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BiG World Projekt - Results over the mods

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#1 Leomar

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Posted 21 June 2008 - 11:22 PM

We would like to thank first once again for your help. We have evaluated your opinions/recommendations and those of the players/modders in the German Forum and now want to inform you of the result. It are taken out definitively mods of the BWP. This are mods which do not fit any more on the subject of the "Big Baldurs Gate World".

There will be the following innovation:

The next instructions are divided into two versions:

1. BiG World version:
Herewith are mods installed recommended by the majority of the testers. The installation is aimed to the greatest possible play pleasure. Mods with few contents, with absurd degree of difficulty or bugged mods are not installed. The used mods are supported furthermore by the authors. The BWP team concentrates upon the farther improvement of this installation.
If you are, however, of the opinion that, nevertheless, one or another distant Mod would be worthwhile, please inform us and we will integrate it again.

2. Expert version:
This installation tries to fathom the feasible. You have a 100% chance of running into bugs and/or CTDs (crash to desktop) and it has quietly a long way to go before reaching perfection (if it ever wants). The relevant mods are greyed out in the instructions and are only installed if you remove the detent before. These mods are supported neither by the authors nor by the BWP team actively.

Now after we list all mods which are included in the BWP v5.2. Besides, we list which mods belong to the "BiG World version", so by us are supported. In addition it is indicated which mods we leave grey in our normal installation order, but any more will not support. So you can install these mods then on own risk in addition to the megamod and belong to the "Expert version". Then in the end still the mods which are taken out for different reasons of the BWP are listed.


BiG World version
01.03. BG2 Fixpack v6
01.04. Baldurdash (BD-WeiDU) v1.6.6


Expert version
02.01. The Tortured Soul Quest (TTSQ) v3
02.02. Dark Ritual v1.02 (only the CoM-Store at this point)
02.03. Oversight v12


Expert version
03.01. Never Ending Journey 2 (NeJ2) v4.2b
03.01. NEJ2 Biffer v3
03.02. BGT NeJ2 v1.0b
03.03. NEJ2 v6.02


BiG World version
04.01. The Darkest Day (TDD) v1.12
04.02. Shadows Over Soubar (SoS) v1.12
04.03. Check the Bodies (CtB) v1.9
04.04. Tortured Souls (TS-BP) v6.10
04.05. Region of Terror (RoT) 2.1

Expert version
04.06. Ascension v1.4.23


BiG World version
05.01. Baldur?s Gate Trilogy - WeiDU (BGT-WeiDU) v1.05b
05.01. BGT Patch v1.05b
05.03. BGT NPC-Sound WeiDU v2
05.04. Restored Textscreen Music (TxtMusic) v7

Expert version
05.05. BGT Never Ending Journey 2 Compatibility Modification v1
05.06. BGT NeJ2 v1.0b


BiG World version
06.01. Dark Side of the Sword Coast (DSotSC4BGTv200) v2.00
06.02. Northern Tales of the Sword Coast (NTotSC4BGTv160) v1.61
06.03. Secret of Bonehill (SoBH) v2.10
06.04. Drizzt Saga v1.0


BiG World version
07.01. Baldur?s Gate Mini Quests and Encounters Mod (BGQE) v3
07.02. The Grey Clan Episode I: In Candlelight (tgc1e bgt) v1.8
07.03. The Lure of the Sirine's Call (for BGT-WeiDU) v7.3


BiG World version
08.01. Herbs and Potions Add-in v1.0.1
08.02. Thalantyr Item Upgrade Mod v2
08.03. Lost Items Version Revised v2


BiG World version
09.01. BG1 NPC Project v16
09.01. BG1 NPC Music Pack v5
09.02. Indira (BGT) v10.4
09.03. Mur'Neth v7
09.04. Mulgore & Xavia NPCs (BGT/TuTu) v5.0
09.06. Xan's friendship path for BG1 (XanBG1Friend) v4
09.07. Coran's BG Extended Friendship Talks (for Tutu and BGT) v2
09.08. Ajantis BG1 Expansion Modification (Beta) v0.3

The mods, we?ll take out
09.05. Jonathan NPC (BGT) v0.1


BiG World version
10.01. BG1 Unfinished Business (BG1UB for BG1Tutu/BGT) v6
10.05. Revised Battles v6
10.06. Ding0's Quest Pack v2.3
10.07. Sword Coast Stratagems (SCS) v8

Expert version
10.02. Adventures in Papperland (AIP WeiDU) v3
10.03. Ghost (WeiDU) v1
10.04. Munchmod (WeiDU) v2.6


BiG World version
11.01. Expanded Thief Stronghold (gbthfkp) v2.14
11.02. Ajoc's Minimod v1.6.1
11.03. Desecration of Souls (DoS) v2.61
11.05. Planar Sphere Mod v2.6c
11.06. Tower of Deception (ToD) v3.1
11.07. The Bigg Quest Pack v2.02
11.09. Silberdrachenblut Mod v1.1
11.10. Spellhold Gauntlet (SPGaunt) v1.10
11.12. Dungeon Crawl (DC) v4
11.13. Assassinations v2
11.14. Fading Promises v1
11.15. Sylmar Battlefield v1.025

Expert version
11.04. Every Mod and Dog (EMaD 260605) v3
11.11. Cliff History Fonick Treacle a Four-Day NPC v1

The mods, we?ll take out
11.08. The Black Rose Part I: Market Prices v1


Expert version
12.01. CoM Encounters v1.02
12.02. Deeper Shadows of Amn (DSoA) v2.2.1
12.03. Domains of Dread (DoD WeiDU) v1
12.04. Improved Asylum v0.92
12.05. Super Firkraag Mod (for BG2) v1.4


BiG World version
13.03. Ribald's Genie v2.7
13.04. Boards o? Magick Item Pack (BoM Item Pack) v2.0
13.06. Dark Ritual v1.02
13.08. Freedom's Reign & Reign of Virtue (FR___ROV) v4
13.10. Herbs & Potions Add-In for BG2 v1.0.3
13.11. Improved Horns of Valhalla v1.2
13.17. Return to Trademeet Item Pack (RTT Item Pack) v1
13.18. Ruad Ro'fessa Item Upgrade Mod v20
13.21. Weimer?s Underrepresented Items (from Icewind Dale 2) v5
13.22. Weimer's Item Upgrade Mod v37
13.27. Food and Herbal Mod (foodmod) v1.01
13.29. Rupert the Dye Merchant v1.0
13.31. Realm of the Bhaalspawn Armor Set (RotB Armor Set) v1.0

Expert version
13.01. Alex Macintosh v3
13.02. Bag Bonus v1.0.1
13.05. Baldurs Gate 2 Shadows of Amn Item Import Mod (BG2SoA) v3
13.07. Exnem's Vault / Exnem Items MiniMOD v5
13.09. Heart of the Wood (Item) (WeiDU) v5
13.12. The Improved Volcano! (Pack for ToB) v1.8
13.15. RPG Dungeon Item Pack (RItemPack) v2
13.16. Rolles Mod v2
13.19. The Magnificient Magic Shop (tzshop01_lite) v3.01
13.20. The Unusual Oddities Shop (AbyStore) v3.0
13.23. Sorcerer?s Place Item Collection (SPItems) v1
13.24. A Mod for the Orderly (CliffKey) v2
13.25. Blood of the Martyr (WeiDU) v4
13.26. Enhanced BG2 v1.0
13.30. Selune's Armoury v1

The mods, we?ll take out
13.13. Itm Value Tweaks Mod v1
13.14. Killing Wolf NPC (KWolf) (WeiDU) v1
13.28. Lord of the Rings Item Pack (LotR Item Pack) v1.02


BiG World version
14.01. Amber v2.5
14.02. Edwin Romance (ERSoA) v1.07
14.02. Edwin Romance (ERToB) v1.07
14.02. Edwin Romance Flirts (Beta) v0.1b
14.03. Tsujatha v10
14.04. Saerileth v13
14.05. Beyond the Law (BTL) v1.35
14.06. Ajantis NPC Mod v1.1
14.09. Elvanshalee (ElvanA01) v1
14.10. Fade NPC Mod (FadeSoA) v3
14.11. Goo the Disembodied Floating Eyeball (NPC) v2.0
14.14. Kido v7.0
14.15. Ariena v2.2
14.16. Kindrek Mod v2.4
14.18. Kitanya NPC Mod (SoA) v6.2.2
14.20. The Neh'taniel Mod (Alpha) v2.73
14.22. SilverStar (Star192) v1.92
14.24. Weimer?s Valen NPC Mod v45
14.26. Xan v7
14.26. Alternate Xan Soundset for BG1 (XanBG2Voice) v2
14.27. Yasraena Mod (with German) v8
14.31. Alora NPC Mod v1.02
14.32. Auren Aseph v6.1
14.33. The Perils of Branwen (POB0805d) v0.8.05d
14.36. Thael NPC v2.1
14.41. Tiax NPC Mod v1
14.47. Gavin v3.1
14.48. Sarah (SoA) v1.3
14.49. Hubelpot the Vegetable Merchant (Beta) v1.0

Expert version
14.07. Chiara Mod (v1.02mB_163) v1.02
14.08. Octavian?s Drizzt Mod (Beta) v2.2
14.12. Horace v1.70
14.13. Kari the Kobold v1.3b
14.17. Malthis Mod (MaltServiceVersion) v1
14.21. Shar-Teel Mod v1.0b
14.23. Summon Bhaalspawn (SBS) v2
14.25. Vanim (NPC) v1.4
14.28. Biddekelorak NPC Mod v1
14.29. Azure NPC (Beta) v3
14.30. Frennedan Mod v1.01b
14.37. Hanna NPC v2.2
14.38. Kim NPC v1.51b
14.39. Lester NPC v0.7
14.42. Au service d'Oghma v1

The mods, we?ll take out
14.19. Arnel?s Nalia Romance (LuvNaliaWeidu) v1.06
14.34. Matt Damon NPC Mod v1
14.35. MTS Taim NPC v1.2
14.40. Stivan the Hunter (Alpha) v0.01
14.43. Therrin NPC v2
14.44. Eldoth (NPC) v1.0
14.45. Roar (NPC) v1.0
14.46. Teddy (NPC) v1.0


Expert version
15.01. Alassa NPC v1
15.02. Allison (One-Day NPC) v1.6
15.03. Anishai One-Day NPC v1.2
15.04. Bons? Bruce, the Cockney Barfighter v2
15.05. Cassius v1.01
15.06. Ghareth (NPC) v0.91
15.07. Hessa (NPC) v1.1
15.08. Jason Compton?s Bruce, the Cockney Barfighter v1
15.09. Ninafer NPC Mod (Nina) v1.02
15.10. Wikaede Revisited v4.1
15.11. Willie Bruce Mod (wb) v2
15.12. Moddie the Vixen v1


BiG World version
16.01. Cloakwood Squares, the Mod: Games 1 and 2! v2
16.02. Jerry Zinger Show (JZ) v1
16.05. Romantic Encounters (RE) v3

Expert version
16.03. cbisson?s Familiar Pack (WeiDU) v5
16.04. Authentic Mischievous Fairy Dragon (WeiDU) v4
16.06. Mid Biff v2.1


Expert version
17.01. Shed's Mods - A Forgotten Wars Mod v1
17.02. Turnip Golem Encounter v1
17.03. Mordan's Christmas Minimod (Xmas Mod) v1.0.1
17.04. The Holy Hand Grenade v1.0
17.05. Quallo v1
17.06. Cal-Culator v1.0.4
17.07. Mike'sQuestMod - Questor v1
17.08. The Slithering Menace (Snakes) v 3.0

The mods, we?ll take out
17.09. Facing the Shade Lord again (submission-igi) v1
17.10. Facing the Shade Lord again (submission-k?aeloree) v1


Expert version
18.11. Shards of Ice v3

The mods, we?ll take out
18.01 Iron Modder 1 Pack (The Last Mug of Ale in Amn) v1
18.02 Iron Modder 2 Pack (Some of My Best Friends are Slimes) v1
18.03 Iron Modder 3 Pack (A Kiss Before Dying) v1
18.04 Iron Modder 4 Pack (A Broken Promise) v1
18.05 Iron Modder 5 Pack (The Price of Friendship) v1
18.06 Iron Modder 6 Pack (A Hero for all the Wrong Reasons) v1
18.07 Iron Modder 7 Pack (Blaze of Glory) v1
18.08 Iron Modder 8 Pack (Careless Words Cost Lives) v1
18.09 Iron Modder 9 Pack (Being the Bhaalspawn Means Never Saying You're Sorry) v1
18.10 Cliffette IM Bonus (A Bee in Your Bonnet) v1


BiG World version
19.01. NPC Tweak v3.1
19.02. Unfinished Business (for BG2) v16
19.07. Spell-50 Mod v10
19.09. Teleport Spell v12

Expert version
19.03. Victor's Improvements Pack (BGII Improvements Mod) v1.9
19.04. Semi-Multi-Mod (smm) v1.0
19.05. Arcane-Divine Spell Pack (ADPack) v1.1
19.06. Lost Crossroads Spell Pack for BG2 (Beta) v4
19.08. Wild Mage Additions v1.6

The mods, we?ll take out
19.10. Timestop Tweak v2


BiG World version
20.02. The Big Picture (BP) v1.77a
20.02. BP ToB Fix v1.77
20.05. Turnabout v1
20.06. Ding0's Quest Pack v2.3
20.08. The Longer Road (LR) v1.5.1
20.09. P&P Celestials v5
20.10. Grimuar v3.2
20.11. Tashia Remix v1.1

Expert version
20.03. Ascension v1.4.23
20.04. Weimer?s Tactics Mod v24

The mods, we?ll take out
20.07. Redemption v1.13


BiG World version
21.01. Weimer?s Solaufein NPC Mod v1.03
21.03. Kelsey NPC (SoA) v2.1
21.03. Kelsey NPC (ToB) v2.2
21.04. Getting Rid of Anomen (GRoA) v1.1
21.05. Keto (SoA) v2
21.06. Nathaniel (SoA/ToB) v4.2
21.07. Kiara-Zaiya v1.6
21.08. Ding0's Quest Pack v2.3
21.09. The Gibberlings Three Anniversary Mod (G3) v5
21.10. The MTS Crappack v2

Expert version
21.02. Sheena, a Half Dragon Tale (HRD) v1.6


BiG World version
22.01. Song and Silence v2
22.03. Divine Remix v5
22.04. Sword and Fist v3
22.05. Rogue Rebalancing (RR) v3.91
22.06. BG2 Tweak Pack (BG2 Tweaks) v6
22.07. Throne of Bhaal Refinements v3.11
22.10. The Bigg Tweaks (tb) v2.10
22.11. Kivan and Deheriana Companions for BG2 (formerly Kivan of Shilmista) v8
22.12. Iylos NPC v2.3
22.13. Crossmod Banter Pack (BG2) v7

Expert version
22.02. Oversight v12
22.08. Ashes of Embers v27
22.09. Yikari v1.1


BiG World version
23.02. Sword Coast Stratagems II (SCSII) v7
23.03. BG2 Tweak Pack (BG2 Tweaks) v6
23.04. BGT-WeiDU Tweak Pack (BGTTweak) v7
23.05. Ding0's Tweak Pack v20
23.06. The MTS Crappack v2
23.07. Unique Artifacts v1.12
23.08. Mix Mod v5.0
23.09. BP Series v3
23.10. Ding0 Experience Fixer (DEFJAM) v6
23.11. BP-Balancer (Beta) v0.33
23.12. End Biff v2.1
23.13. BP-BGT-Worldmap v6.6.1
23.16. Widescreen Mod v1

Expert version
23.01. Zyraen's Miscellany (zymisc) v2.0


Remark: Because of their BGT compatibility now, the following three mods can be taken up in the BW-version, and can be integrated normally into the installation order. Therefore we drop the topic Post-Install and there will be no more an additional installation after the transition. As soon as the other Post-Mods were made BGT compatible, we will include them again in the BWP to the BW-version.

BiG World version
25.05. NPC Flirt Packs v1.02
25.06. Banter Packs v8
25.07. IEP Extended Banters v2.0

(These 3 mods we?ll move after 16.05. Romantic Encounters, now.)

The mods, we?ll take out
25.03. Chloe NPC Mod v1.2
25.04. Imoen?s Romance Mod (Full) v1.2
25.08. Azengaard Tactical Encounter (AzenMOD) v2.0


Angelo NPC
The Luxley Family NPC
The Undying NPC
Nikitarellia NPC
Miriam NPC
Jandor NPC
Vildra NPC
Viconia Friendship path
de?Arnise Romance
Solaufein Flirt Pack
Homeward Bound
Restored ToB Heads
Stuff of the Magi
Thrown Hammers
P5 Tweaks
One Pixel Productions
1pp: Flaming Swords
1pp: Flaming Short Swords
1pp: Colourable Quarterstaves
W-GUI (optional)

To the BW-version and to the Expert-version there is still the following to say:

There also we have time limits, so we have decided to split the instructions in these two versions. The BW-version becomes from us 100% supportet and we would like to try to bring this version bugfree as we can to the gamers and hold this version up to date. With more than 160 Mods in this version, this will still be a very time consuming work and, finally, we want to integrate also furthermore new mods.

Now this should not be called which is neglected the Expert-version completely by us. The Expert-mods are tested furthermore in the installation order and are inserted in the instructions at the right place to be installed. Should appear fixes in the forums, we will include these of course in the BiG World Fixpack and mention it furthermore in the instructions. All Expert-Mods are listed in the batch-file with a REM, thus this you only need to remove the REM before the suitable line and you can install the mod in the megamod too, how it is described in the guide. However only if we have time, we can look a little bit more than on top described, after the Expert-version.

Besides, we have moved some bugged mods into the Expert-version, because they cause too many problems with her current version. As soon as these get fixed or new modversions release, we will move these mods in the BW-version.

These Mods are:

04.06. Ascension v1.4.23
(best is to wait for the compatible version of erebusant)

14.29. Azure NPC (Beta) v3
(a German Modder is fixing this version)

19.06. Lost Crossroads Spell Pack for BG2 (Beta) v4
(best is to wait for a compatible version, so we don't need to install it before BG2 Fixpack)

21.02. Sheena, a Half Dragon Tale (HRD) v1.6
(A German Modder is fixing this version)

If you have questions/opinions/recommandations, so please let us know.

Greetings Leomar

Edited by Leomar, 23 June 2008 - 10:57 AM.

A Megamod does not mean that you can play all of the mods or all of their content,
but you have more choices or paths through the game.
- Chevalier

BiG World Project - Big Baldur's Gate World

#2 Miloch



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Posted 21 June 2008 - 11:41 PM

I would add 11.09, 14,09 (German only), 14,36 (Spanish only), 16.01, 16.02 ("joke" mods) to the Expert version (or take them out) as previously discussed. I would also add the main component of Ashes of Embers there, since it doesn't really update descriptions appropriately and changes things a little too radically for balanced gaming.

Also if you're installing 19.06 (SpellPackB4) you definitely need to move it earlier (pre-Fixpack) as you mention. Same goes for 20.04 (Tactics) apparently, from recent discussions. It's more important to have things in the order that works best, rather than in arbitrary groups.

Just wondering if there's an issue with Lost Items R2 we haven't already identified (as per the post in my signature) since I am (eventually) working to release a v3.

13.23. Sorcerer’s Place Item Collection (SPItems) v1
(Miloch has mentioned he would fix it instead of patching not of overwriting files)

Eh... I think I said I might take a look at it someday, but I wouldn't hold my breath for that happening anytime soon :blink:.

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#3 Leomar

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Posted 22 June 2008 - 12:30 AM

Thanks for your recommendations, Miloch. If we get more opinions/recommandations, we can see if these decision fits for the most users or that we should change something.

Just wondering if there's an issue with Lost Items R2 we haven't already identified (as per the post in my signature) since I am (eventually) working to release a v3.

No, not really. We thought it could go to expert, because we don't know if this mod could make problems in game with all the other mods. Therefore thanks for your information and we will move this mod from Expert-version to BW-version.
Some questions I have:
Is your Xan component compatible with the BG1 Xan of Kulyok and the BG1 NPC Project?
Is your Monk+3 AC... component compatible with other mods in BGT?

13.23. Sorcerer?s Place Item Collection (SPItems) v1
(Miloch has mentioned he would fix it instead of patching not of overwriting files)

Eh... I think I said I might take a look at it someday, but I wouldn't hold my breath for that happening anytime soon :blink:.

Thanks for your response on this. I delete this sentence in the first post. I think it is better. :)

Greetings Leomar

Edited by Leomar, 22 June 2008 - 12:34 AM.

A Megamod does not mean that you can play all of the mods or all of their content,
but you have more choices or paths through the game.
- Chevalier

BiG World Project - Big Baldur's Gate World

#4 Miloch



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Posted 22 June 2008 - 01:55 AM

Thanks for your recommendations, Miloch. If we get more opinions/recommandations, we can see if these decision fits for the most users or that we should change something.

Well at least for SpellPackB4, the recommendation came from the author himself, so it shouldn't be that debatable ;).

Just wondering if there's an issue with Lost Items R2 we haven't already identified (as per the post in my signature) since I am (eventually) working to release a v3.

Some questions I have:
Is your Xan component compatible with the BG1 Xan of Kulyok and the BG1 NPC Project?

Those mods just add to his dialogue, which Lost Items doesn't touch. So, yes, they're compatible.

Is your Monk+3 AC... component compatible with other mods in BGT?

It should be. All it does is give any starting monks the AC and THAC0 bonus. There is a similar mini-mod by GeN1e that might conflict with it (and also seems to conflict with Sword & Fist) but that mod isn't on your install list anyway. There is a slight bug in the component in that the bonuses will not persist if your monk dies. (I did not code this - Vedran did originally and Ascension64 updated it.) Will be fixed in the next version, but if you can live with it, install it - if not, don't :).

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#5 Leomar

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Posted 22 June 2008 - 09:42 AM

Thanks for your answers, Miloch. I've moved Lost Items from Expert-Version to BW-Version.

Greetings Leomar
A Megamod does not mean that you can play all of the mods or all of their content,
but you have more choices or paths through the game.
- Chevalier

BiG World Project - Big Baldur's Gate World

#6 Azazello


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Posted 22 June 2008 - 11:22 AM

Besides, we have moved some bugged mods into the Expert-version, because they cause too many problems with her current version. As soon as these get fixed or new mod versions release, we will move these mods in the BW-version.

These Mods are:

19.06. Lost Crossroads Spell Pack for BG2 (Beta) v4
(best is to wait for a compatible version, so we don't need to install it before BG2 Fixpack)

Also if you're installing 19.06 (SpellPackB4) you definitely need to move it earlier (pre-Fixpack) as you mention.
Well at least for SpellPackB4, the recommendation came from the author himself, so it shouldn't be that debatable wink.gif.

Here's where the compat statement was made: http://forums.blackw...?...=3306&st=37

It may be possible to modify SpellPackB4's TP2 to use patching Projectl.ids with whatever changes SpellPackB4 wants to make, OR copy the game's existing Projectl.ids into SpellPackB4's folder just before the mod starts installing.

Otherwise, I wonder what affects g3Fixpack will have upon Galactygon's spell changes.

I stress that I am not sure this will work, or simply/easily, as I have not tested this myself and I have not reviewed the contents of SpellPackB4 yet.

Edited by Azazello, 10 July 2008 - 05:43 PM.

"I gladly simp for jastey" -- Aza
"You ever notice that "What the hell?!" is the answer to just about everything?"

"Girls are like phones, they like to be held and talked too, but if you press the wrong button, you will be disconnected!" DJ Nikodemus
Community Contributions
* Level 1 NPCs * gMinion: expanded TP2 for MegaInstalls * PSM (PSQM): expanded scripts for Melanthium * Shar Nadal (DSotSC-BGT) revision * non-detectable Cloak of Non-Detection ?? * Weimer's-Tactics: revised TP2 for MegaInstalls * a directory of Mega-Installation Guides *


#7 Leomar

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Posted 22 June 2008 - 01:15 PM

Thanks for your informations, Azazello.

Greetings Leomar
A Megamod does not mean that you can play all of the mods or all of their content,
but you have more choices or paths through the game.
- Chevalier

BiG World Project - Big Baldur's Gate World

#8 Silinde Ar-Feiniel

Silinde Ar-Feiniel
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Posted 22 June 2008 - 02:19 PM

Leomar, i just wanted to ask you about ASCENSION-RELATED MODS. When i was on your link-site and downloading them, i noticed that there is a description on some of them that they require Ascension (4.06 in the list) which is not at the current time in your simple BIG WORLD version. Is that ok? I'm just a little confused about that... :unsure: Thanks for your responce in advance! Your work is amazing! :cheers:

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#9 Leomar

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Posted 22 June 2008 - 05:47 PM

Leomar, i just wanted to ask you about ASCENSION-RELATED MODS. When i was on your link-site and downloading them, i noticed that there is a description on some of them that they require Ascension (4.06 in the list) which is not at the current time in your simple BIG WORLD version. Is that ok? I'm just a little confused about that... :unsure: Thanks for your responce in advance! Your work is amazing! :cheers:

Yes your're right, thanks. If we get not a compatible version of Ascension to our next release, we will rename the title of the chapter, because almost mods in this chapter you can install without Ascension. We will only don't install Ascension related components of the mods, then. In addition we remove Turnabout from BW-version to Expert-version, because this mod needs Ascension. Longer Road is not a problem, because Ascension is recommended for this mod, but not needed. I've changed that in the linklist description.

Greetings Leomar
A Megamod does not mean that you can play all of the mods or all of their content,
but you have more choices or paths through the game.
- Chevalier

BiG World Project - Big Baldur's Gate World

#10 Miloch



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Posted 22 June 2008 - 10:25 PM

13.23. Sorcerer’s Place Item Collection (SPItems) v1
(Miloch has mentioned he would fix it instead of patching not of overwriting files)

Eh... I think I said I might take a look at it someday, but I wouldn't hold my breath for that happening anytime soon :blink:.

Thanks for your response on this. I delete this sentence in the first post. I think it is better. :)

There are some simple fixes for this in the meantime, however:

13.23. SP Items = Daniel Goodrich's Custom Item Collection
This mod is a collection of several older items and spells. The mod encloses four components, each of them can be installed separately.
13.23.1. Copy the folder spitems and the files setup-SPItemPack.exe and setup-SPItemPack.tp2 into your main SoA directory.
Install Component [Daniel Goodrich's Custom Item Collection]? [I]nstall
13.23.2. Double-click the Setup. The DOS dialogue appears:
Install Component [Creslyn's BG2 Item Pack]? [I]nstall
Install Component [Davoran's Spell Pack]? [I]nstall
Install Component [Shadow Daemon's Spells Pack]? [I]nstall
Successfully installed Press ENTER to exit
unsolved error:
WARNING: ADD_STORE_ITEM: Unknown flag IDENTIFED. Defaulting to 0 for flags.

Of course that last item is just a typo. In line 10 of setup-SPItemPack.tp2, change IDENTIFED to IDENTIFIED ;).

Do not install the item in red (Creslyn's BG2 Item Pack) from this mod. Instead, install the same component contained in the G3 version of SP Collection. This version patches and uses unique resource names rather than overwriting existing ones. The kits there should be fine too (though you may want to install those last).

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#11 Azazello


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Posted 23 June 2008 - 12:06 PM

Leomar, i just wanted to ask you about ASCENSION-RELATED MODS. When i was on your link-site and downloading them, i noticed that there is a description on some of them that they require Ascension (4.06 in the list) which is not at the current time in your simple BIG WORLD version. Is that ok? I'm just a little confused about that... :unsure: Thanks for your responce in advance! Your work is amazing! :cheers:

Yes your're right, thanks. If we get not a compatible version of Ascension to our next release, we will rename the title of the chapter, because almost mods in this chapter you can install without Ascension. We will only don't install Ascension related components of the mods, then. In addition we remove Turnabout from BW-version to Expert-version, because this mod needs Ascension. Longer Road is not a problem, because Ascension is recommended for this mod, but not needed. I've changed that in the linklist description.

Greetings Leomar

Please nudge erebusant, then. Maybe his revision of Ascension will be done by the time you need to update BWP, or other Big Brains (including, but not exclusively, Miloch :wub: ) can review the code for release.

#12 Himself



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Posted 23 June 2008 - 02:05 PM

I hope Ascension problems are not overly problematic and that they (erebusant alone?) have time to fix the issues quickly, playing ToB without Ascension just.. doesn't feels right :huh:
...to be isn't important, we're no longer than we're :)

#13 Leomar

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Posted 23 June 2008 - 08:14 PM

Please nudge erebusant, then. Maybe his revision of Ascension will be done by the time you need to update BWP, or other Big Brains (including, but not exclusively, Miloch :wub: ) can review the code for release.

Yes, erebusant want to do a revision of Ascension and mentioned it here at PPG Forum. So we hope to get a fixed version soon, because we have the same opionions like you: We want a megamod with Ascension. :rolleyes:

erebusant, you have any news about Ascension?

Greetings Leomar
A Megamod does not mean that you can play all of the mods or all of their content,
but you have more choices or paths through the game.
- Chevalier

BiG World Project - Big Baldur's Gate World

#14 DeusEx


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Posted 25 June 2008 - 03:37 AM

Shouldn't Ninafer be moved from one-day NPC section to regular NPC section since the mod is being further developed and has (will have) some content that makes her worthy enough.

Also Elvanshalee (german only), Thael (no english) should be moved to expert section

BGT NeJ2 v1.0b should be moved to regular section since it works well without Nej (I can't have a megamod without it :lol: )

Drizzt Saga v1.0 - is this being further developed? (I had some problems with it so I stopped using it for now)

Revised Battles v6 - this should be moved to after BP

Sylmar Battlefield v1.025 - you should remove this until full mod comes out (this is just a preview)

CoM Encounters v1.02 - you should remove this until it is reworked (I hope it will be)

Bag Bonus v1.0.1 - this is really a useless mod and should be removed

A Mod for the Orderly (CliffKey) v2 - this is really a useless mod and should be removed

Chiara Mod (v1.02mB_163) v1.02 - will there be a translation for this?

Biddekelorak NPC Mod v1 - why is this in expert section?

Kim NPC v1.51b - will there be a translation for this?

Semi-Multi-Mod (smm) v1.0 - why is this in expert?, I thought it works fine

Weimer?s Tactics Mod v24 - this should go before bg2fixpack

Ashes of Embers v27, Yikari v1.1 - why is this in expert?

Unique Artifacts v1.12 - this should go to expert or removed

Imoen?s Romance Mod (Full) v1.2 - why is this being removed?, are there any serious problems?

#15 Miloch



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Posted 25 June 2008 - 05:16 AM

It may be possible to modify SpellPackB4's TP2 to use patching Projectl.ids with whatever changes SpellPackB4 wants to make, OR copy the game's existing Projectl.ids into SpellPackB4's folder just before the mod starts installing.

The first change would be ideal; the second would not be, since you'd be wiping all SPb4's projectile changes. That's not the only issue though.

Generally speaking, we want to install any mods that overwrite files before mods that patch them. That means before the Fixpack. If you install them after the Fixpack, you nullify all that hard work the done by Fixpack (and other patching mods) in one foul swoop.

I've installed: Arcane/Divine Pack, SpellPackB4, Tactics and BG2 Fixpack in that order. There are a few simple changes necessary for this.

In Setup-ADPack.tp2:
Search for:
COPY ~ADPack\spwi1##\spwi107.spl~   ~override~  //Friends
Comment it out:
//COPY ~ADPack\spwi1##\spwi107.spl~   ~override~  //Friends
You don't need it, it'll cause the Fixpack to choke, and the Fixpacked version of the vanilla spell ends up better anyway.

In setup-bg2fixpack.tp2:
Search for this line:

WRITE_SHORT ("%ho%"+(0x28*"%l%")+0x20) (("%ix%"-"%ec%")+0x02)

This is around line 20051 and should appear in a section with COPY_EXISTING ~sppr203.spl~ ~override~. Pretty sure there's a typo in the line, since %l% is not declared anywhere in the mod. Change it to:

WRITE_SHORT ("%ho%"+(0x28*"%i3%")+0x20) (("%ix%"-"%ec%")+0x02)

Around line 26706, you have another occurence of ~sppr203.spl~ ~override~ in a section called "// cleans up DLTCEP error messages". You don't need this component anyway, unless you're modding, and you don't need it all with the new spell, since it no longer generates errors. Comment out that one line by putting // before it.

Otherwise, I wonder what affects g3Fixpack will have upon Galactygon's spell changes.

This is an obvious unknown. I don't see myself going through every spell modded anytime soon, but if there are any glitches, the solutions should be fairly simple (just write a quick patch or restore the original spells to your override). There are other mods in the BWP that'll come along and butcher the spells, but I think I installed them all successfully at least.

Edit: Also, Malthis and Quallo are only in German, I believe. They should be translated or removed from the English version.

Edited by Miloch, 25 June 2008 - 05:54 AM.

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#16 Azazello


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Posted 25 June 2008 - 10:50 AM

It may be possible to modify SpellPackB4's TP2 to use patching Projectl.ids with whatever changes SpellPackB4 wants to make, OR copy the game's existing Projectl.ids into SpellPackB4's folder just before the mod starts installing.

The first change would be ideal; the second would not be, since you'd be wiping all SPb4's projectile changes. That's not the only issue though.

Generally speaking, we want to install any mods that overwrite files before mods that patch them. That means before the Fixpack. If you install them after the Fixpack, you nullify all that hard work the done by Fixpack (and other patching mods) in one foul swoop.

I understand this, where you're coming from, it's been said often before already. Even so...

I've installed: Arcane/Divine Pack, SpellPackB4, Tactics and BG2 Fixpack in that order.

...I won't being doing this. SpellPack is a tweak of spells. A major even radical tweaks. By using it, a player is committed to using the spells as the mod dictates, over and above what other mods want to do with the spells.

Because of this, SpellPack should goes as far down the list as possible. I don't want g3Fixpack or any other mod re-modifying those spells that SpellPack has changed.

It would be simpler to get Galactyon to bless a TP2-update or add the code himself to patch Projectl.ids. I confess, I have no idea how open he would be to this request. (Has anyone asked?) Failing that, I and others will make the TP2 'patchy' and use it in the privacy of our own computers.

#17 Bearwere

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Posted 25 June 2008 - 07:24 PM

It would be simpler to get Galactyon to bless a TP2-update or add the code himself to patch Projectl.ids. I confess, I have no idea how open he would be to this request. (Has anyone asked?)

I don't think it would a problem.

#18 Leomar

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Posted 25 June 2008 - 09:58 PM

Please look here, how we used the threads, now.
In this thread we want to talk about the Installation Order and including suggestions to add/drop mods.

Greetings Leomar

Edited by Leomar, 25 June 2008 - 09:59 PM.

A Megamod does not mean that you can play all of the mods or all of their content,
but you have more choices or paths through the game.
- Chevalier

BiG World Project - Big Baldur's Gate World

#19 Leomar

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Posted 26 June 2008 - 12:04 PM

Shouldn't Ninafer be moved from one-day NPC section to regular NPC section since the mod is being further developed and has (will have) some content that makes her worthy enough.

The same we could do with Allison (not supportet, but has 10 MB) and Wikaede Revised (supportet again), because you are right, these mods are no One-Day NPCs anymore. But for the moment we would move them to the BG2 NPCs in the Expert-Version and if they get more content (or Allison is supportet again) we could move them in the BW-version.

Also Elvanshalee (german only), Thael (no english) should be moved to expert section.
Edit of Miloch: Also, Malthis and Quallo are only in German, I believe. They should be translated or removed from the English version.

The German mods we will still listed in the BWP, because we are Germans. But like Miloch said, we will not let install them for english gamers and we will add a REM for the german mods in the Install.bat. The same happens with all Expert-Mods, only all mods of the BW-version should be installed with the Install.bat. If you wish to include one or more Expert-Mods you need only to remove the REM.

BGT NeJ2 v1.0b should be moved to regular section since it works well without Nej (I can't have a megamod without it)

Someone wants this mod and someone not, so I think it is good for Expert-version and if you want it, so you need only to remove the REM.

Drizzt Saga v1.0 - is this being further developed? (I had some problems with it so I stopped using it for now)

We have only small problems with the mod. Therefore it becomes talked about to make a new mod-version. For infos look at the Drizzt Saga Forum.

Revised Battles v6 - this should be moved to after BP

At the moment we have Revised Battles between 21.07. Kiara-Zaiya and 21.08. Ding0?s QuestPack in the installation order.

Sylmar Battlefield v1.025 - you should remove this until full mod comes out (this is just a preview)

No, Sylmar Battlefield is a conversation, which we can?t include in the BWP. This demo mod of the conversation was created as a little quest mod for BG2 and has a nice challange, so we will still let it in the BW-version.

CoM Encounters v1.02 - you should remove this until it is reworked (I hope it will be)

That?s why we put it into Expert-version, to let the people know, that we have interest in the new CoM Encounters version. It is pronounced that the new version will include Dark Ritual, too.

Bag Bonus v1.0.1 - this is really a useless mod and should be removed

No, we need this mod in Expert-version, because it is a checkpoint for the installation process of Leonardo.

A Mod for the Orderly (CliffKey) v2 - this is really a useless mod and should be removed

Cliffette mods are known and therefore we want to let them in.

Chiara Mod (v1.02mB_163) v1.02 - will there be a translation for this?

At the moment not. We have only translators who translate english mods in German, not otherwise.

Biddekelorak NPC Mod v1 - why is this in expert section?

This NPC has not much content and is not supported by the modauthor anymore.

Kim NPC v1.51b - will there be a translation for this?

We are working on a German translation at the moment, but like I said, we have no translators otherwise.

Semi-Multi-Mod (smm) v1.0 - why is this in expert?, I thought it works fine

The most people don?t install this mod anymore, because in such a hugh megamod you get more as enough spells through other mods and therefore the gamers find it to much.

Weimer?s Tactics Mod v24 - this should go before bg2fixpack

We don?t really like the idea, to put mods before BG2 Fixpack, because BG2 Fixpack is for us the first mod, where the other mods should be build up. Therefore we suggest a solution to fix the mod instead of install them before BG2 Fixpack. Like it happens with SpellPack, now.

Ashes of Embers v27, Yikari v1.1 - why is this in expert?

- Miloch mentioned for Ashes of Ambers, that we should install the first component only for Expert-version (see above) and additional, gamers don?t like the components with attributes (STR/GES) and changing weapons for NPCs. So no much components exist, which we could install at BW-version, so we decided to put the mod in Expert-version.
- Yikari has less content.

Unique Artifacts v1.12 - this should go to expert or removed

We think, this mod is required for such a megamod to get it balanced and therefore the mod is.

Imoen?s Romance Mod (Full) v1.2 - why is this being removed?, are there any serious problems?

Yes, the mod is not BGT compatible, like I mentioned it by the topic. If you install this mod, some of the banters for BG2 will show up in BG1.

Greetings Leomar
A Megamod does not mean that you can play all of the mods or all of their content,
but you have more choices or paths through the game.
- Chevalier

BiG World Project - Big Baldur's Gate World

#20 Miloch



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Posted 29 June 2008 - 02:30 PM

I've installed: Arcane/Divine Pack, SpellPackB4, Tactics and BG2 Fixpack in that order.

...I won't being doing this. SpellPack is a tweak of spells. A major even radical tweaks. By using it, a player is committed to using the spells as the mod dictates, over and above what other mods want to do with the spells.

Because of this, SpellPack should goes as far down the list as possible. I don't want g3Fixpack or any other mod re-modifying those spells that SpellPack has changed.

It would be simpler to get Galactyon to bless a TP2-update or add the code himself to patch Projectl.ids. I confess, I have no idea how open he would be to this request. (Has anyone asked?) Failing that, I and others will make the TP2 'patchy' and use it in the privacy of our own computers.

You are free, of course, to install mods in whatever order you please. I'm sure you have more experience than most in this area. If you want the mod to have priority over all others, install it last. My suggestion was for maximum compatibility between SpellPack and the other mods in the BWP. It makes little sense to install it after some mods - Divine Remix being one example. Since it overwrites spells, it will likely nullify DR's patching to facilitate the sphere system. SpellPack should probably get moved at least to Expert anyway, since its changes are rather radical for your average gamer (see the author's description re: chains of spells, subspells, etc. here).

I've no idea if Galactygon would update his code so it patches. Since his primary goal, I believe, is a conversion, he has little reason to patch anything if it's easier for him to overwrite. I suppose it's worth a try to ask, but it wouldn't be just projectl.ids he'd have to patch - he's also overwriting fireball.ids, missile,ids, mschool.2da, msectype.2da and every standard spell he copies over. As for why he'd have to patch that last bit, even if he's overhauling the entire spell system, see my comment re: DR.

Weimer’s Tactics Mod v24 - this should go before bg2fixpack

We don’t really like the idea, to put mods before BG2 Fixpack, because BG2 Fixpack is for us the first mod, where the other mods should be build up. Therefore we suggest a solution to fix the mod instead of install them before BG2 Fixpack. Like it happens with SpellPack, now.

Unfortunately, unless you find skilled modders capable of updating the code for these mods (not an easy task for big mods when the author is no longer active and most other modders are busy with their own mods), you must put overwriting mods before the Fixpack. As I mentioned, if you put them after the Fixpack, they will reverse many of the Fixpack's changes, due to the overwriting. If the author or someone else changes the mod so it patches instead of overwrites, you could naturally move it after the Fixpack at that point, but until that happens, it should get moved to Expert and/or before Fixpack.

Miloch mentioned for Ashes of Ambers, that we should install the first component only for Expert-version (see above) and additional, gamers don’t like the components with attributes (STR/GES) and changing weapons for NPCs. So no much components exist, which we could install at BW-version, so we decided to put the mod in Expert-version.

I have the following AoE components on my BWP install (these should all be fairly safe and balanced):
#2 Unique weapons (bolas and katars)
#3 Throwing spears
#4 Wizard Slayer kit MR bonus
#12 New Armour (scale, banded and field plate)

I have also installed the following mods on BWP without any known issues so far:
Homeward Bound (component #0)
B!Tweak (component #0 - the rest are horrible cheats, as the author says ;))
LuizMods (components #0 #4 #8 #10)
DungeonBeGone (component #0 - useful for testing and replaying)

Also installed Virtue, which takes ages to install but it did install eventually. I ended up with a botched action.ids file I had to fix manually, but it would have been messed up even without Virtue (take a look at it on a BWP install with NI or DLTCEP to see what I mean).

I probably installed some other mods I haven't already mentioned, but I could probably diff my install.bat file from the standard one to get more info on those.

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle