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The Portable Hole

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#1 vilkacis


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Posted 06 November 2008 - 10:37 AM

BG2 has a critical flaw. It lacks portable holes.

Until you install this mod. >>>>> Attached File  portablehole.zip   469.89K   871 downloads

Guaranteed to make your game at least 20% more awesome, plus, it's convenient.

Here is the full readme:

This mod adds a portable hole to Ribald's store.

And that's all it does.

(Other than removing a critical flaw in BG2, namely the lack of portable holes.)

No dragons, undead or +5 axes included.

You'll need to start a new game if you've already visited Ribald. Or not, since you can just create the item with the console (as JL#HOLE).

Warranty void if seal is broken.

And no, you can't put it in a bag of holding.

...modding: it's more fun than doing laundry.

Unfortunately, it still doesn't make the laundry go away.

[EDIT] Updated with Russian translation. No other changes.

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Edited by vilkacis, 31 May 2010 - 01:49 PM.

#2 Konalan


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Posted 06 November 2008 - 11:10 AM

Oh come on, you got to let it be put into a bag of holding or vice versa. What's the point of a portable hole if you can't tear holes in the space-time continuum? :P
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#3 Icendoan


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Posted 06 November 2008 - 11:46 AM

Nope, it is a new BAMed BoH, so nothing special.

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#4 vilkacis


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Posted 06 November 2008 - 03:44 PM

Oh come on, you got to let it be put into a bag of holding or vice versa. What's the point of a portable hole if you can't tear holes in the space-time continuum? :P

Well... you can keep stuff in it?

Rifts in the space-time continuum cause plot holes. The galactic council gave me a strict warning about that the last time it happened, so I'm not going to take any chances. Faerun is unstable enough as it is.

Nope, it is a new BAMed BoH, so nothing special.

A BoH with a new bams and description. That's hard work, I'll have you know. I had to click this button like 20 times. :angry:

#5 Icendoan


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Posted 07 November 2008 - 08:15 AM

Hah, hard work?

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#6 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 07 November 2008 - 09:05 AM

Question, how many items can we store in the Portable Hole, until it's going to keep them. (the old bottomless bag bug that the items begin to disappear)

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#7 Icendoan


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Posted 07 November 2008 - 09:14 AM

Exactly the same as the BoH, except that any BoH Tweaks won't apply to the item.

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#8 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 07 November 2008 - 10:35 AM

Exactly the same as the BoH, except that any BoH Tweaks won't apply to the item.

Are you sure? As I remember that the BoH Tweak uses a *.sto code to update the bags to whatever one wants(0 being the bottomless), if installed after The Portable Hole mod.
BEGIN~Make Misc Bags of Holding Bottomless~
COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^.+\.sto$~ ~override~
READ_LONG 0x08 "itemtype" ELSE 0
PATCH_IF ("%itemtype%" = 5) BEGIN
From here.
So I would suggest this fix making the variable as 32767.

Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 07 November 2008 - 10:40 AM.

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#9 Icendoan


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Posted 07 November 2008 - 10:40 AM

Oh, ok.

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#10 vilkacis


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Posted 07 November 2008 - 06:11 PM

Question, how many items can we store in the Portable Hole, until it's going to keep them. (the old bottomless bag bug that the items begin to disappear)

It's actually copied from a game with the "bottomless BoH" component from Ease of Use installed, so it should be equally "bottomless" (even if EoU isn't installed). I had no idea that could cause bugs, though - guess I missed that topic back then, and I've never had a problem with it myself.

I'll be changing storage capacity to 32767 as suggested. That's still pretty freakin' big. [edit] Done!

Edited by vilkacis, 07 November 2008 - 06:19 PM.

#11 prowler



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Posted 29 May 2010 - 09:10 AM

I have a translation for this mod.
Need traified version

Coordinator of the Russian BWP Translation Team - Arcanecoast.ru
Work with SHS, PPG, G3, CoM, Dragon's Hoard, Sorcerer's Place, RPG Dungeon

#12 vilkacis


    Rashemen REPRESENT! Word to yo hamsta!

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Posted 30 May 2010 - 06:59 AM

Uh. I guess.

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#13 prowler



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Posted 30 May 2010 - 07:56 AM

Ready. Russian translation by Fess & arcanecoast.ru
As I understand @1 shown in Command-promt?

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Coordinator of the Russian BWP Translation Team - Arcanecoast.ru
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#14 vilkacis


    Rashemen REPRESENT! Word to yo hamsta!

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Posted 31 May 2010 - 01:53 PM

Thanks. Updated.

Yeah, @1 is the name of the mod, which shows up in the "install component" prompt. (@2 is the name of the item in-game, @3 is the item's description. @0 is the version, but it's not actually used.)

#15 prowler



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Posted 31 May 2010 - 09:32 PM

Thanks for an update :cheers:

Coordinator of the Russian BWP Translation Team - Arcanecoast.ru
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#16 Avenger_teambg

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Posted 24 July 2010 - 12:02 AM

Actually, you can make the bag conversible (itemdial.2da needs a new row, set the conversible flag and create a dialog).

In the dialog you can add the options:
use bag --> does a startstore and works like before
hide in bag --> drops the bag, and moves you to a pocket universe :)

#17 vilkacis


    Rashemen REPRESENT! Word to yo hamsta!

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Posted 24 July 2010 - 02:59 AM

I think you'd need some way to get air inside, though.

Also, it would explode if you had any bags of holding with you.

#18 Psalm

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Posted 26 September 2010 - 10:22 PM

Please forgive my ignorance :unsure: , but what is a "portable hole?" Both in general and what the actual item in your mod is & does.

#19 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 26 September 2010 - 11:52 PM

Please forgive my ignorance :unsure: , but what is a "portable hole?" Both in general and what the actual item in your mod is & does.

Well, it's an item that you can carry, it's like a bag of holding, but the extra dimentional plane in it doesn't end... so you can put items in it, all the 32000+ ones and take each of them back when you need them.

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#20 -gary-

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Posted 03 January 2011 - 05:54 AM

zip is broken!

even when i use a zip repairing utility i find that the setup exe if faulty also.... any chance of sorting this?
