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Kastor Reghir

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#1 witya

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Posted 02 December 2008 - 02:33 PM

I'm doing fine with my main project so far, but there are times when I'm just not in the mood to work on Rhonwyn. I've reached the point of the lovetalks, when it becomes quite serious and actually sad too.

I still don't have much to do for a while, so when I feel like fooling around, I'll do something for another mod. I don't want to go into depths as I do with Rhonwyn, so probably I'll finish him in one or two more days, he's something like a 1 day NPC (or 2-3 days NPC, to be more exact). Or he can become something more, maybe, in time, I don't know yet.

And what about him? Who's Kastor?

The "technical" part:

Name: Kastor Reghir
Gender: Male
Race: Half-elf
Age: 24
Class: Thief
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Found at: Copper Coronet, near the rear entrance (this is likely to change, that place is crowded already)
After being kicked out: Temple District, in front of the Temple of Talos


Strength: 11
Dexterity: 17
Constitution: 13
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 9
Charisma: 9


The story part:

Kastor is the offspring of a human witch, burned alive very soon after his birth, and an elven nobleman, who was hanged for a "failed coup against some king". Or at least, this is what Kastor says, when anybody asks about his past, but he also mentions, that "mom" used to tell him a story about how she met "dad" the first (and last) time, when Kastor was around the age of ten... He adds a few notes about Cormyr and its capitol, a small hint, that he may actually be Suzailan.

When you meet him, it becomes quite clear very soon, that he's a crazy guy, and you can't take anything he says too seriously. He does what he wants to do and when he wants to do, rarely caring about consequences. Pouring a bucket of pink paint on your head, asking people for a few coins, speaking about the aesthetical value of sleeping on the streets with our faces down in a puddle, or asking a woman to be his fifth wife on their first meeting... it's all the same for him.

About wives. Kastor has a "habit" of marrying different kinds of women, though they all have something in common... they were all drunken when they met Kastor, who was not very sober either. (Female PCs watch out! Be careful with drinking! ;)) Actually, he admits, that he really is a poligamist, who has three wives at the moment. Unfortunetely, the fourth one died, but he immediately adds, that he didn't kill her. With a wicked smile. Before accusation.

Kastor arrives to the city of Athkatla exactly when the PC does. He's good at crafting traps, he mentions that he used to make a living by selling traps to rich people, so they could protect their home.

He doesn't have any objection to hurt or kill people, but he will not force the demise of anyone either. He's just too ignorant to really care about others or morality, though he won't commit anything hienous. Kastor is silly, but not stupid. He may be retarded and perhaps a bit hyperactive sometimes, but he's not brainless at all.

Kastor tends to annoy some people, especially with his retarded jests. He's also quite a pig when women are around, though he rarely wants anything from them for real. Unless he's drunken. Of course, you can't help feeling that they don't want him anyway. He is a pain on the backside for a few NPCs, others can handle him easily.


Kastor has a soft spot for many strange things, like teddy bears, toy ducks and other weird stuff... well, weird for a 24 years old man at least. One of his quickslots will be occupied by Brummi, the teddy bear.


The mod will contain:
-1 retarded quest
-Many banters with other NPCs, mostly aiming to tire them to death
-4-5 "marriage talks" - of course, you can't expect a frivolous person to have a meaningful romance, but if your PC is female, has at least a Charisma score of 10 and she gets drunken in a pub, Kastor will give it a try

Edited by witya, 02 December 2008 - 02:34 PM.

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#2 Lykainon


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Posted 02 December 2008 - 02:38 PM

Haha. This one sounds pretty interesting. I love the part about his wives. (If I ever play this mod I'll make sure to get myself a female CHARNAME and go get her drunk ;)).
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#3 Irbis


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Posted 02 December 2008 - 02:45 PM

so for this you needed that '"Checking for intoxication" :D lool it can be fun. looking forward to recruit this weirdo. and honestly i willbe very please if you would work some more on him. i DO have my jaws wide open when i see Soulfein NPC, or Chloe or other masterpieace NPC. but honestly, oh the drama oh the agony oh
you know which NPC i always rectuit w.e my char-name clas is or lvl? even if i solo or anything?
Jan Jansen. cuz really this dude makes my day.
as my fiencee says "Ive cried on Titanic, lunghed my ass off on Monthy Python - Meaning of Life and from those two i prefer the secund". and gues what. we share this completly.

(If I ever play this mod I'll make sure to get myself a female CHARNAME and go get her drunk wink.gif).

i double that!

Edited by Irbis, 02 December 2008 - 02:48 PM.


#4 Thanatos.

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Posted 02 December 2008 - 02:45 PM

Its great :D One tiny objection: The green background for his portrait clash with the other NPC's ons :)

Other than that, this is a great idea Lve the banters with Jaheria xD
Looking forward to some great material between him and Jan/Minsc.

#5 Icendoan


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Posted 02 December 2008 - 02:46 PM

Oh, that means I saved another mod from death? I have to update my total!

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#6 Thanatos.

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Posted 02 December 2008 - 02:52 PM


#7 witya

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Posted 02 December 2008 - 02:59 PM

Haha. This one sounds pretty interesting. I love the part about his wives. (If I ever play this mod I'll make sure to get myself a female CHARNAME and go get her drunk ;)).

"Yes, yes, yes! We need more drunken women! You win my heart with your words!" is what Kastor would say I guess. xD

so for this you needed that '"Checking for intoxication" :D lool it can be fun. looking forward to recruit this weirdo. and honestly i willbe very please if you would work some more on him. i DO have my jaws wide open when i see Soulfein NPC, or Chloe or other masterpieace NPC. but honestly, oh the drama oh the agony oh
you know which NPC i always rectuit w.e my char-name clas is or lvl? even if i solo or anything?
Jan Jansen. cuz really this dude makes my day.
as my fiencee says "Ive cried on Titanic, lunghed my ass off on Monthy Python - Meaning of Life and from those two i prefer the secund". and gues what. we share this completly.

(If I ever play this mod I'll make sure to get myself a female CHARNAME and go get her drunk wink.gif).

i double that!

Yep. ^^ Without it, this mod would be a bit empty. ^^ I love if the main plot of the story is serious and actually makes me cry, but you always need some crazy guy. ^^ I usually have Jan with me for this very reason too ;)

Its great :D One tiny objection: The green background for his portrait clash with the other NPC's ons :)

Other than that, this is a great idea Lve the banters with Jaheria xD
Looking forward to some great material between him and Jan/Minsc.

You're right. Perhaps that tone could be more darker. Hm...

Oh, that means I saved another mod from death? I have to update my total!


Lol xD Congrats and thanks. ^^
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#8 Jenne


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Posted 02 December 2008 - 10:16 PM

Looks like we're up to another comic relief. There's never enough of them :) I'm looking forward to this.

And I simply love his portrait.

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#9 vilkacis


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Posted 02 December 2008 - 10:59 PM

This looks like it could be... amusing.

Now if I could only figure out what that portrait reminds me of. :huh:

#10 -Death Folder-

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Posted 02 December 2008 - 11:14 PM

Good idea and concept. I haven't seen it before. I don't think I'll play it, though. :) I can take a tad of insanity in the BG series. Some of my favourite NPC's have "quirks" (Tiax for example). What puts me off is this guy's shallow "I only want drunk sex" attitude, along with being a poly. I definitely draw the line there. ^_^ But good luck nevertheless.

#11 witya

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Posted 03 December 2008 - 03:50 AM

It's a NWN portrait, created by wycked. She's other awesome portraits too and a deviantart homepage as well. ^^

Good idea and concept. I haven't seen it before. I don't think I'll play it, though. :) I can take a tad of insanity in the BG series. Some of my favourite NPC's have "quirks" (Tiax for example). What puts me off is this guy's shallow "I only want drunk sex" attitude, along with being a poly. I definitely draw the line there. ^_^ But good luck nevertheless.

Thanks. ^^ Well, I guess that could be irritating, but it's an integral part of his personality.

Banters done so far:

Jaheira: 2
Aerie: 3
Nalia: 1
Mazzy: 1
Keldorn: 4
Valygar: 1
Cernd: 1
Jan: 1

"Marriage talks" done so far:

The first two (the drunken marriage and the painful awakening)
"I love myself and I have no reason to doubt my feelings..."

#12 Irbis


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Posted 03 December 2008 - 04:28 AM

honestly the more i know about Kastor the more i like him =)
and really looking forward to see him rolling

Edited by Irbis, 03 December 2008 - 04:29 AM.


#13 Bardess


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Posted 03 December 2008 - 04:38 AM

Oooh! I likies! :D

(my mod has something to do with drinking, too, but it's not this... Chaotic!)

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#14 witya

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Posted 03 December 2008 - 05:31 AM

Thanks for the interest people. ^^ Here are a few banters of those I finished so far. (Anything can change of course, so criticism and suggestions are welcome)

With Jaheira:

[codebox]CHAIN IF ~InParty("W1Kast")
THEN W1KastB W1KastorJaheira2
~Jaheira, Jaheira... girlie... sweetie. I have something on the rear side of me. My buttock. Wanna touch it?~
DO ~SetGlobal("W1KastorJaheira2","GLOBAL",1)~
== BJAHEIR ~At least you could cook up something less tasteless, Kastor. It will not hurt you for once.~
== W1KastB ~But my feelings are hurt, sweetie. This awesome butt just waits for your hands,
I promise that I saved it just for you! What else can a man do?~
== BJAHEIR ~A man can do what anyone else should do.
Shut up when he doesn't have anything useful to say.~

With Aerie:

[codebox]CHAIN IF ~InParty("W1Kast")
THEN BAERIE W1KastorAerie2
~Ouw! Y-you... you beast! I told you to stop pinching me! Stop it!~
DO ~SetGlobal("W1KastorAerie2","GLOBAL",1)~
== W1KastB ~But why? A good butt needs pinching I say! Woot!~
== BAERIE ~Eeeeeek!~
DO ~ActionOverride("Aerie",RunAwayFrom("W1Kast",5))~

With Keldorn:

[codebox]CHAIN IF ~InParty("W1Kast")
THEN W1KastB W1KastorKeldorn1
~Keldorn, I just realized something. Will you... teach me? I want to convert.
I've lead a godless life so far, but now I'm feeling empty.~ DO
== BKELDOR ~You are known for being frivolous in this party, Kastor.
But if you're serious this time, I will do my best to navigate your first steps on the path of the faithful.~
== W1KastB ~You're most generous, Lord Keldorn. What do you think? How should I start?~
== BKELDOR ~First, you should stop saying that you have been a champion of Helm for more than fourteen years to everyone.
Forgetting about lies like this is a good start.~
== W1KastB ~Oww, but the girls love it when I say that! How about we make a compromise?
Five years in the service of Helm as a champion?~
== BKELDOR ~I'm afraid, that's not possible, Kastor.
The path requires you to be serious with matters like this.~
== W1KastB ~Oh, very well... sheesh, being faithful is hard!~

Edited by witya, 03 December 2008 - 05:33 AM.

"I love myself and I have no reason to doubt my feelings..."

#15 Irbis


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Posted 03 December 2008 - 05:44 AM

xDDD poor Aerie ^^
then again... maaaaaaan what i would give for seeining her butt being pinched even once :P
(yeah ive ended up being a father of our child when playing ToB for the first time so aside from how her goodie-goodie attitude iritates me - my feelings are kind a attached to her :P
or maybe its just that i have corrupting innocent femeles in blood lol =^.^= )

SIDENOTE: be sure to add some bonus banters if char_name is after any of those girls. i cant imagine doing nothing if he would touch my gf butt lol

Edited by Irbis, 03 December 2008 - 05:45 AM.


#16 witya

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Posted 03 December 2008 - 06:01 AM

That's true. I'll add a check for that conversation and some answers from the PC. ^^ And I guess I'll need to do something with Anomen too if he's in love with the PC. ^^

Edited by witya, 03 December 2008 - 06:05 AM.

"I love myself and I have no reason to doubt my feelings..."

#17 Icendoan


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Posted 03 December 2008 - 09:56 AM

Jaheira's has a bug. You can't multiline like that for the same effect. It would be in the same box. You have to use MULTISAY (which is simple):

== DialogFile ~text~
= ~Text from same speaker as above~

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#18 Kellen


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Posted 03 December 2008 - 11:07 AM

This looks like it could be... amusing.

Now if I could only figure out what that portrait reminds me of. :huh:

As mentioned a portrait by Wycked. It went on to join the hall of fame at NWVault, so perhaps you saw it there. I also used it as an avvy for a time.(And he's the picture of a character of mine, who I once planned to make into a mod, but never really got to.)

I also have to say that this looks like an interesting character, and I wish you the best working on it.

Edited by Kellen, 03 December 2008 - 11:08 AM.

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#19 witya

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Posted 03 December 2008 - 11:57 AM

Jaheira's has a bug. You can't multiline like that for the same effect. It would be in the same box. You have to use MULTISAY (which is simple):

== DialogFile ~text~
= ~Text from same speaker as above~


The original works well, I just choped it up for my post, because it screwed up the topic.

As mentioned a portrait by Wycked. It went on to join the hall of fame at NWVault, so perhaps you saw it there. I also used it as an avvy for a time.(And he's the picture of a character of mine, who I once planned to make into a mod, but never really got to.)

I also have to say that this looks like an interesting character, and I wish you the best working on it.

Yes, I got this portrait from there too. She's got a couple more portraits in the Hall of Fame and it's worth to check wycked.deviantart.com too. Her works are making my jaw drop.

And thank you too. ^^
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#20 Thanatos.

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Posted 03 December 2008 - 04:25 PM

*ahem* LOL!

His banters are great! Can't wait for him to be released! :D