Some of you may know this mod. It was taken from the wonderful Clan Dlan website.
Basically my lady wanted a good aligned thief NPC for BG2 without alot of dialogue and quests. I stumbled across this one and thought "Eh, why not?" A few PMs with Immortality and K'aloree and I was given permission to upload it to my folder here. In addition, you can also find it on The Wizard's wonder mirrors as well.
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Spellhold Studios
IEGMC America
IEGMC Canada
Baldur's Gate II
Taim 1.2
by MajorTomSawyer -
(As you may have guessed)
Table of Contents
I. About
II. Installation
III. Components
IV. Tools
V. Version History
VI. Special Thanks
I. About:
I am sure many of you are axing yourselves; "Self, why would MTS dust-off and translate a NPC without dialgoues or quests?" The answer? Well, sistersinister wanted a good-aligned male thief to play in BG2. I stumbled across this mod, and thought; "Eh, why not?" As many of you know I am just a student of modding.. If nothing else this was an execrcise for me to help learn more. Taim can be found in the docks district.
From the original author:
"A very simple thief, without dialogues nor quests."
From sistersinister:
"He slices, he dices, and he's fully quest free!"
P.S. (From MTS)
Sorry there is no Spanish readme, but I have not figured out how to .tra a mod and have seperate readme files.
If there is enough interest in this, I would be happy too add dialogue expansions to the mod. Feel free to post them on the boards. That's the great thing about a NPC with no real personality to speak of, makes it easy to write for them!
II. Installation:
BGII is required. ToB is optional. Taim should work fine with any WeiDU mod.
Unzip the main RAR file into your BGII main directory. This is normally:
C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\
Run (click on) "Setup-Taim.exe".
Then choose which components you would like to install. You may always uninstall them later by re-running "Setup-Taim.exe".
As far as I know, you do *not* need to start a new game to take advantage of anything you installed. But some of them only help at the beginning.
III. Components:
1) Taim, the sans dialgoue, sans quest, and Non-Kitted Chaotic Good Thief NPC
This will install the .cre file into your game. It will also append area 0300.bcs so you can acutally find him. I think it is obvious that this component is required.
2) Original English Dialogue.
This is the original dialogue (translated by Sprite Moni) by Mhoram. It breaks the fourth wall, but in a rather humorous manner. Not everyone might like it, but I wanted to include everything that was part of the original mod.
3) Non fourth-wall breaking English Dialogue
This is a quick edit of the joining dialogue by me, which removes the fourth wall breaks.
4) Original Spanish Dialogue.
This is the original dialogue as written by Mhoram. No changes have been made.
5) Original Raistlin Portrait
In the original release of this mod by Mhoram, a portrait of Raistlin was used. Not everyone might like it, but I wanted to include everything that was part of the original mod.
6) sistersinister's pick for the strong silent type
By sistersinister: "The picture of the perfect male. He doesn't say much, and he's pretty to boot."
By MTS: Bonus points to anyone who can guess who the person in the pic actually is (no it is not me)!
IV. Tools:
Near Infinity
MS Paint (sistersinister)
V. Version History
1.2 - Corrected a few bugs in the .tps and renamed folders,
1 - Initial release.
VI. Special Thanks:
(in alphabetical order)
*Black Wyrm, Blacksheep Mods, Chosen of Mystra, Gibberlings Three, Pocket Plane, RPG Dungeon, Spellhold Studios, TeamBG, and - For hosting great mods and having boards to support them.
*Dr Pepper - How could anyone mod without caffene?
*Hlidskiaff - For telling me that I could create my own mod, and answering an assload of questions.
*Immortality - For letting me know that no one has been able to contact the original author for a while and giving me permission to go ahead and release this mod.
*Mhoram - For creating the original version of this mod.
*SConrad - For helping me with many questions.
*Sir BillyBob, Seifer, Idobek, igi, Seanas, Sticz, CamDawg, Rabain, and The Bigg - For helping me with so many stupid modding questions.
*Sister Sinister - For putting up with my BG2 obession, help with the dialogue, help with the readme, and picking the alternate portrait.
*Sprite Moni - For translation help. My spanish is embarassing!
*Ted's Pipe Shoppe - For supplying the best tobacco anywhere, which keeps me sane.
*Wes Weimer - For creating WEIDU. That tool kicks ass.
Edited by skellytz, 15 January 2025 - 11:54 AM.