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Paareth's Evil NPC pack for Baldurs gate 2

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#1 Paareth

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Posted 29 August 2008 - 12:42 PM

Welcome to Paareth's Evil NPC pack for Baldurs Gate 2.


I've always appreciated other people's NPC's both, good, evil and neutral and wanted to contribute something of my own. This pack will be a labor of love and I hope introduce some new and interesting companions to adventure with you. I do feel there is always room for another well written NPC for variety, especially of an evil nature, thus this pack was born.


1, To create several evil NPC's of a unique and interesting or entertaining character.
2, To create NPC's that will interact heavily with each other and other bioware NPC's.
3, To make a mod thats crossmod compatible, for any author who either wants to collaborate on banters, interjections, quests or write dialogue for any NPC in their mod if they enjoy them.
4, If the characters are not used in a party, to provide additional opponents or quests for good parties and additional flavor for neutral or evil parties.

If you see an NPC here that you'd like to write a crossmod banter for, please let me know and no matter what its nature i'll be happy to collaborate with you.


1st, Post. Mod Progress reports and introduction.
2nd, Post. Character idea's, subject to change
3rd, Post. What is currently needed to complete the work and the FAQ


Viaet - V0.2 in testing.
Status - Creature File, Large Introduction Dialogue, Several interjections, A Few banters.
Taaren - V0.2 in testing.
Status - Creature File, Basic Introduction Dialogue, Several Interjections, A Few Banters
Sibiroasa Shade - V0.1 in testing
Status - Creature File, Fair Introduction Dialogue, Some Interjections, A Few Banters
Malich Bladeborn - V0.1 in testing
Status - Creature File, Basic Introduction Dialogue, A Few Interjections, A Few Banters
4-6 other NPC's being considered for implementation, their story and character concepts are being discussed and drafted.


Roughly 800+ lines of dialogue (1200 lines of code) are now in the dialogue files.
Viaet is now a firmly established character type with a slowly shaping arc.
Taaren is gaining more depth slowly but surely, though i'm developing his sarcastic side still
Sibi and Malich have had some more work done on them and are both slowly taking shape.

Sibi and Malich Born, totaling 4 Characters in the mod, Creature files tweaked and locations, scripts updated.
A few more interjections done
Sibi character introduction expanded
Mod merged into 1 entity instead of 4 separate files

Many more interjections done! I've some initial Taaren banters worked out and i've also reworked Viaet a little more into one storyline rather than two separate ones. I felt I could write more depth concentrating on one storyline for her, also she would have too much cross over if I had another person ultimately helping or interacting with a demon on their storyline. If you read about the possessed character I may do and one or two others you'll get an idea of what I mean.

Taaren is also more focused now, though I won't be giving either of them their own kit as that has conflict possibilities with many mods (I may do an optional download) I have worked out and now developed exactly what forgotten realm classes these two will be portraying in game. As a result of my decision, both sets of spoilers have been updated under the character notes below.

Edited by Paareth, 06 September 2008 - 01:50 AM.

#2 Paareth

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Posted 30 August 2008 - 12:55 AM

Many of the custom NPC?s, also in some cases the Bioware NPC?s, will be prone to a conflict of interests or personalities. It will take a strong, clever or manipulative leader to hold parts of this evil band together and for the most part they won?t take offense easily if you threaten or manipulate them into doing so, in fact in many cases the opposite will be true. This will be an evil party, not a psychotic party or one that?s full of just violence, as that would be very boring and one dimensional. Instead it will be full of plans, scheming, individual desires, conflicting interests and yes violence or moreover sadistic tendencies on occasion.

As you?ll see, I?ve spent the most time on the first NPC and progressively the others are further and further from a working version.

Viaet - Drow Female, Assassin, Reportedly a Shadow Thief (Traits - Opportunistic, Cruel, More Talkative) *Chaotic Evil*

1, Viaet is obviously not a Drow name but when questioned about this, Viaet will give you the coldest glare you've ever seen from her scowl prone features.

2, Her loyalties to the shadow thieves seem? flimsy at best. Perhaps there is more to it? This will be a running plot theme but I am not sure how much to give away at this stage. I wanted an interactive shadow thief with my party, to see their reactions to the story as things developed and yet develop her at the same time.

3, Spoiler Teaser, avoid if you like surprises ?

Please don?t comment further (obvious) spoilers about point number 3 directly in this thread, thank you.

4, Some NPC's will negatively remark on a Drow female taking up this form of profession, especially Viconia.

5, I have planned out and in a small part implemented some extensive dialogue regarding houses, Drow names and background for this NPC. Some of the names of which are taken from here:


Would you say that was a good source for Drow names? You need to highlight that dark background to see the details. (Control+A) As a side note, Viconia is there if your interested. :)

Vic : Abyss, deep, profound
-onia}-onim : Rod, staff, token, wand

6, Viaet is quite easy to outfox when you understand her motivations. She is bright and clever in manipulating conversations on the face of it but not very wise, almost naive in a way, this is probably due to her upbringing and a Drow adjusting to human society.

7, Viaet often desires to stay at the back of the fighting.

8, Viaet does have fears and side to her beneath the surface but its extremely hard to penetrate and she doesn't welcome it when people do.


Taaren - Male Human, Cleric and Retired Guard Chaplain (Traits - Sarcastic, Proud, More Cautious) *Lawful Evil*

1, The main reason for Taaren is: I wanted a character that would interact with the regular guards, prison guards, cowled wizards, temple priests and city officials etc. I wanted a character who might be able to call on aid from old friends in their ranks, perhaps approach quests with that different point of view/advantage, as I believe that is quite a unique character concept.

2, He will provide an alternative to Viconia in parties, though he will also give the player the chance of two clerics and perhaps some interesting banter on the subject between them.

3. He was formally kicked out of the guard for reasons regarding his faith, his personality conflict is his lawful nature vs unlawful actions in that regard

4, I had considered making him a cowled wizard and indeed might still do so or at least one of the later characters I have planned. That would make for some interesting banters/interjections!

5, Spoiler Alert, ignore if you like surprises.

6, Spoiler Alert, ignore if you like surprises.

7, Taaren brings some balance to the group, some calm consideration. Sibi will consider any course of action if the matter at hand is important to her but otherwise she won't care either way, Viaet will probably want to profit from a situation no matter what and if possible amuse herself at someones expense, Malich will want to control a situation and dominate it. Taaren however, actually wants the group to work within the law, rather than outside of it where possible.

8, When he feels secure, Taaren likes to judge people according to a strict code of rules he sets for himself.

9, I am adding a slightly sarcastic side to him to give him some variety in his responses, this will be based on his beliefs in law and the usual order of things.


11, He and Malich do find common ground on occasion and at other times they are at each others throats.

12, Taaren is not overly subtle in conversation but he is careful enough most of the time, much like his preferred choice of action.

As with before, please don't comment further with obvious spoilers in this thread. Related comments are fine, just not obvious statements. :)

Sibiroasa Shade, Female Half Elf, Sorcerer (Traits - Sultry, Scheming, More Silent) *Chaotic Evil*

1, A single minded and incredibly focused Sorcerer, like many of her ilk she has the faintest hint of dragon blood in her veins. Sibi often speaks with a uncanny wisdom beyond her years and her focus is usually distant, however when it might suit her plans she can turn her attention closer to home and more mundane matters, though such moments are fleeting and often intense. It can seem that Sibi sometimes even moves differently, prowling like a cat about a room; yet she regards almost everything but her focus in the room as insignificant and the funny thing is, you can half believe it to be true.

2, Spoilers! Ignore if you like surprises


3, Sibi is drawn to strength, at least that is what it seems when you meet her. There are things she will take as her own without question, dangerous situations that she will seem oblivious to and unconcerned about. Her eyes are nearly always distant and dark, unless she looks at you and then the world seems to focus on your very shoulders.

4, Most of Sibi is a spoiler but i'll give a little more detail, especially as some of you will know the basic concept from the previous post.


5, Sibi seems exceptionally interested in capturing the essence of things, whether it be a powerful word, book, moment or item. She carries a special bag of holding for such items and its depth seems almost limitless.

6, Sibi will wander into situations and traps both verbally and physically, some characters (read Viaet) will torment and perhaps even insult her but most of the time she won't even be concentrating on what they might say. Focus is the name of this character and only if she's actually focused on something important will she react with any meaningful response.

7, Sibi Schemes in an Edwin style where as Malich does it more openly.


Malich Bladeborn, Male Human, Blackguard (Traits - Scheming, Proud, More Dominating) *Neutral Evil*

1, The blackguard epitomizes evil. He is nothing short of a mortal fiend. The quintessential black knight, this villain carries a reputation of the foulest sort that is very well deserved. Consorting with demons and devils and serving dark deities, the blackguard is hated and feared by all. Some people call these villains antipaladins due to their completely evil nature.

2, Malich is a fallen paladin from one of the orders in the city, he has been afflicted with something which has enraged him and given him a potent need for vengeance. The cause of this punishment will have him investigating many of the temples and holy places of the land for a cure, I think you'll agree a Blackguard in such places will elicit an interesting response.

3, Malich will be a character who always wants to control a situation and takes anyone questioning his ability to lead very seriously.

4, He will try and assert dominance over the groups choices but due to the unique nature of his affliction, will have to listen to the others for direction, much to his anger.

5, Malich schemes openly and directly much to Sibi's disgust, as she will always hide her goals.

Spolier alert!

7, He is very overconfident and proud about his abilities, demanding at times and never shows the slightest hint of fear or doubt, only anger and frustration at his affliction.

8, Malich comes out with some startlingly disturbing comments at times,

Other Possible concepts I may use.

Ticharen Rae - Male, Shadow Druid (Traits - Sarcastic, Cruel) More Tormenting *Neutral Evil*

If a neutral evil, shadow druid build cannot be made, I?ll make a fleshcrafter (necromancer variant). I?m not yet sure if I?ll break anything, in the game or other mods, by forcing a neutral evil druid alignment.

1, A Shadow druid has been talked about before but I have never had the experience of having one in my party yet. Think of all the opportunities for him causing death and decay in human lands, all the mini quests he?d have a very polar opposite opinion on!

2, This character will be the tormentor of the group, always picking on the others when they are vulnerable, he lives for the highs he gets making people feel small and worthless, as well as of course, undermining human rule.

3, If there was one character that was going to be overly cruel and sadistic, it will probably be this one.

4, He will find great joy in summarizing and dealing with mix raced half elves, in a very malicious way, in short, shadow druids are the evils evil!

Stor Vi Narin - Thief/Mage -Fiend Possessed - (Traits - Cruel, Proud) More Babbling *Chaotic Evil / Chaotic Neutral*

1, This character has either been possessed when you meet him or perhaps shortly after. He was cursed when he tried to rob a powerful wizard (perhaps a cowled wizard?)

2., His main design will be to slowly lose control to the fiend that has possessed him, over the course of the game, in a way such as the main character does to his essence. Not to give too much away but this will give them ?interesting? common ground.

3. The fiend is the mage part of the character and the human is the thief, they will be at odds and in the early stages of the game and the human will be fighting successfully to retain his senses.

4, This character might have certain ties to...., well I?ll stop there and keep you guessing ;)

5, I may make this NPC able to be exorcised by a good player cleric/paladin or turned fully demon by an evil PC.

6, The other twist I had on this NPC was making it a Shapeshifter druid who, for some reason, could not fully control the werewolf curse within him. That again depends on whether I can make a shadow druid, as there is no need for two druids in the party.

Working title names, ignore the names for now ;)

Mia - Female Vampire (Traits - Sultry, Sarcastic) More Playful *Neutral Evil*

1, I know its another vampire NPC and I might make her male as a consequence but the design will be different in that she needs to feed, otherwise she?ll turn on the party. I may do this the simple route with interjections and a running variable or I may make a more complicated coding attempt. I was thinking I might make her so the player must let her feed every so often, otherwise she may turn on the party in a bloodlust.

2, She loves and lives for the hunt and any innocent blood she can take along the way. You might have to sacrifice a party member to appease her thirst at one point!

3, I want to make her truly feel like a vampire, one your never actually feel safe around. Not in a violent/chaotic way but in an unnerving way, that would be the design goal with her.

4, She will be overly paranoid about her own self preservation, I say overly as many evil characters will keep it clearly in mind but the undead and Mia even more so.

Other idea's!
These are for a little comic value, I may do a 1 day evil NPC at one point.

A Pirate, plenty of drinking, fighting and singing!
A Dwarven female with cruel but funny traits. Perhaps a romance for Korgan? Though i'm not sure if thats practically possible.

Edited by Paareth, 07 September 2008 - 11:04 AM.

#3 Paareth

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Posted 30 August 2008 - 12:56 AM

Current needs -

1, Portraits that might fit the characters.
2, Dialogue, banter and Quest idea's.
3, Technical support on coding queries
4, Proof Readers!
5, Is Viaet a Neutral Evil or Chaotic Evil Character in your opinion?
6, Pre Alpha Testers for the upcoming V0.5


1, Will this pack work if I take one or two characters along in my party, not all of them?

Yes very much so. Its being written to give you the freedom to drop and pick who you like, the other evil characters may well still go about their usual scheming and quests though, so don't be surprised if you run into them at a later date! Even if you don't like evil characters with you at all, you'll still meet them on your travels.

2, Is it a WeiDU mod?


3, How much dialogue are you writing?

A great deal, the mod will be dialogue intensive and the banters will be numerous.

4, Will the NPC's have their own quests?

Yes probably in the first beta, i'm aiming for around V1.0. The quests will still be in whether they are in your party or not.

5, Will there be romances and friendship tracks?

Eventually, i'll be putting the quests in first though and working around them.

6, How far along are you, when will it be done?

My plan is to have limited alpha/pre alpha testing from v0.5 - v1.0 and then release the first playable beta with quests sometime after V1.0, when they are stable.

Check the first post for progress details.

7, Will you have ToB content in the mod?

Yes there will be ToB content.

8, How many NPC's do you intend to have in total?

At present, as many as I feel I can make interesting or entertaining.

9, I want to help or have an idea, question not answered etc.

Post away!

Edited by Paareth, 07 September 2008 - 03:36 AM.

#4 vilkacis


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Posted 30 August 2008 - 10:00 AM

Interesting, and quite ambitious. Taaren in particular strikes me as an intriguing character.

Given how difficult it seems to be for most people to even get one joinable NPC released, though, I would advise working on them one at a time, as to not run out of steam halfway through.

Feel free to use the IE modding help forum and, once the work nears completion, Resource Request for portraits.

#5 Paareth

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Posted 30 August 2008 - 10:21 AM

Interesting, and quite ambitious. Taaren in particular strikes me as an intriguing character.

Given how difficult it seems to be for most people to even get one joinable NPC released, though, I would advise working on them one at a time, as to not run out of steam halfway through.

Feel free to use the IE modding help forum and, once the work nears completion, Resource Request for portraits.

Thank you for the encouragement, I?ve put my first question up in the help forum just now. I like the concept of Taaren myself too, as there is a lot of depth to explore on the notion of an old guard or man of authority being involved in an evil party, albeit a little reluctantly due to some of their methods. As a former chaplain, he's probably at least gained the respect of several guards or officials throughout his career.

Also he will make an interesting partner to the chaotic evil thief in Viaet I think :) and I will be playing off that from time to time.

As for implementation, I had considered and indeed started doing the NPC's in two's and planned them as such, The Thief and the ex-Guard; The Tormenting Shadow Druid and the Increasingly Unstable, Possessd NPC; finally when I have enough experience, two romanceable women, both very competitive in their own way for the players attention or rather strength.

I will likely be putting all six characters in the game, so as I am creating banters I need not revisit as many of the same banters over and over to rework conversations/interjections, however I will only be developing 1 or 2 at a time and simply keep the rest unrecruitable outside of testing.

Edited by Paareth, 30 August 2008 - 10:23 AM.

#6 Sir_Carnifex


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Posted 30 August 2008 - 10:24 AM

Also I am using MJ# as my prefix and I would appreciate anyone letting me know if they have seen it in use elsewhere, thanks.

Well, your best bet to avoid any conflicts would be to register a prefix for your own use in the Community Filename Prefix Reservations. You can go HERE to register.
"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort." - Herm Albright

#7 Paareth

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Posted 30 August 2008 - 10:32 AM

Also I am using MJ# as my prefix and I would appreciate anyone letting me know if they have seen it in use elsewhere, thanks.

Well, your best bet to avoid any conflicts would be to register a prefix for your own use in the Community Filename Prefix Reservations. You can go HERE to register.

Ah I remember I did register the MJ prefix awhile ago but it seems two years later someone has a conflict with it, what should I do in that case, change my prefix?
I am under markmid in that list, I just logged in to be sure.

#8 Sir_Carnifex


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Posted 30 August 2008 - 10:36 AM

Well, if I were in your situation, I'd go for something that doesn't conflict with another. If you decide to change, it'll be done quickly, I'm sure.
"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort." - Herm Albright

#9 Paareth

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Posted 30 August 2008 - 10:46 AM

Well, if I were in your situation, I'd go for something that doesn't conflict with another. If you decide to change, it'll be done quickly, I'm sure.

Thank you for the advice, its probably saved me several hours and a headache at a later date.

Done and done as far as the list goes, time to get to adapting the dialogue and creature files!

#10 Paareth

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Posted 31 August 2008 - 05:17 AM

I think I might be straying into my shadow druid territory a bit too much in my dialogue with Viaet, also i'd like your thoughts on whether she's a Chaotic Evil or a Neutral Evil character.

Viaet is cruel and tormenting when she identifies a weak spot in a character but would usually not get involved physically herself, unless it benefited her in some manner beyond amusement. Viaet enjoys to hurt and wound emotionally and is also opportunistic, she would for instance, flick a switch to watch someone unimportant drown for pleasure but wouldn't pick up a sword and attack the same person given both alternatives, simply due to the risk of unnecessary injury. Would you say that these factors and behaviors make Viaet a Chaotic Evil character or an Neutral Evil character? Viaet also has no moral qualms making sacrifices to achieve goals, whoever the sacrifice is, a boy, an old man, a close friend etc, all that matters is what she wants.

Viaet is also not quite as 'Drow' as Viconia, in that she's been among humans for longer but she still has a certain amount of pride and strength to her character.

The Shadow Druid/Fleshcrafter I had planned, was going to be cruel, sadistic and take a personal interest in inflicting harm, poisoning water supplies, spreading disease and decay etc. Although I expect a level of crossover in my characters to some degree when they share one of the same main traits as another, proud/sarcastic/cruel etc, I am wondering if I'm not duplicating too much in this case. The druid would be more inclined to make dead pan responses and ignore any verbal defense (unless it interests him), where as the Drow often tries to twist peoples words around, so they almost seem to be used against them and thus this makes her more talkative.

Here is what I will be using for Drow language translation when appropriate :)


Viaets Current Stats

Name: Viaet
Level 8 Assassin
Race Elf (Drow)
Strength ? 11, Viaet is not very strong but has been toughened somewhat for a Drow.
Dexterity ? 16, Viaets profession has honed her natural Drow reflexes exceptionally well.
Constitution ? 14, Viaet has been trained by the shadow thieves and risen through their ranks, it has hardened her more than the average Drow.
Intelligence ? 14, Viaet can twist a conversation to her advantage, she is socially intelligent but not overly intelligent academically, she is also quick to react and quite bright.
Wisdom ? 8, Viaet is not very wise or worldly beyond her usual sphere of interaction. Anyone who has traveled with Viaet long enough will be able to outfox her in most situations, given a moment.
Charisma -14, Viaet has attractive but stern features, though she rarely does anything to show her good side to people, usually returning any friendly glance with a scowl or stone faced glare.

She carries a small buckler, a short sword, leather armor and twenty gold, nothing unbalancing, though I will add a misc quest item or two later.

All comments are welcome!

Edited by Paareth, 31 August 2008 - 01:14 PM.

#11 Paareth

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Posted 01 September 2008 - 08:52 AM

I was just coding some dialogue for my female sorcerer, Sibi, as I like to call her and it occurred to me I should make it a goal to add some content to make the pack usuable for good characters too.

I was planning to make the NPC's you didn't recruit go about their individual quests and plans anyway and thus interact with the player at a later point, what this will mean is a few new encounters or quests at later date either fighting, negotiating or just interacting with these very same NPC's.

Ultimately if your mostly a good party player and have characters that couldn't stand to be around some of these NPC's, the pack will introduce some new bad guys and schemes to foil as you go about your journey; if your a neutral or bad party player, who doesn't use these characters directly, it will mean the they introduce some extra flavor to the adventure and thus will be more useful to everyone.

#12 jastey

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Posted 02 September 2008 - 05:09 AM

Also I am using MJ# as my prefix and I would appreciate anyone letting me know if they have seen it in use elsewhere, thanks.

Well, your best bet to avoid any conflicts would be to register a prefix for your own use in the Community Filename Prefix Reservations. You can go HERE to register.

Ah I remember I did register the MJ prefix awhile ago but it seems two years later someone has a conflict with it, what should I do in that case, change my prefix?
I am under markmid in that list, I just logged in to be sure.

I linked to this post in the prefix reservation list thread at BWL, hope that is OK, because there is a discussion about how to handle the prefix list in future, and how to treat registered prefixes of people who weren't active for a longer time / never released a mod. It's nice to see one turning up again, if I may say so.
Your project is ambitious (says she who is writing on her single NPC mod for 4 years now), but it seems you are taking a realistic approach. Good luck with it!

I should make it a goal to add some content to make the pack usuable for good characters too.

And now you encounter what makes an NPC mod such a task: If you try to please everyone, the workload doubles and tribbles. I tried to make my paladin NPC compatible / useful for evil alignend PCs, but in the end I think, that it was so much effort and I am not sure anyone will actually play it. Erm, I didn't intend to sound like whining, but it's a fact that all these "what if"s, which I will never play in game, took about 1/3 of the time, at least.

#13 Paareth

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Posted 02 September 2008 - 08:05 AM

Also I am using MJ# as my prefix and I would appreciate anyone letting me know if they have seen it in use elsewhere, thanks.

Well, your best bet to avoid any conflicts would be to register a prefix for your own use in the Community Filename Prefix Reservations. You can go HERE to register.

Ah I remember I did register the MJ prefix awhile ago but it seems two years later someone has a conflict with it, what should I do in that case, change my prefix?
I am under markmid in that list, I just logged in to be sure.

I linked to this post in the prefix reservation list thread at BWL, hope that is OK, because there is a discussion about how to handle the prefix list in future, and how to treat registered prefixes of people who weren't active for a longer time / never released a mod. It's nice to see one turning up again, if I may say so.
Your project is ambitious (says she who is writing on her single NPC mod for 4 years now), but it seems you are taking a realistic approach. Good luck with it!

I should make it a goal to add some content to make the pack usuable for good characters too.

And now you encounter what makes an NPC mod such a task: If you try to please everyone, the workload doubles and tribbles. I tried to make my paladin NPC compatible / useful for evil alignend PCs, but in the end I think, that it was so much effort and I am not sure anyone will actually play it. Erm, I didn't intend to sound like whining, but it's a fact that all these "what if"s, which I will never play in game, took about 1/3 of the time, at least.

By all means link as you like and thank you, it is good to be back modding for probably the most memorable game I have ever played.

It is sound advice to never take on too much at once but I do like things planned out before I write them, so I can see myself making steady progress toward a goal. As with making a mod I believe its recognizing the small steps and constant progress, no matter how small, that keep you wanting to do more.

As for spending four years on a project, a good mod is never done ;) and the longest ones before a release are usually the most enjoyable, I look forward to it.

Edited by Paareth, 02 September 2008 - 08:06 AM.

#14 jastey

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Posted 02 September 2008 - 11:24 AM

Thank you! In the German community, an NPC mod for BG1 (BGT) and BGII was done and released in half a year only recently (Breagar the dwarf), and the content is of acceptible amount. So it is feasible, if you don't get as much side tracked as me. :whistling:

#15 Paareth

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Posted 05 September 2008 - 03:09 AM

I am thinking of giving Taaren (or possibly sibi) a more humourous/sarcastic sense to him, as currently he's evolved from being overly opportunistic. He is still self serving of course, as all the evil characters are to some degree or another but I really need some turns of wit in a character and its that or do a fifth, which at this point I would rather avoid until I have these four finished. I am considering a female dwarf to add a cruel/funny side to the characters :) but for now Viaets dark humour and Taarens (or sibi's) opportunistic sarcasm will suffice.

Also before this change there was a little too much crossover in Malich/Taaren for my tastes. He's still a priest and serious about getting the party to use the law for their own ends rather than breaking it, however when someone else seems oblivious of that fact, he will either make comment with a sarcastic touch or make his usual comment about working within or around the law.

My assessment on how happy i am with the NPC's depth at present.
As I write for them, their characters depth increases and I can add more detail to them, thats how I tend to develop characters coming from an RPG and creative writing background. Only read this if you want more detail on the relationships between the characters that are developing.

Viaet - She can be Interesting in conversation, she can also be very cruel in conversation but usually clever in how she manipulates it. She does have fears and a side to her beneath the surface but its extremely hard to penetrate and she doesn't welcome it when people do.
Viaet is somewhat sadistic but in equal measure cowardly.

Taaren - Taaren doesn't trust many people outside of the orders or organisations he's used to working with or manipulating to his own ends. He uses structure, order and law as a point of reference in his actions. He and Malich do find common ground on occasion and at other times they are at each others throats. Taaren is not overly subtle in conversation but he is careful enough most of the time, much like his preferred choice of action. I am adding a slightly sarcastic side to him to give him some variety in his responses, this will be based on his beliefs in law, the usual order of things and will be used if people stray too far from that viewpoint.

Sibi - Is usually very blunt in conversation, which can make for interesting situations, either that or in one of those rare situations when her attention is held and she's very interested. she becomes extremely cruel (even giving Viaet pause for breath). However as a rule of thumb she's single minded, unless interacting with the player, in which case she can be a temptress.

Malich - Still really my least developed character but coming along now. I do alter him through the story depending a bit on area but that?s expected when you understand the character fully. He is very overconfident and proud about his abilities, demanding at times and never shows the slightest hint of fear or doubt, only anger and frustration at his affliction. Malich is the quickest to anger in the group when people question him but also the easiest character for the player to control, lead or use. He does also openly and boldly announce his schemes, much to Sibi's disgust, as she will always hide her goals

I do need another angle to him and I am leaning toward bargaining with devils, much like NWN 2 if you've ever played it, as such an act would fit his profile as a blackguard; possibly I?ll make him just creepy at times, unnerving. I could use another side to his personality at the moment though, something I can bounce off.

As for bioware NPC's, so far i've done the most dialogue with the evil NPC's.

Korgan has a fair amount
Viconia has some also.
Edwin has a little
Minsc/Jaheria have a little
Aerie has a little

Edited by Paareth, 05 September 2008 - 11:21 PM.

#16 Manascyth

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Posted 05 September 2008 - 02:22 PM

Now this sounds like fun. :devil: Poor evil members of BG2, always so neglected and always passed over in mods.... I'm glad someone's finally giving the dark side of BG2 the attention they deserve. I'm looking forward to improvements in this!

#17 Paareth

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Posted 06 September 2008 - 12:55 AM

Now this sounds like fun. :devil: Poor evil members of BG2, always so neglected and always passed over in mods.... I'm glad someone's finally giving the dark side of BG2 the attention they deserve. I'm looking forward to improvements in this!

Thank you, any positive comments or interest encourage me to work that bit harder :). Your right though, there are plenty of opportunities for evil mods to explore new ground!

#18 minotaur_in_maze


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Posted 06 September 2008 - 05:08 AM

[quote name='Paareth' date='Aug 30 2008, 09:55 AM' post='415588']
Many of the custom NPC?s, also in some cases the Bioware NPC?s, will be prone to falling out. It will take a strong, clever or manipulative leader to hold parts of this evil band together and for the most part they won?t take offense easily if you threaten or manipulate them, in fact in many cases the opposite will be true. This will be an evil party, not a psychotic party or one that?s full of just violence, as that would be very boring and one dimensional. Instead it will be full of plans, scheming, individual desires, conflicting interests and yes violence or moreover sadistic tendencies on occasion.

As you?ll see, I?ve spent the most time on the first NPC and progressively the others are further and further from a working version.

Evil characters can be fun, and playing/juggling party members wants and needs can be a challenge. You might think though about making them more or less complient with other Bioware NPC's (as some people get Really attached to the originals and NEED them in party) or to each other.

I mean, it is not really Required, but it might be a shame if a very well thought out and original NPC was lost due to the player Needing an original NPC with them and that NPC having issues - or the new NPC leaving.

Also, and this might be worth considering but rather more work - It might be nice to have an evil quest or two for the NPCS - I mean a DIFFERENT evil quest for each. Maybe one battle challeng, one puzzle, maybe one "Yoshi moment" type thing. Or have different quests depend on who is In party With who.

Options I mean. :)

LOVE the concept.

Just a thot

Edited by minotaur_in_maze, 06 September 2008 - 05:15 AM.

* * * * * *
They say the world is going to Hell.

They are wrong.

The world IS Hell! Always has been, always will be; except perhaps for the five percent or so of the population who can afford differently.

And, if one must reside in Hell, it is far better to do it as a minion of the Devil than as a member of the damned.
* * * * * *
LOVE SUCKS: It makes fools and slaves of us all.
But being alone and unloved is worse.
- Nancy A. Collins "Thin Walls"
* * * * * *

#19 Paareth

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Posted 07 September 2008 - 03:16 AM

Many of the custom NPC?s, also in some cases the Bioware NPC?s, will be prone to falling out. It will take a strong, clever or manipulative leader to hold parts of this evil band together and for the most part they won?t take offense easily if you threaten or manipulate them, in fact in many cases the opposite will be true. This will be an evil party, not a psychotic party or one that?s full of just violence, as that would be very boring and one dimensional. Instead it will be full of plans, scheming, individual desires, conflicting interests and yes violence or moreover sadistic tendencies on occasion.

As you?ll see, I?ve spent the most time on the first NPC and progressively the others are further and further from a working version.

Evil characters can be fun, and playing/juggling party members wants and needs can be a challenge. You might think though about making them more or less complient with other Bioware NPC's (as some people get Really attached to the originals and NEED them in party) or to each other.

I mean, it is not really Required, but it might be a shame if a very well thought out and original NPC was lost due to the player Needing an original NPC with them and that NPC having issues - or the new NPC leaving.

Also, and this might be worth considering but rather more work - It might be nice to have an evil quest or two for the NPCS - I mean a DIFFERENT evil quest for each. Maybe one battle challeng, one puzzle, maybe one "Yoshi moment" type thing. Or have different quests depend on who is In party With who.

Options I mean. :)

LOVE the concept.

Just a thot

Thanks for the support.

I have noticed a trend towards NPC conflict resolution but my intent is not to break up any kind of party, just to have the potential for that to happen if the player doesn't keep people in line through manipulation, bribery or threats of force etc. As long as the NPC's desires are met more or less, then the player will likely be able to keep them all content, certainly all the standard NPC's. I think rather than NPC's just always coming to blows, having them plot and scheme against each other throughout the course of the story is much more fun!

I haven't started working on the quests yet so i'll have some more information on that when I come to it. I do like the idea of a little randomisation in quest paths depending on NPC's within the party and the different possible encounters that might result.

Edited by Paareth, 07 September 2008 - 03:22 AM.