Planescape: Torment 1024x768 UI pack
Version 0.6
Authors: The Vanished One, with a lot of help from taplonaplo, ghostdog, scient and others (see THANKS)
This is a beta release: problems are possible. If you experience problems, report them here.
2CD version note: I only own the 4CD version of Torment. Many changes in Torment.exe 2CD are untested. They *should* work. If you find anomalies, please report them.
Thanks to the bigg's Widescreen Mod, you can run Planescape: Torment at resolutions higher than 640x480. The mod only enlarges the main game view; the screens (load, save, statistics, inventory etc.) are put on a black background, because editing the whole interface for every possible resolution would be a long and tedious work.
I have edited most of the interface, to improve how it looks, for a single resolution (1024x768).
When installing the pack, you can choose between two options:
1 - Planescape: Torment 1024x768 UI pack - No backgrounds
-Most UI windows (character generation, inventory, journal, map, mage spells, priest spells, statistics, world map) have been replaced with the original 640x480 versions. (i.e., the black bars around them have been removed.) Now, when opened, they allow the underlying menu or the gameworld to be seen around them. All screens are also centered;
-The start menu and the options menu have been resized to fit the whole monitor;
-The backgrounds for the save game, load game and keyboard mappings screens have been edited to fake the underlying menu. Simply restoring the original 640x480 windows would cause some problems;
-The spells now display better and are properly centered, although some problems remain;
-The camera centers correctly during dialogue;
-The UI bars for party members, for taking items, to reform the party etc. have been edited to fill the black rectangles. The art has been taken from the game files;
-The movies are now centered, except for the credits cinematic;
-The action menu can now be opened anywhere in the main game view;
-The loading game, saving game, unloading data and insert CD screens now fit the whole screen.
Note that option 1 will "install with warnings". This should not cause problems, and testing hasn't found any up to now.
2 - Planescape: Torment 1024x768 UI pack - With backgrounds
Similar to the first option, but most restored and centered 640x480 windows (character generation, inventory, journal, map, mage spells, priest spells, statistics, world map, load game, save game) have a 1024x768 background that covers the rest of the screen around them. This background has been created by me using art from the game files. My goal was to create something unobtrusive that would blend nicely with the original 640x480 backgrounds. I think that the result is good.
A fix for the tooltips is also installed. All tooltips for elements of the UI that are at no more than 832 pixels from the left of the monitor will now display in the right position. Allowing them to display in the whole 1024x768 box would be possible, but would cause other display issues.
If you wish to know more about what the mod changes, you can open Setup-PST-1024x768UI.tp2 and the .tph files with notepad and take a look at the notes.
Both options

1] Planescape: Torment 1024x768 UI pack - No backgrounds

2] Planescape: Torment 1024x768 UI pack - With backgrounds

Option 1
-The restored 640x480 windows have a drawback: while they allow you to see part of the game area while they're open, any object or character that is moving as the window is opened may flicker. The clock in the lower UI bar will always flicker. If you are scrolling the game area as you open any window, the whole game area will flicker. It's unlikely that I'll ever be able to fix this. If you can't stand the flickering, install option 2;
-The fix for the tooltips is not installed, because of minor display problems;
-Part of the world map screen will remain visible under the map sceen when the former is closed. Something similar happens after you level up a character. Everything disappears correctly once you rerurn to the main game view.
Option 2
-The tooltips aren't allowed to display outside of a 832x768 box (aligned eft). Workarounds to let them display in the whole 1024x768 box are possible, but none is currently implemented.
Both options
-The position of the animations for some spell effects needs some tweaking;
-The credits cinematic is not properly centered for unknown reasons;
-The "insert CD" screen fits the whole screen, but its notice isn't properly centered.
Latest: version 0.6
Download (courtesy of computergames.ro)
Download (MediaFire)
Previous: version 0.5
Download (courtesy of computergames.ro)
Download (Mediafire)
Download (Rapidshare)
This mod is packaged with the immensely useful WeiDU utility, that will take care of the installation process, allow for easy uninstallation and preserve compatibility with other WeiDU mods.
This mod will only work if the latest patch (1.1) is applied. Only the 4CD version of the game requires patching. Before you install the UI pack, install the Widescreen mod for Ps:T, BG TotSC, BG2 SoA, BG2 ToB, IWD HoW, and IWD2 v1 by the bigg (a full installation of Torment is required by the widescreen mod), and select a resolution of 1024x768. Other resolutions won't work. Remember that you have to start a new game for the widescreen mod to properly work. However, this UI pack can be installed and uninstalled at any time.
Full installation:
If you don't know how to perform a full installation of Torment, follow this guide (that also contains helpful performance-related tips):
Compatibility with other mods:
This pack is compatible with Qwinn's fixpack, tweak tools and Unfinished Business pack. I strongly recommend that you use them.
Theoretically, this UI pack should be compatible with any other WeiDU mods, but not with those that change the UI (except the Widescreen Mod obviously).
How to install, re-install, uninstall:
To install the pack, extract the contents of PST-1024x768UIpack.rar to the directory of your Planescape: Torment game, then run Setup-PST-1024x768UI.exe and follow the instructions. You don't need to backup any file, the WeiDU installer will do that for you.
To re-install, uninstall, or choose a different option, run Setup-PST-1024x768UI.exe again.
How to upgrade:
To upgrade any previous version to 0.6, you will need to uninstall it and delete its folder and files first (the PST-1024x768UI folder, Setup-PST-1024x768UI.exe and Setup-PST-1024x768UI.tp2). Deleting folder and files is only a precaution if you're upgrading from v0.5, but is necessary if you have an older version.
Install the pack before any of these.
Files archived with 7-zip, a powerful open source file archiver.
Original dialogue box
You can restore the original, narrow dialogue box (640 pixels), if you want. You need to download this file and extract it in the Torment/override folder. Then you need to copy guiworld.chu from the Torment\PST-1024x768UI\backup directory (you will find it in a folder labelled either 1 or 0) and paste it in the override folder, overwriting again. These files will be uninstalled together with the mod, so don't worry about backups.
Original option 1 windows
For option 1 only! Do not use with option 2.
In case you dislike the new split windows, you can restore the old ones. Download the archive below and extract it in the Torment/override folder, overwriting all the previous files. Everything will uninstall on its own with the UI pack, so you don't need to backup the older files.
Download (MediaFire)
"Rusty" UI bars
These are other versions of the interface bars, with the black parts filled with a "rusty metal" motif like in v0.1 & v0.2. I figured that someone may prefer these to the new "grate" motif, so here they are. To install them, download the archive and extract it into the "override" folder, overwriting all the previous files. It will be uninstalled when you uninstall the UI pack. Do not extract WMMOSDP.mos if you use v0.6 (or the wide dialogue box with previous versions). If you accidentally extract WMMOSDP.mos in the override folder, you can find the wide version in the Torment\PST-1024x768UI\UI_COMMON folder (put it in the override folder).

Download (MediaFire)
*Thanks to the bigg for the awesome Widescreen mod. It improves Torment immensely.
*Thanks to the people that developed these tools:
DLTC Editor Pro
MOS Workshop
BamWorkshop I
Near Infinity
Infinity Explorer
Without them I wouldn't have been able to do anything.
*Thanks to these people that went through Torment.exe and posted the offsets that were needed to make most of this mod work (their contributions in detail are found in Setup-PST-1024x768UI.tp2 and in the .tph files):
weak-ling (The Gibberlings Three Forums).
In particular, thanks to taplonaplo and ghostdog for their work with spells and thanks to taplonaplo for posting all the 2CD version offsets.
*Thanks to taplonaplo, scient, Qwinn and elricbk for many scripts and pieces of code used by the mod.
*Thanks to Bossman for hosting the mod at computergames.ro.
v0.6 (beta)
-In option 1 the UI screens are now split: the lower bar stays in the usual position (against the lower side of the monitor), and only the main screen is centered;
-The wide dialogue box is now installed by default;
v0.5 (beta)
-The store screen for option 1 is now without background, as the others. The flickering has been solved thanks to a fix by taplonaplo;
-The loading bar now works, thanks to code by taplonaplo, Qwinn and scient;
-Mod size decreased, thanks to code by (guess who) taplonaplo, Qwinn and scient;
-A line of code, left by mistake, prevented the loading game, saving game, unloading data and insert CD screens from being edited in Torment 2CD, and has been removed. Some mistakes in the notes have also been corrected;
-Some improvements have been made in the code.
v0.4 (beta)
-Now compatible with the 2CD version of Torment without the need of extra files;
-Spells now display better, although some problems remain;
-Some issues with transparency have been fixed, you may now increase brightness and contrast without parts of the interface turning green;
-The saving game, loading game, unloading data and insert CD screens now fit the whole sceen (NOTE: there are minor problems with them, check the "known issues" list);
-The Keyboard Mappings screen has been centered.
v0.3 (beta)
-All the screens are now centered, except for the keyboard mappings screen;
-The pack can now be installed in two versions: with or without 1024x768 backgrounds;
-The action menu can now be opened anywhere in the game view;
-The game view is now properly centered during dialogue;
-The movies are now centered, except for the credits cinematic;
-The art used to fill the black rectangles has been replaced.
v0.2 (beta)
-The optional tooltips fix has been included;
-Upgraded to WeiDU 208.
v0.1 (beta)
-Initial release.
Edited by the vanished one, 28 December 2009 - 05:42 AM.