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The "Lion Warrior" kit (formerly Zulu - still a ranger)

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#1 vilkacis


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Posted 01 February 2008 - 09:03 PM

[edit @ 081227] Added French translation (thanks to Deratiseur). No other changes.

Inspired by Scipio's topic in Mod Ideas. See it as self-improvement, modding practice, or something. <_<

Scipio wanted an unarmoured melee fighter/druid hybrid with a werelion shapechange. I took a ranger and added two extra spells per level and a lion shape, which is gained at lv. 13 (there is no werelion, so I used the regular one - which is actually not very lion-like, more leopard). The kit offers much better fighting skills than the average ranger, but can't use missile weapons and shares the Kensai's equipment restrictions (ouch!).

I have no idea if this is anywhere near balanced. I'm very very open to all sorts of comments and suggestions.

[EDIT] Updated - lion form now has a paperdoll (and it was a pain in the arse and I never want to do that again)! Also, a new icon for the lion change ability (lion seen from the side, more in line with similar icons already in the game). Knocked 10 points off the kitty's AC - he should be good, but not *that* good. New ToB characters with this kit now start with a generic +3 spear in hand (instead of a +3 staff; the staff has been moved to the inventory, replacing the useless bracers). Updated description:

LION WARRIOR: This ranger follows traditions handed down by the Lion Tribes of Shaar, combining deadly fighting ability with unmatched wilderness survival skills and a particularly strong connection with Nature. He disdains missile weapons, but few can match his strength in melee.

- Bonus -2 to AC. This increases to -4 at level 15.
- Bonus +1 to hit and damage at first level and every 10 levels thereafter.
- Can memorize two extra spells of each level.
- Can attain the highest level of mastery in any melee weapon.
- At 13th level gains the ability to change into a lion once per day. After that, additional uses of this ability are gained every five levels.

- May not use missile weapons.
- May not wear armor.
- May not wear gauntlets or bracers.
- Does not gain the ranger's Charm Animal ability.

And a couple of screens...

Showing off the lion paperdoll...

Can't use armour! (Don't even mention the name of the... well, d00d.) This also shows off the nifty AC bonus.

Meow! The lion is pretty strong. Its stats are very random, so it will probably need to be revised.

This is the most recent version: Attached File  LionWarrior.rar   473.16K   15147 downloads

To install, just unzip to your BG2 folder and run the setup-zulu.exe, as usual.

Edited by vilkacis, 27 December 2008 - 08:21 AM.

#2 Rabain



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Posted 02 February 2008 - 12:25 AM

Change Zulu to Lion Warrior and you're sorted.

Edited by Rabain, 02 February 2008 - 12:25 AM.

A knight without armour in a savage land...

#3 Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 02 February 2008 - 12:53 AM

With the starting items of BG2:ToB he has a nice AC, -18 :whistling: In the panther/lion form.

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#4 vilkacis


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Posted 02 February 2008 - 10:29 AM

Change Zulu to Lion Warrior and you're sorted.

Nice! Then in the next version, the desctiption will be:

LION WARRIOR: This warrior follows traditions handed down by the Lion Tribes of Shaar. He combines deadly fighting skill with unmatched wilderness survival skills and a strong connection with Nature. He disdains missile weapons, but few can match his strength in melee.

(Could still use a better description, though. :whistling: )

With the starting items of BG2:ToB he has a nice AC, -18 :whistling: In the panther/lion form.

That's definitely one of those things I need to do something about - he'd be even more overpowered running around with that kind of AC in SoA. :blink:

(He also has a pair of bracers with him that he can't use.)

#5 Scipio


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Posted 13 February 2008 - 04:15 PM

I greatly look forward to rampaging through the Realms as the Lion Warrior using the kit made by vilkacis. Thanks again! Just from what you've written it seems you've come about as close as it's possible to get to my idea of a fantasy Zulu warrior with some magical powers.

I have made a portrait for the Lion Warrior when I play her. If I was supposed to post this in a different forum, then just indulge me, please. I am an ancient dodderer.

Your paper-doll lion is great, vilkacis. It actually looks more like a lioness, which is even better since I'll be using a female Lion Warrior. Her name is Thandi, which is Zulu for "dawn" and, more figuratively, "new beginnings". A good alternative name is Ibubesi, Zulu for "lion" (doh... for which I don't know the Zulu. No, wait, I do, it's "eish"). Maybe someone else would like to use my portraits of her.

Thandi is a morph of Jada Pinkett-Smith (left, below) and Halle Berry (right). She is neither of them but also both of them and therefore yummy.

To make the morph into a warrior (below) I montaged six elements -- the face, the African background landscape, the beaded headband, the assegai spear, the hide shield and the body of a nubile young Zulu dancer.

Have I named the medium and small portraits (below) correctly? They are NTHANDIM.bmp (110x170)and LTHANDIS.bmp (38x60). I presume there's no need for a large portrait because the PC doesn't get that nice epilogue spiel after ruining Melissan's day.
Attached File  NTHANDIM.bmp   55.17K   771 downloads Attached File  NTHANDIS.bmp   6.85K   700 downloads

Attached Images

  • hallejada.jpg

I did battle with monsters, and they became me, and when I gazed into the abyss, the abyss looked away shyly.
See, it helps not to believe all the stuff that philosophers spout.

#6 Deratiseur

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Posted 12 December 2008 - 11:11 AM

The lion warrior seem to be cool, so can i traify it and add a french translation ?

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#7 vilkacis


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Posted 14 December 2008 - 10:22 AM

The lion warrior seem to be cool, so can i traify it and add a french translation ?

Certainly, go right ahead.

#8 The Imp

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Posted 11 March 2017 - 04:48 PM

repacked without viruses

Actually, the package doesn't contain a virus, that's a false positive, and you should probably be using a more qualified protector programs than scanners that look binary files, that then contain a set of specific linear bit of numbers that IF not named as one of "x, y ... z" list with say 54^13 possibilities, it produces a "this is a possible virus" message.

The reason why the weidu.exe and the virus happens to be similar is that they probably use the same command structure in a small portion of the code, which doesn't make the virus harmless, but doesn't make the weidu.exe a virus either, it's just a small portion of the code that the defective virus protector targets as it doesn't know better, as it's simpler than actually scanning the whole code and knowing what it's for in the first place.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#9 Deratiseur

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Posted 28 July 2019 - 01:10 AM

Now updated for the new Enhanced Editions. Take it, with many over old mods here.

All my mods are on Github

#10 Gwendolyne

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Posted 25 October 2019 - 07:38 AM

Has anyone a version with the lion paperdoll which has disappeared in the last versions? :angry:


In progress : Menace sur le Royaume de Diamant Éternel there.