Embarrassed by Karandras for the above posting atrocity

, I humbly submit my dumbest atrocity to date! (Edit: Damn! I should have edited this into the prior post!

Continuing with AF's Really Dumb Deal with the Devil ...
Brinn: Who are you???
I am Eluna! You were praying for some help?

Brinn: Our dear friend, the Adoring Fan, completely adores only HIMSELF after making a deal with the devil!
Eluna: Yeah, given what Satan bestowed upon him, I imagine he turns the ladies on, eh?
Brinn: Except that it is an evil plot by Satan to take their souls away!
Brinn: Don't look now, Eluna, but they are over there! Look into their eyes - what is left of them!!!Eluna: Holy Divine Doo-Doo! I gotta go now, my dear! Stay away from him! I will be in touch!
In the meantime, AF is not so happy with how his girls look, so he visits Satan.
AF: Devil Dude, we
really need to talk! You gave me this huge pair of *erm* underwear, and all hang real well with me - but my girls only stare blankly and aren't much fun any more!

Satan: Heheh, well Fan Boy, you asked for the hot girls, but you never talked about their hearts and souls.
AF: Sheesh! And remember that time I asked you to make me feel ONE with my beautiful Yilandria? I have a few issues with your work there too, Satan!Satan: When you sign a contract always read the fine print! And besides, you two ARE one there - merged right between her huge... I mean, at the heart! Come on, that looks very comfy!
AF: Well, my head yes, but her panties are really restrictive! How the hell do women wear such tight outfits?
Suddenly, Luna appears!
Luna: Satan is a very bad influence on you, AF!

Luna: Leave AF alone, Satan! He is an innocent at heart!
Satan: He sold his soul for what is in his underwear now! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Luna: You tricked him! He will gladly return your underworld undies for his eternal soul!
AF: I will??? I like my hugeness down there now!
Luna: Not this again!!!
Luna: Listen up, AF! You see that Red Orb around you? You are almost totally taken over by Satan now! You must go for my place of blue above these gross red realms! I smell real nice too, don't I lover boy? Now follow me! AF: But I love my new power panties, Luna!
Satan: Gets them everytime!
Edited by greatfool1, 22 October 2007 - 08:03 AM.