Cuv's Animation Slot Discussion
Posted 01 December 2007 - 12:41 PM
Here's a new thread to discuss and come up with ideas for the animation slot assignments in order to help increase compatibility with all the mods out there and to avoid future conflicts.
Here is Miloch's current listing. BG2 Mod Animations
Here are the slots that I have currently uploaded:
Part 1: CVGhosts
- Axe ~ Wailing Virgin
- Club ~ MGHO Ghost
- Dagger ~ MSH1 Ghost
- Fail ~ MSH2 Ghost
- Halberd ~ SM1B Shadow
- Mace ~ SM2B Greater Shadow
- Quarterstaff ~ SM3B True Shadow
- Warhammer ~ NWN Night Hag
- Sword ~ NWN Amel
Part 2: CVWights
IC_MUMMY 57472 0xE080 MMUM
- Axe ~ IWD Mummy
- Club ~ IWD Ghoul (MGH2)
- Dagger ~ IWD Ghast (MSH3)
- Fail ~ IWD Wight (MWIG)
- Halberd ~ IWD Wight (MWI2)
- Mace ~ IWD Wight (MWI3)
- Quarterstaff ~ IWD Zombie (MZO2)
- Warhammer ~ IWD Zombie2 (MZO3)
The IWD style slots available in BGII/ToB
0xE000 MCYC IC_CYCLOP // 57344
0xE010 METN IC_ETTIN // 57360
0xE020 MTAN DONOT_USE // 57376
0xE040 MHIS IC_HISTACHII // 57408
0xE050 MLER IC_LICHBLACK // 57424
0xE060 MLIC IC_LICH // 57440
0xE070 MMIN IC_MINOTAUR // 57456
0xE080 MMUM IC_MUMMY // 57472 = Wight Slot Core
0xE090 MTAN IC_MERILITH // 57488
0xE0A0 MTIC IC_ICE_TROLL // 57504
0xE0B0 MTRO IC_TROLL1 // 57520
0xE0D0 MUM2 IC_UMBERHULK // 57552
0xE0F0 MGIC IC_ICE_GOLEM // 57584
0xE0F1 MGLA IC_GLAB // 57585
0xE0F2 MWAV IC_WAILING_VIRGIN // 57586 = Ghost Slot Core
0xE210 MBFI IC_BEETLE_FIRE // 57872
0xE220 MBBM IC_BEETLE_BLACK // 57888
0xE300 MGHO IC_GHOST // 58112 = Free Slot per Ghost Slot
0xE310 MGH2 IC_GHOUL // 58128 = Reserve for Vargouille for Liam per Wight Slot
0xE320 MGH3 IC_GHAST // 58144 = Free Slot per Wight Slot
0xE400 MGO1 IC_GOBLIN_AXE // 58368
0xE410 MGO2 IC_GOBLIN_BOW // 58384
0xE510 MLI2 IC_LIZARDMAN2 // 58640
0xE520 MLI3 IC_LIZARDCASTER3 // 58656
0xE600 MMYC IC_MYCONID // 58880
0xE610 MMY2 IC_MYCONID2 // 58896
0xE700 MNO1 IC_OROG1 // 59136
0xE710 MNO2 IC_OROG2 // 59152
0xE720 MNO3 IC_OROG3 // 59168
0xE800 MOR1 IC_ORC_MELEE1 // 59392
0xE810 MOR2 IC_ORC_RANGE2 // 59408
0xE820 MOR3 IC_ORC_MELEE3 // 59424
0xE830 MOR4 IC_ORC_RANGE4 // 59440
0xE840 MOR5 IC_ORC_SHAMAN // 59456
0xE900 MSAL IC_SALAMANDER // 59648
0xE910 MSA2 IC_SALAMANDER2 // 59664
0xEA00 MSHR IC_SHROOM // 59904
0xEA10 MSH1 IC_SHADE // 59920 = Free Slot per Ghost Slot, removes conflict with BA
0xEA20 MSH2 IC_SHADE2 // 59936 = Free Slot per Ghost Slot
0xEB00 MSKT IC_SKELETON0 // 60160
0xEC00 MWIG IC_WIGHT // 60416 = Free Slot per Wight Slot
0xEC10 MWI2 IC_WIGHT2 // 60432 = Free Slot per Wight Slot
0xEC20 MWI3 IC_WIGHT3 // 60448 = Free Slot per Wight Slot
0xED00 MYU1 IC_YUANTI // 60672
0xED10 MYU2 IC_YUANTI2 // 60688
0xED20 MYU3 IC_YUANTI3 // 60704
0xEE00 MZO2 IC_ZOMBIE // 60928 = Free Slot per Wight Slot
0xEE10 MZO3 IC_ZOMBIE2 // 60944 = Free Slot per Wight Slot
Posted 01 December 2007 - 12:46 PM
Also, been toying around with some animations. I wanted to take the SPBLOOD.bam and somehow create a chunking animation that could be shared by several animations... but that didnt get very far. What I did do is created my own blood splatter animation and have already tested it out in the game.

If you think this will do for a shared death animation... let me know. Also, if any of you can think of what creatures could possibly use this... please jump right in and start listing them. I would like to see more of the PST animations with new homes.
Posted 01 December 2007 - 02:16 PM
You could do a grouping of golems and certain types of elementals, they could easily have a similar death animation as the magic that holds them together crumbles.Okay, now to the next group. Am thinking about the skeletons, or possibly the goblins (which would free up alot more slots).
Also, been toying around with some animations. I wanted to take the SPBLOOD.bam and somehow create a chunking animation that could be shared by several animations... but that didnt get very far. What I did do is created my own blood splatter animation and have already tested it out in the game.![]()
If you think this will do for a shared death animation... let me know. Also, if any of you can think of what creatures could possibly use this... please jump right in and start listing them. I would like to see more of the PST animations with new homes.
Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
Posted 06 December 2007 - 04:37 PM
Can you change the colours without using extra slots? Brown might not suit all creatures.
Edited by Ascension64, 06 December 2007 - 04:37 PM.
Retired Modder
Note: I do not respond to profile comments/personal messages in regards to troubleshooting my modifications. Please post on the public forums instead.
Baldur's Gate Trilogy-WeiDU and Mods
Throne of Bhaal Extender (TobEx)
Contributions: (NWN2) A Deathstalker (voice acting) - (IWD2) IWD2 NPC Project (soundset editing) - (Misc) SHS PC Soundsets (voice acting)
Legacy: (BG/Tutu/BGT) Beregost Crash Fixer 1.9 (18 Jul 10) - (BG2) Enable conversations with charmed/dominated creatures (18 Jul 10) - (BG2) Experience Corrections (18 Jul 10) - (Misc) Platform Conversion Utility RC2 (13 Feb 10)
Posted 05 January 2008 - 10:46 AM
Also, maybe this slot could be combined with some of the goblins? LC has the Fire Beetle also in that slot, but maybe that could be moved to one of the other beetle slots (MBBM or MBET). He also has the goblin shaman at MBFIQ and goblin leader at MBFIW from IWD there, which might work out ok.
Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle
Posted 13 March 2008 - 01:50 PM
Can't believe how much work you're putting in on this!
They say the world is going to Hell.
They are wrong.
The world IS Hell! Always has been, always will be; except perhaps for the five percent or so of the population who can afford differently.
And, if one must reside in Hell, it is far better to do it as a minion of the Devil than as a member of the damned.
* * * * * *
LOVE SUCKS: It makes fools and slaves of us all.
But being alone and unloved is worse.
- Nancy A. Collins "Thin Walls" * * * * * *
Posted 13 March 2008 - 07:13 PM
"Tyranny is a quiet thing at first, a prim and proper lady pursing her lips and shaking her head disapprovingly, asking, well what were you doing (wearing that dress, walking home at that hour, expressing those inappropriate thoughts) anyway? It's subtle and insidious, disguised as reasonable precautions which become more and more oppressive over time, until our lives are defined by the things we must avoid. She's easy enough to agree with, after all, she's only trying to help -- and yet she's one of the most dangerous influences we face, because if she prevails, it puts the raping, robbing, axe-wielding madmen of the world in complete control. Eventually they'll barely need to wield a thing, all they'll have to do is leer menacingly and we fall all over ourselves trying to placate them." -godlizard
Posted 13 March 2008 - 08:17 PM
The character animations (those starting with C) are "palettable" whereas many of the monster BAMs (starting with M) generally are not, meaning they have hard-coded colours assigned. There are exceptions to this (such as for hobgoblins) but orogs have hard-coded colours. You can tell by looking at the BAMs (they don't have those weird colours). The orogs could, however, share the same slot, since they have the same forms, and would only need to have a common death animation that resembles both. Though Galactygon claims to have a way around this, if we all wait for Lost Crossroads. In the meantime, sharing similar animations on one slot seems to be the best solution, assuming a) they can use a common death sequence and b) they're fine with having the same (unmovable) weapon type for each creature animation.Question. You know the weird psychedelic colors the player animations come in, and how those are filled in with specified colors in the creature file? Is that process hard-coded to slots? Because otherwise you could free up a few more slots where there are two animation slots for color variations (IE, the orange and black orogs), albeit that would mean modifying the BAMs by hand.
I hope Cuv isn't gone long-term - I really wanted to see this project progress.
Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle
Posted 13 March 2008 - 08:29 PM
The character animations (those starting with C) are "palettable" whereas many of the monster BAMs (starting with M) generally are not, meaning they have hard-coded colours assigned. There are exceptions to this (such as for hobgoblins) but orogs have hard-coded colours. You can tell by looking at the BAMs (they don't have those weird colours). The orogs could, however, share the same slot, since they have the same forms, and would only need to have a common death animation that resembles both. Though Galactygon claims to have a way around this, if we all wait for Lost Crossroads. In the meantime, sharing similar animations on one slot seems to be the best solution, assuming a) they can use a common death sequence and b) they're fine with having the same (unmovable) weapon type for each creature animation.Question. You know the weird psychedelic colors the player animations come in, and how those are filled in with specified colors in the creature file? Is that process hard-coded to slots? Because otherwise you could free up a few more slots where there are two animation slots for color variations (IE, the orange and black orogs), albeit that would mean modifying the BAMs by hand.
I hope Cuv isn't gone long-term - I really wanted to see this project progress.
And there would be more to fixing this than going through and changing the "hard-coded" avatar color regions into collections of the same weird colors, and adding the palette parts into the appropriate CREs?
"Tyranny is a quiet thing at first, a prim and proper lady pursing her lips and shaking her head disapprovingly, asking, well what were you doing (wearing that dress, walking home at that hour, expressing those inappropriate thoughts) anyway? It's subtle and insidious, disguised as reasonable precautions which become more and more oppressive over time, until our lives are defined by the things we must avoid. She's easy enough to agree with, after all, she's only trying to help -- and yet she's one of the most dangerous influences we face, because if she prevails, it puts the raping, robbing, axe-wielding madmen of the world in complete control. Eventually they'll barely need to wield a thing, all they'll have to do is leer menacingly and we fall all over ourselves trying to placate them." -godlizard
Posted 13 March 2008 - 08:56 PM
Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle
Posted 13 March 2008 - 11:26 PM
I talked to him a month ago or so. He was immersed in Oblivion and experimenting with modding it and he said he was seriously bored with BG for the time. Though I expect he will come back at some point of time ;-)I hope Cuv isn't gone long-term - I really wanted to see this project progress.
Posted 28 April 2008 - 12:24 PM
I have a vision of creating ¨BG 2 variety mod¨ a mod which will use imported creature animations from other IE games.
I can see Hargrimm as one of the Liches in BG 2. Iron Golems from IWD series IMO are much cooler than those in BG and can replace them altogether.
General NPC animations from PST might also be use to provide variety to how Amn citizen look like in game.
The possibilities are endless.
It would be so cool to have all the IE games creature animations available in BG 2.
Keep up the good work!
Posted 16 March 2011 - 06:20 AM
Like you,Did the Avitar for Mort ever get completed? I couldn't find it on downloads . Can't believe how much work you're putting in on this! MiM
I'd like to know if the Mimir was indeed converted ...

Edited by salomonkane, 16 March 2011 - 06:48 AM.