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Updating instructions for version 2.0

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#1 Qwinn

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Posted 17 August 2008 - 04:05 AM

Just putting this up cause new versions should be coming out any moment now. I will only have the one post regarding this, but it's pretty much applicable to all 3 mods.

1) It's recommended that you uninstall previous versions of all 3 mods completely before even downloading and installing the newer versions. I would even delete the three PST folders and all of the Setup-PST files AFTER uninstalling the mods, just to be safe. Safest of all would be to just uninstall everything, including PS:T, and leave nothing but the saved game folder and the CD2/CD3/CD4 directories if you did a full install, then starting from scratch, but it's not necessary.

2) Save games made with Fixpack version 1.01 should work fine with 2.0. (this also applies to UB 2.0 with 1.0 saves, and Tweak 3.0 with 2.0 saves), as along as you keep the same components installed. That means, if you for example had the Tome of Cheats or Scale of Souls tweaks installed for your save games, you need to keep those components installed for your save games to keep working.

3) If you're adding a translation pack, I'd actually recommend just deinstalling PS:T altogether and starting from scratch, to be safe. As noted in 2), though, you can still keep save games from the previous versions. The new readmes contain instructions on the proper install order (language pack before Fixpack, etc.).

4) Since I haven't posted it elsewhere, the way to do a Full Install (which I do recommend, actually) follows. This is based on the 4CD version, adjust for the 2CD version as necessary. This is actually more detailed than what's in the readmes, because it's for more advanced users:

A) Install the game normally.
B) Under the main torment directory, make directories called CD2, CD3 and CD4 if you have the 4CD version, and just copy each appropriate CD to the relevant folder on your hard drive. You don't need to copy disk 1.
C) Modify the first few lines of your Torment.ini file so that the paths are pointing to your hard drive instead of your CD ROM. Open up the file and it should be obvious where to change these.
D) Install the Official Patch 1.1 (link in readmes) IF AND ONLY IF you have the 4 CD version.
E) If you want to apply a no-CD crack, this is the time, before any language pack or the Fixpack.
F) When you install a language pack, if it -only- came with a dialog.tlk file, and the dialogf.tlk file is a different size after installation, you should copy your dialog.tlk to overwrite the dialogf.tlk before proceeding with the installation or installing any of my mods.
G) If you have performance problems, playing with the Cache Size parameter in the Torment.ini file can potentially improve performance. I can't tell you what to set it to, some people get better performance minimizing it at 1, others by maxing it at 32000.
H) If you get funky graphics when casting spells, you can -try- to turn down your hardware acceleration in your video card settings. This won't work for everyone. In my particular case (NVidia 7600 GS), there is a middle-level setting for hardware acceleration that makes the graphics play great (albeit with crappier performance), but to set that I have to also turn off mouse cursor acceleration which makes it leave trails all over dialogue box and character screens, which isn't worth it to me. Other video cards don't force that on you, so give it a try.


Edited by Qwinn, 19 August 2008 - 06:04 PM.