded here.

Related links:Happy gaming!
