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gMinion: expanded TP2 for Mega-Installations

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#1 Azazello


    The Anti-Spammer

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  • 1914 posts

Posted 13 December 2008 - 12:45 PM

I have reported this to the mod's official forum: Cirerrek's AI Scripts at G3

Attached File  Setup_gMinion.tp2   33.22K   690 downloads

Edited by Azazello, 31 October 2009 - 12:31 AM.

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Community Contributions
* Level 1 NPCs * gMinion: expanded TP2 for MegaInstalls * PSM (PSQM): expanded scripts for Melanthium * Shar Nadal (DSotSC-BGT) revision * non-detectable Cloak of Non-Detection ?? * Weimer's-Tactics: revised TP2 for MegaInstalls * a directory of Mega-Installation Guides *