Inspired by Scipio's topic in Mod Ideas. See it as self-improvement, modding practice, or something.

Scipio wanted an unarmoured melee fighter/druid hybrid with a werelion shapechange. I took a ranger and added two extra spells per level and a lion shape, which is gained at lv. 13 (there is no werelion, so I used the regular one - which is actually not very lion-like, more leopard). The kit offers much better fighting skills than the average ranger, but can't use missile weapons and shares the Kensai's equipment restrictions (ouch!).
I have no idea if this is anywhere near balanced. I'm very very open to all sorts of comments and suggestions.
[EDIT] Updated - lion form now has a paperdoll (and it was a pain in the arse and I never want to do that again)! Also, a new icon for the lion change ability (lion seen from the side, more in line with similar icons already in the game). Knocked 10 points off the kitty's AC - he should be good, but not *that* good. New ToB characters with this kit now start with a generic +3 spear in hand (instead of a +3 staff; the staff has been moved to the inventory, replacing the useless bracers). Updated description:
And a couple of screens...LION WARRIOR: This ranger follows traditions handed down by the Lion Tribes of Shaar, combining deadly fighting ability with unmatched wilderness survival skills and a particularly strong connection with Nature. He disdains missile weapons, but few can match his strength in melee.
- Bonus -2 to AC. This increases to -4 at level 15.
- Bonus +1 to hit and damage at first level and every 10 levels thereafter.
- Can memorize two extra spells of each level.
- Can attain the highest level of mastery in any melee weapon.
- At 13th level gains the ability to change into a lion once per day. After that, additional uses of this ability are gained every five levels.
- May not use missile weapons.
- May not wear armor.
- May not wear gauntlets or bracers.
- Does not gain the ranger's Charm Animal ability.
Showing off the lion paperdoll...

Can't use armour! (Don't even mention the name of the... well, d00d.) This also shows off the nifty AC bonus.

Meow! The lion is pretty strong. Its stats are very random, so it will probably need to be revised.

This is the most recent version:

To install, just unzip to your BG2 folder and run the setup-zulu.exe, as usual.
Edited by vilkacis, 27 December 2008 - 08:21 AM.